by @lagunarium
00:00:00 welcome back to my raging Echo 2025 leagues Journey there’s new relics new areas as well as new combat masteries and of course the new Echo bosses I’m going to be rushing all of the content uploading daily so don’t miss out subscribe and I’ll see you guys for the rest of the [Music] video holy crap welcome back to another episode and we have four relics already two combat relics as well as 2,580 points of 364k cash dude I’ve got infinite money look at this just buy some Rune legs buy some more all right
00:00:36 that’s all we got look I start alking it’ll just do it on its own if you are enjoying this series this is episode 2 day two Please Subscribe and hit the Bell icon and let’s get right into the well what am I going to say get right into The League episode I guess all right let’s do this all right well we got more money so we might as well do room plates now you know like oh my it’s just so nice look at this nine room plates now just start Alin go and do our next stuff I think telling toar is a task teleport using LW runes I got 70 LW
00:01:07 runes from my Elite clue I finish we are gaming I literally have one mil cash again like every time I I just run out of money so I need a few Mill at least to be able to go and do stuff while this happens so crazy golden God’s insane holy CRA look how many people are here I’m trying to enter the um crop circle here we go take us away bud I got 1.4 mil cash now Golden God doing work another 10 points from perro very nice I just tell you to dig site get all the trail and [ __ ] and then I tell you straight back to where is it uh
00:01:45 to the actual dig site and then I’m up here oh it’s so good dude I literally found it on two digs I’m such a high roller all right well straight back to the digs side Exam Center that’s actually crazy opal or whatever Jade and I got it instantly as well earlier and there it is 30 points for showing him a buckle all right we’re already up to 2 million coins now oh it’s just too easy Golden God if people don’t take this they are trolling like genuinely oh row row row you boat you know give me that 10 points all right we
00:02:24 just got 103 Kudos so now we should be able to get some XP please yes teach me boom 36 crafting is that it and 37 mining okay very nice literally in the middle of Daddy’s home I forgot to do this earlier put the Hat on the hat stand and that’s a task beautiful all right so I need bolts of cloth and a saw well wouldn’t that be you know I have to run all the way to the Sawmill but you know what let’s just teleport straight there why not so crazy dude all right buy three of these buy one of these they’re noted so I have to unnote them
00:03:02 but then we’re chilling with infinite money I can just make as many planks as I want as well it’s so nice oh I love it dude golden god Gamers like look at this step dude it’s like okay go to The Sawmill and make some waxwood logs I just go straight back and I’m just done I don’t even have to run there oh my this is too free boom done and I just tell straight back look at this holy crap that’s crazy and we’re almost at yeah like 4 mil cash now and we’ve just hit 700 total level 1.8 million XP already and instant 19
00:03:47 construction from this Quest might get a little more right here by finishing it and there it is 24 construction already very nice what what’s in the crate I think you have like Construction Supplies or something I’m a harpoon Noob I literally cannot get an iron iron or I just need one oh yes okay task done they was just stealing them from me we’re up to 4.2 mil oh the money Farm continues I want to see that green stack man oh I can’t wait I can already buy all the obsidian gear and do that task but I’m
00:04:17 just knocking out these easier ones at the moment 50 room plates completely forgot to do this earlier but that’s full add for another 30 points all right so I run out of smithing supplies uh so I’ll just quickly you know tell you the shanty pass and just buy [ __ ] bronze bars dude which is just like look at this they’re noted as well all right well that’s instant smithing whatever level I want you know 300 bronze bars that should be enough I think and this should be it 70 magic so I can ice burst
00:04:47 now actually which will be another task I could do we’re actually at exactly 2800 points so they hit my next Relic I need 5,000 what travel to Fossil Island 10 points very nice where the H’s Peter gone he’s disappeared all right let’s build this Bank Booth nice that’s a task as well 30 points and I’m instant 27 all right let’s do the well oh I need a bucket and rope I’m trolling is that all I need there we go well is done 30 construction oh it’s three soft clay for the fire pit all right 34 construction after that
00:05:28 all right let’s do the loom 8K XP I’m 39 already I’m literally almost 40 construction beautiful all right let’s put our fossils on this one I guess wait what more fossil limbs ah how do I even identify it I’ve forgotten all right identifying all our fossils beautiful all right and now let’s go make a display and get some XP I’m going to use it on herb I think level 10 it should jump a lot all right surely it works this time okay nice one more XP lamp let’s go with wait what I need 20 herbl all right I’m
00:06:10 holding on to it then you know just doing what rich people do 25k room no issues at all what game should we make is it here is this where I make the game or maybe a ranging game Space let’s try that one let’s go with hoop and stick all right let’s win Tas completed land hoop on Stick second try 30 points there’s a run ax on the floor the guy’s AFK I’m depressed this is crazy just hours into the game mode I have 10 mil cash already like what all right five Tino very nice all right and that’s level 40
00:06:54 mining which is 750 total as well as I can go and do the Crum jari task as well all right make a bronze bar nice that’s a task make an iron bar we’re trying to knock out into rela now since I have the money oh sorry I missed the popup smel an iron bar done and there’s actual 40 death nice all right and that’s easy kja diary completed very nice yo let me take the bones bro all there we go nice all right come on give me my thing I want to be able to use my double lamp here so now got the gloves we can go do
00:07:31 our obsidian task and we are putting this on herbl 10 to 26 and then 26 to 36 beautiful all right well time to smash these runes dude oh it just feels so good honestly it just feels so good I’m going to buy let’s see let’s go with like 10K deaths and then that should be good enough to go and get all of the Obby tasks done as well as have an extra set for me to train in later oh it’s so broken man like look at this 6,000 chaos 20,000 of this I mean that’s just it’s just insane it is [Music] insane all right that is
00:08:28 922k tle dude all right first things first let’s buy an onyx cuz why not 200 points just like that instantly let’s buy an Obby Cape buy Obby Shield Obby sword and whatever this spatula thing is and then lastly the katom there it is oh what I have to wield it to get the point all right can I even wear this I can wear the cape I can’t wear the shield I can’t wear any of this cuz I don’t have the levels for it well I can only wear the cap for now but this is all crazy point all right obtain a gem while mining I think it’s
00:09:04 two it’s obtain a gem and mine a rock oh no it’s just one I needed a red topaz I got it and that should be another task yep another 10 point and that is cut a sapphire all right I’m not sure if you can do this on this alter or if you need to do it in your house but I’m just going to quickly try apparently you can use coins on an alter to get prayer XP 1K XP per 20K wow dude that’s crazy all right let’s quickly get overheads then why not I got the money right this is so crazy dude I’m using money for prayer XP I’m 40
00:09:41 okay what do we got R protect from range protect from Mage I think there’s some prayer tasks as well anyways look at this just spamming money to get prayer levels holy crap that’s so beautiful I actually want to get pretty high pray I’m not going to lie it’s quite expensive but like you know we we’re rolling in it doesn’t even matter at this point all right let’s go down to okay we’ll just get what are we at we need 49 at least surely get the heart prayer One More Level easy combat levels as well to be
00:10:20 honest there we go 49 prayer we got all the overheads use protect from melee I don’t know what other tasks I can have I’m just putting everything on at this point yeah I don’t know I think we got all the tasks we could very nice I’m quickly changing some stuff on the YouTube video getting the title thumbnail up for episode one so as you can see it’s just pickpocketing everything around here crazy XP drops full AFK and my alks are going so I’m getting like millions of Mage XP and millions of feeding XP an
00:10:49 hour right now just AFK completely all right we’ve moved on to manif fight thugs getting 1.1k XP drops per feed now plus our alking just going crazy look at our cash pile that’s just insane all right let’s get some XP I’m still aling while in here that’s crazy I was literally collecting the wrong one something is wrong with my brain I was click I was clicking green cuz I thought green is good there’s no way wow I only got 52 I’m such a troll at least it couldn’t go into negative cuz I was drinking the green for like 10
00:11:28 years all we got a task for that 30 points and level 19 farming as well very nice base level fives as well three task left all right little uh little casket time black Helm steel plate skirt G all right interesting equip some black armor I didn’t even know that was a task all right well two off the uh next area chop this down turn it into a plank as well I think all right Min a mess one task to go oh I was AFK but yeah we just unlocked a new area so let’s finally do it and we’re going with Echo dagoth Kings for
00:12:10 the new items you get the Amulet of the monarchs is crazy look at these stats plus 30 in everything 15 strength range strength magic strength 10 prayer like that’s just just crazy the ring as well is 15 in everything like that’s even better than an Al touring you know what I mean like just it’s just too op to like not not unlock it so yeah here we go and now for my secret plan to smash through through the next tier and there it is 75 fing which means we can do the summer garden task I’m pretty sure but
00:12:40 you can see I’m reaching thugs over there like it’s just crazy our cash P’s like piling up and yeah we’re going to go for a hard push in a second for the next Relic and 37 tasks from the fic area as well all right agility course one task wow man this game is so easy look how good I am at this like oh I just know exactly where all the RS do you guys remember doing this without plugins oops oh no what have I done literally with a plugin I’ve messed up that’s no good that is no good no way I have literally a run light cheat plugin
00:13:21 basically it’s literally cheating like this look at this crap and I actually messed it up so embarrassing dude all right let’s get these air runes in M runes okay body runes almost done yeah once you unlock this like in the desert man you get blood runes as well I can cast there’s so many points locked behind this is it open look at that beautiful I have to go to soften him no issue dude let’s just teleport straight there nice I got a lamp from the beekeepers event put on her D 37 very nice I finished this thing
00:14:01 so I can buy the runes from Ali so I’m just going to keep buying all these blood runes from this shop like it looks pretty good oh I didn’t put the air runes in ah there we go once I get to fry I can just go to Bob yag or whatever dude I literally missed one Rune again there’s something wrong with my brain I swear and there we got 38 Bloods this time 50 laws so I can keep stopping stopping up laws to uh put it in my house uh which is good so I’ll do a few more of these all right this should be a
00:14:34 task I’m pretty sure wave spell pass away 80 points that’s so good all right room one done that’s room two done very nice 10 points each time like it’s free 70 points or whatever you know he wearing beekeeper piece yeah that’s a task ni 30 points wow from the random event I quickly came here and did 81 feeding so that I can get level seven floor unlock that’s room three room four and now we’re getting 30 points of room so it’s actually even more than I suspected all right room five another 30 points and that is room six one more
00:15:19 room to go dude we gained so many points holy [ __ ] where literally 1,400 from next Relic and 28 from next region oh I just can’t wait to get the f man got to use the stone Mason and my cash pile is going to go infinite all right here it is the final one room seven 80 points Jesus I swear killing a crocodile is a task now right let’s try no I got PJ he’s running away bro all right is it a t oh it actually is and it’s 30 points as well dude it’s so quick this time around all right we’re about to get mass mass points
00:16:07 right here look at this 30 points ice rush and then ice burst should be another one and Ice Blitz should be another one as well yo I’m going to die all right 80 points for ice burst and then how much is Blitz and Ice spits 80 points beautiful well I’m Al while on ancients that’s crazy I think I have enough bone bolts wh a doggy 30 points beautiful all right so we’re just camping dark Wizards for an earth sorry a fire tally and a water I already sniped the Earth tally early once I get all three I can do like five tasks and
00:16:51 they’re really fast as well also I’ll show you my quick uh prayer method I just tell last location go straight upstairs here and there’s just an alter right here and then I can tell he straight back to the chronicle which is really nice all right you know what time it is I feel like I’ve been having to go back and forth a little too quick so let’s uh you know let’s just quickly spend like 5 mil on prayer golden god gang you know back at it let’s see how much am I actually getting here look at the levels just flying
00:17:24 up it’s just crazy dude I’m already 51 oh this is just craziness all right let’s fast forward it all right that should be 60 prayer there it is 60 pray just like that got Smite now now very nice Jo this is a casket yeah what do we get demon feet gain a unique item from a beginner bro I’m a demon no way 15 collection loog slots 30 points as well D I actually look like a godamn demon and there it is 40 range all right well let’s just get these hel and there it is already one fire t so we just need
00:18:30 the water and we’re done here oh little cheeky Mage upgrade Dark robe equip the wizard robe and a hat Oh I thought it had to be the blue ones nice we just got a task there it is it’s done okay all Tally’s done very very nice it’s time to unlock another Mastery combat Mastery let’s go for the third one all right so I don’t know if I’m strong enough yet but I need to try and solo scorus well let’s see how we go prettyy sure you just pray Meely and I’m worried about when he eats if I can out DPS him but with relics you should be
00:19:07 able to you know just give a little cheeky side step got to watch out for his range and Mage attacks as well not hidden too hot he’s going to heal a lot as well it’s the problem wait is for it’s worth using like a whole Envy of food for this and stuff cuz the combat Relic and if I get it it’s one tick faster to cast on every single cast but yeah this is a private i h a 36 by the way [Music] we’re only tanking one come on finish it off I’m going to eat is it dead yes all right I did it I did it I’ve never
00:20:40 killed this boss in my life by the way and I just got a rune battle act which is a task garus novice equip the Rune weapon is another point so I just gained 60 points right there actually beautiful very nice all right so now we have another combat Mastery let’s um yeah let’s do that let me how do I leave there we go all right so our third combat Mastery right here magic so now we have one tick faster actually uh confirm there it is three combat masteries done damn dude feels good let’s get full green deide I
00:21:22 accidentally bought a not to let’s not talk about it that should be a task equip the full green D i’ set 30 points what equipped an addy weapons of task I didn’t know that what the hell myth weapons of task as well I didn’t even know it’s taking forever I’m going to have to fast forward this clip [Music] dude that took way too long what oh crap reach combat level 75 30 points beautiful just 13 tasks away and I think I get two tasks right here if I’m not mistaken use a statue on it should be Quest
00:22:22 complete pre 60 to 63 and then pray at it that should be another task right yeah so now we’re 11 tasks from the next area all right fiic here we come we’re smashing it out right now it’s time all right there we go one task done 32 mil cash as well what I got a rune Med I don’t even have a l run to telegrab it oh well dude I could not find this dog I had to Google it there we go that’s a task nine to go dude I yeah like even last season I um talked to the sister as well oh I forgot a cup of tea GG all right surely
00:23:06 now right there we go got the task all right got another Quest that’s good seven to go all right does it count as a spear surely right what it doesn’t even though it’s a bone spear doesn’t count as a spear all right kill a chicken with the fist well that works I literally got a got a bronze spear in like 3 casc off a off a goblin five tasks that means and we will be in the next region wait what how did that not count kill a goblin holding a spear does that mean kill a goblin that’s holding a spear and not me
00:23:52 holding a spear cuz if that’s so that’s troll as [ ] nice Chad helped out there there we go kill a goblin holding a spear nice five tasks left oh I was AFK but yeah we just unlocked a new area so let’s finally do it and we’re going with Echo [ ] Kings for the new items you get the Amulet of the monarchs is crazy look at these stats plus 30 in everything 15 strength range strength magic strength 10 prayer like that’s just just crazy the ring as well is 15 in everything like that’s even better than an alour
00:24:27 ring you know what I mean like just it’s just too op to like not not unlock it so yeah here we go and now for my secret plan to smash through to the next TI all right m a mess one task to go all right another mvy done and that’s another set of planks let’s go all right 74 to 75 almost 76 okay damn it’s going to be close I really want 78 though yeah people on stream were asking like why I even bothered to bank past Max cash and this is why cuz I’m going for like 25 plus M XP cuz you get so many points 76 almost 77 I have one more mvy
00:25:10 after this I really hope it’ll hit me to 78 I think I’ve actually got like the perfect amount let’s have a look yep it I’ll just get there 133k per uh thing and I’ll keep the gold SN for the next one as well all right the perfect amount let’s go finish this off and then straight onto the marble wall I don’t even know what room I need to build for that but we’ll have to look it up all right come on 78 right here there it is beautiful all right so apparently it’s made in the superior Garden it’s the
00:25:44 fence apparently so uh what does it require eight marble blocks each time it’s expensive all right we are on our way towards 93 Mage I’m pretty sure we spent like well over a bill right there so we got 800 mil left plus the condensed gold kind of making us money back right now uh I think it should be okay I think the these ones that we’re going to make are cheaper than the gold sinks per XP I’m pretty sure but we’ll see all right I bought 300 blocks let’s see how much con con XP we get and how much per hour
00:26:18 XP it will I’m actually going to stop aling for just this section because you you need those two Envy slots like really badly I’m very stupid and I had to build a plus one boost cuz I didn’t even realize it’s a 48k XP drop and what the hell my house just went crazy when I did that okay dude I’m 7K XP from Level please don’t drain please don’t drain please don’t drain please don’t drain okay nice I don’t need a boost anymore why does it load like that it’s so so weird I don’t know if there’s a better way I can click
00:27:01 do that like building loading please wait okay we’re getting like 6 mil an hour so a little less than the sinks but I don’t have to go and cut trees so it’s definitely higher overall you know what I mean cut sinks cut trees sorry 80 construction another thing is once we get into the ‘ 90s we can do a different method again all right well let’s just do this efficiently and see how we [Music] go there it is 93 magic one level off the barrage I won’t even have to do a boost in Soul Wars to do it since I’ve
00:27:52 been busy with other things all right so I’ve decided is actually worth getting the top shelves so that I can get a plus three boost so when I’m 92 instead of 95 I can do the next best method it’s like 2 to three times XP of what I’ve been doing currently all right build a mahogany portal 30 points all right I wonder if this gives bonus XP that’s a gilded alter 80 points let’s make our burners nice do I use cash on it oh you do get it I was getting 1K XP on the Lage alter now I get 4k PR XP holy look
00:28:24 at this okay that is nuts let me get get the XP on screen let’s just do it for like a little bit where even is the prayer thing I can’t see it there it is let’s put it over here dude that is crazy golden god gang rise up look at that I is probably like 20 M XP an hour right you don’t miss any ticks and yeah I don’t even have the marals lit either you don’t even need it to be honest like the XP is so crazy let’s just get 70 for now and then we’ll do more of this later holy crap oh my God like literally we’ve got
00:29:15 99 prayer 99 con banked already on day one isn’t that crazy all right and that’s 89 construction very nice there it is 91 construction very nice we’re currently averaging 16 uh million XP an hour and I haven’t been like perfect or anything just kind of like you know taking it chill watching some stuff on the side as well you can see it jumps a lot every time I build as well so I could definitely get it higher all right this one should be the level if I do it properly I think it’s fine um that means yeah one more build
00:29:53 and then we can try to do the Boost method but I don’t know if it will work or not oh wait sorry one more last one where’s the level there it is 92 construction beautiful look at this animation golden sink things all right let’s build a throne room apparently this is how you do it come over here Crystal Throne 180k XP oh I didn’t couldn’t even tell that it was built it looks like it’s still the default 15 Stones as well though all right portal NEX oh Gold Leaf Magic Stone why can’t I build it oh you have
00:30:40 to do one at a time I see I see okay there’s one upgrade four marble blocks again two gold leaes all right and the final upgrade crystalline portal Nexus beautiful and there it is 94 five levels from my first 99 literally within a day of release I’m so happy with how we’ve been doing all right let’s XP check I didn’t know that you can menu swap so I’ve just done that now look how much easier is I just Spam click like this look at this 95 task complete first level 95 beautiful 200 points by the way
00:31:19 there’s so many points at these very high levels that I’m about to get as well how we doing 21 million XP right now by the way and in one level I can boost again and get an even better method which is the Demonic Throne so uh yeah I mean this is going crazy right now I still can’t believe I didn’t know you can menu swap though like this XP rate is so much better now if I don’t misclick my teleports there we go oh yeah I’ll be back once we get to the Demonic Throne all right there it is 96 meaning I can
00:31:49 boost to the Demonic now and it’s a lot of points let’s go do it all we’re still boosted don’t lose the Boost don’t lose the Boost don’t lose the Boost boom 400 points just like that that’s crazy I see if we can get another one I’m boosted I’m boosted oh I got drained again okay it might not be viable until I get 97 but yeah this one’s still 180 we will do the Demonic Thrones when we can but for now oh I brought the wrong thing for now we’ll just test out what we’ve been doing until we get there and then we’re
00:32:24 going to really test how much xp power you can get all right there it is one more level right there [Music] 97 98 one level to go all we’ like we’ve officially spent 1.4 Bill we had three bill now we at 1.6 bill this is all the gold I got left but we’re dumping the rest into more stones for the final level and then I don’t know what we’re going to do we could go 25 mil with just demonic Thrones and smash it only take probably an hour or less maybe like 50 40 minutes to get 25 mil XP but we’ll see we’ll see we’ll see how much cash we
00:33:02 have after this all right the rest of the cash we have 100 DSE gold just to make more money and then 600 we’ll finish off this 99 and see where we stand we’ll do demonic after 99 just cuz it’s like not realistic at all like having the Boost and having no teleport is just rough all right the final build boom 99 our first 99 in leagues within 24 hours as well let’s get the skill Cape as well now we have teleports to the house and it’s on my back so I actually can do demonic Thrones with this teleport and have enough Envy space
00:33:36 so let’s see how much xp per hour it is with demonics I really hope you can buy the skill Cape here I think you can right isn’t it any estate agent can sell you it oh we got a random event okay okay please give me strength pot what I got 300 coins I thought you get a potion skill cape of construction oh look at that untrimmed as well oh beautiful what a Chad we need new MJ RS by the way we have it unlocked let’s go get it come on and there it is completed 86 feeding beautiful oh pinball pinball yeah I’m
00:34:20 down what I got logged out dude I got nerd loged so I don’t get my bloody random event task come on man oh never mind I do yes all right what do we get task completed hey complete the pinball event 30 points nice only 690 from um the next Relic now level up completed oh 87 feeding level up completed 88 feeding feeding we’ve moved location there’s just more AFK while I edit this vid so I’m just doing this but the Gema is quicker if you are actively playing all right 96 magic just a few levels to go for that
00:35:15 200 points that we want and yeah I mean Mage Cape is nice as well but I guess we’re going Grim so the active is not that great yeah this cape definitely the best thing to get first and that’s the whole reason I did this strategy is like now I can teleport everywhere I have stash units every house portal and I still have desert tasks to do and I have tasks to do in brim Haven as well changing book here should give me a task yep 10 points very nice all right this should be a task right here using the
00:35:46 bank nice all right this is actually unironically our best mage gear right now so uh yeah I mean it looks a bit troll but like look at the bonuses compared before you know I was at let’s have a look 20 I at 29 I was at 16 so it’s a lot more plus 10 it’s almost double let’s go to the Hut as well it’s a good thing to do this shop is what we needed man is so good okay well now we’ll never run out of um you know runes to barrage or anything like that that’s for sure buy a bunch of them kind of expensive but I
00:36:26 mean at this point we have so much money it doesn’t matter can literally do whatever I want just buy whatever I want uh yeah it should be good for now I think and it’s you know I save like 90% of my runes as well which is crazy I was not paying attention we got 94 Mage so that means we can Chuck some ice barager soon 80 combat as well our gear is much better that’s for sure we can drop all this crap rip the demon feet just bought 30k LW runes just cuz why not you know and where is where’s Luna Telly I’m I’m lost what level 69 spell
00:37:07 is is the 80 Point task really okay I mean I’m not going to complain then is this a task no casting venge is not a task dude I just hit a 37 and a 34 wow oh wow okay he just died instantly kill AA all right nice I got got his hide and his tooth as well is it cuz it’s it’s like considered like they’re always on a Slayer task like Slayer Helm I don’t know oh we just bought an ancient stuff and an ancient s so we can make the thing in the house I don’t think it’s a task but might just be useful at some
00:37:45 point if I want a spell book but I’ll have grimoire I think later so might not be useful all right I’m pretty sure this is a task wait what never mind all they Chang it from the ancient to the astral one so we’ll do that in a sec ice barrage boom 200 points now we’re only 1250 points from the most OP Relic in the game wait no we’re not oh yes we are Bankers no op we’re taking that for sure all right 75 prey points region should be a task let me just drain the stats quickly and there we go 80 points very
00:38:24 nice all right they wanted me to make a cathe tab it don’t even have unlocked by the way but sure oh I’m not 96 Mage I got to get a mage boost how can I get one you know just teleport straight to the lighthouse ALK while on lunar buy a Wizard’s mine bomb Oh not noted though you know unnoted there we go buy that do a spell book swap easy peasy look at the points coming through plus 80 1,000 from Bankers no yeah [ __ ] I just realized I’m at 7K points that’s crazy less than 24 hours as well and that is 95 magic and
00:39:06 fire surge available all right we’re going to test out the the 25 mil XP rush let’s see how how much xp we get all right let’s see how much xp we get demonic Thrones to 25 mil right now I got to add it to the thing so it already says 18 mil it’s obviously going to drop cuz I’ve just only done one oh see how much on the second Envy wait what I just went I just telled to the house what what am I doing why is it still just going up it’s not going down at all right oh is it cuz it’s past 99 it’s bugged oh no it looks
00:39:41 okay it went down a bit it’s going down imagine with the bankers note I know dude crazy right but I am going to just do this to help me get Bankers note because it’s just it’s too easy it’s like 300K XP each time I need to remember to bank with Luna Isle I should Mark this [Music] to dude I’m literally getting 50 mil XP an hour so it take me half an hour to get to 25 mil for 200 points that’s so free actually though all right well let’s do it I guess all right the final one with the that batch dude we literally got to
00:40:24 almost 20 mil XP on those it was only like a few hundred as well 50 m XP an hour okay I mean this is crazy if you just want a free like if you got Golden God and you just want a free I don’t know 4 five wait it’s more it’s 800 points you get 400 for building it you get 200 for 99 you get 200 for 25 mil like that’s crazy free point all right so we’ve done the calculations for 1,000 points left if I get 25 mil construction that’ll be 800 points I do the Jad and all that stuff that should be like around 600 99 feeding 400 and then 99
00:40:58 fishing would be like 200 and then obsidian would just be like 500 on its own anyways or even more I could just not do that I could just literally do this and then go to uh Jad and it probably get my th000 points so have to decide which way to go but let’s buy we need 470 of these to finish off the construction all right this tab is 2.9 Bill almost we have 480 Stones so 500 stones and that’ll get us our 25 mil and then yeah we should be able to unlock all combat relics really quickly I won’t make make you watch it all I’ll just
00:41:28 skip to when we’ve actually got to 25 probably all right it’s me it’s only been a little bit since we uh started it’s only well not that many trips but yeah we’re about to hit the 25 mil and there should be another 200 points for us so we’ll keep the Demonic throne for now probably come back to this at some point it’s just free points but yeah 25 million XP within a day on construction since the release nice our farming P didn’t die good start you need a spade yikes all right so this should mean that I can get
00:42:02 there’s 21 very nice no point in keeping these but you know XP is not bad genuinely considering I just pay this man three sacks of cabbages all never mind let’s just compost it all right this is my new home while I Al oh it’s not noted damn I thought they’d be noted well anyway we get gems and it’s 5K XP drops dude what oh but you do have to drop the items constantly ah I see but not noted okay crazy XP I thought that’d be noted oh got a diamond I think I’ve cut one of those before 84 feeding very nice
00:42:48 dude this is literally going to be 99 within an hour for another 200 points oh I missed a level 85 and there it is 90 feeding on our way to 97 Mage as well so we’ve got two more skills in the ’90s now after constructions 25 mil damn dude if we get three that’s like three within 24 hours of League release like these relics that I’ve chosen are so fun so good if you just want to chill like they’re so AFK look you just pickpocket AFK completely AFK and then oh I’m lagging anyways you AFK and then what else was I doing
00:43:25 construction was super fast and free alking I haven’t done anything just alking on its own I don’t even click anything there we go I had to knock him out to get that task it wouldn’t let me just normal Pick Pockets the Blackjack all right 93 you know we’re halfway there technically now almost there getting about 12 M an hour feeding these gems so um yeah like pretty crazy XP rates 94 feeding I just missed the level 90 7 magic and we’re about to hit 95 feing as well completed and there we go 95 feeding very nice level up completed 96
00:44:07 feeding three levels to go two left in Mage so B about to break 3 99s and it yep I never said it the whole video but I can’t believe we’re going to hit 399 before 24 hours since leagues was launched little cheeky lamp on farming 23 to 27 we take those level up completed 97 both 97 now feeding is just so fast so like look at this 11.8 milph we’re approaching it the second last level for my 200 points and 98 okay one more level to go 99 feeding of course I missed it the last XP drop but there we go so now
00:44:51 we’re just 400 points from The Relic beautiful we got Mage coming up as well let’s get that knocked out with 60 death oh equ a a god book is 30 points nice with 380 from uh Relic all right so for those of you that don’t want to play very much this is another strategy I love you just get an damage book full tank AutoCast with um blood barage and you literally just go straight to 25 mil Mage that’s 400 points right there I’ll instantly get my Relic if I want to AFK the whole time or I might go to Jad and
00:45:23 you also get Slayer XP if you take the Slayer R like I did so I’m going straight to 55 Sligh which is oh we got 30 Bandits which also a task but um I get 55 slay and then I go kill a 55 slay monster I instantly get another Mastery so I’m going straight to the highest level Mastery combat Relic pretty much this way level up and I planned for this pretty early on but yeah it’s all coming together well I just missed the level but was 98 magic level up completed dude every single 2 seconds I just get HP
00:45:56 levels def levels so nice go straight for that 100 combat Mastery as well another thing is obviously I haveen on the fire Cape so this is where you come to get your you know if you need five pts 10 P pots just grab the ranar here from bursting it’s definitely the best place oh he’s got like from 40 to 66 death quickly should be two little tasks Le Tas where the he actually yeah 230 Point task level up all right um oh see engineer interrupting me I’m about to hit uh 99 Mage but we’re going to stay for 60
00:46:31 Slayer or 65 cuz dust devils and I don’t know what is at 60 but chat says apparently I can kill something there so it is a combat Master unlock all right it’s about to happen come on one more cast level up and there it is 99 magic 200 points 90 points until the next Relic very easy and will be at 8K points within a day nice clean 15 Tans task completed and there it is tier six Relic unlocked so let’s go with Bankers note obviously is what we’ve been talking about those of you that don’t know what
00:47:13 Banker note is basically you can note and unnote stuff anywhere in the game it is completely broken I need to go to the sage or near Bank all right let’s go and get it all right give me the bankers note we have it oh there we go unlock the bankers note oh they have a new new animation on it I think it looks different all right so I could bring like 1,000 prayer potions 1,000 cams and just note and unnote like this it’s so good all right well that has been my goal all along and tomorrow we are going
00:47:48 to absolutely destroy these combat masteries we’re going to get all three of these and some of these get get The Inferno Cape get the fire Cape it’s going to be a if you did enjoy this episode please subscribe and hit the Bell icon and I mean look at the bank dude 623 of these These are worth 10 mil each that’s over 6.3 Bill and once I Al them all it’s going to be over 8 bill which is just crazy have 8 bill in one day on leagues kind of nuts all right anyways I’ll see you guys tomorrow for another video