Leagues V: Raging Echoes
Leagues V: Raging Echoes worlds will go online today at 12:00 noon GMT. In typical fashion, this year’s League shakes up the formula with some new features:
- Echo Bosses: Nine fearsome new takes on familiar foes. There’s one Echo Boss in each region, although you won’t encounter them in the starting zones.
- Combat Masteries: Earn League Points by completing Combat Mastery Tasks! Each style has six tiers, with a maximum of 10 Points available.
- QoL, new Relics, and more!
Other Changes
- The loot tracker in the Official Client now records logs that went directly into a Log Basket.
- Raised the death protection value of Zealot Robes to reliably keep them above Superior Dragon Bones.
- When an upgraded Granite Maul turns to coins after a PvP death, the game now gives enough coins to reflect the values of both the Maul and the Ornate Handle.
- Updated in-game menus that previously referred to the Hard Leather Shield as a generic “Leather Shield”.
- Fixed a bug where NPC Prayer styles were not mitigating damage properly.
- Updated old Farming code.
- Refactored some Managing Miscellania code.
- Fixed a bug where a Sunfire Armour Clue Step did not appear in Varlamore.
- Ultimate Iron accounts can now talk to Death to toggle their death animations, if they have unlocked any.
- On special worlds such as Leagues and DMM, the Stronghold of Security will now always let you through the doors without a prompt.
- Added the missing 16 Magic Defence to the Dragonhunter Wand.
- Araxxor’s kickout mechanic has been refined to prevent players from getting stuck under its corpse.
Last Week
Last week we had a small engine update which didn’t warrant its own newspost, so in case you missed them, here are the changes already in-game:
- Fixed an issue where certain overhead chat messages failed to appear.
- Fixed an issue where yellow clicks were registered 4 pixels away from where they should be when playing with the fixed interface layout.
- Fixed invisible clan cloaks and vexillums.
- Fixed the missing “Walk here” option when there is no terrain under the mouse.
- Fixed Ctrl-Click walking incorrectly playing a run animation at the end of the movement cycle.
PvP Rota
The PvP rota has moved to Period A:
- 539 – (US) – PvP World
- 318 – (UK) – Bounty Hunter World
- 548 – (Germany) – High-Risk PvP World
- 577 – (US) – Free-to-Play PvP World
- 559 – (UK) – LMS Competitive
World 390 (AUS) for LMS Competitive has been activated with this rota.
World 569 (AUS) for Bounty Hunter has been activated with this rota.
The PvP Arena is using ‘1 Def Pure‘ loadouts in Ranked Duels and Tournaments this week.