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Tasks & Achievements - November 29, 2024

Leagues V has Begun! Day 2




by @YewJackOSRS

Raging Echoes has finally started! Day 2 here we come.

00:00:00 I can’t do it anymore I can’t I can’t uh I can’t wait okay I know it’s a little early I know it’s a little early all right but I I just I I run out of things to do like I I have big plans I want to like get started on like the actual leagues grinding stuff I didn’t really want to do anything too big while I was off stream so like uh hello welcome for the couple of you that are sitting here waiting let’s see I didn’t get to Too Much I mean other than like AFK thieving yeah yeah thieving you know so

00:00:40 like basically the only big thing big thing that I did last night I know I said this in the chat is I went and I afked a couple of tars or safe spot a couple of tars just to get myself up to the second Mastery but besides that I mean that’s pretty much it I I finished my like I got a skeleton Slayer task I think at some point on stream yesterday so I went through and I finished that so I’ve got a couple extra combat levels but mostly just thieving 97 thieving I also did a little bit of AFK fishing um so got

00:01:12 through a couple of tasks with that like some swordfish Lobster and shark tasks but yeah otherwise I’m I’m pretty much here pretty much ready to go um first area should you unlock I guess it depends what build you’re going what areas are you currently looking at how many hours did I pull day one um well it was 9 hours on the stream hung out with my wife for a couple and then came back on and basically just thieved and fished for the rest of the night so it was like I don’t know 14 15 hours probably

00:01:48 something like that I mean yeah like I I I could go and finish the 99 I actually think it’s extremely fast even though I’m like not on that strong of a multiplier just because like uh the the drops from gem stalls are like 3K and change so it’s like a ton yeah I guess let me uh let’s let me drop this junk thought I’d try to come here for some herbs just to like maybe solve my herb problem a little bit later but for now I want to do like mainly combat stuff cuz I’d really I’d really like to get up to like six if I can which would

00:02:25 mean beating scarious getting 100 combat 55 Slayer and Chad yeah I think that’s [Music] everything um if you want to unlock morania first I mean I think you can I I don’t love morania as like the first region just because I think that there’s maybe a little bit more in like the mid and the end game in morania but there’s probably enough there plus like I mean i’ I’ve done almost nothing except starter area stuff at this point anyway so I you can get pretty far just by like the starter regions where do I want to go I want to

00:03:04 go to the bank clean these herbs to see what level I end up at I ended up taking equilibrium and as someone who likes leveling everything it’s been surprisingly good yeah I know someone commented for run crafting every ruin is like a an individual instance so you end up getting a ton of XP which sounds pretty nice my only concern with it is it’s kind of like I I feel like on a lot of skills you don’t end up feeling it you know cuz it’s like smaller amounts compared to a lot of what you’re getting uh I did do some Bank

00:03:41 reorganizing last night that did happen oh clicking starting the day off with a lot of clicking secondaries are going to be the death of me for herblore but I only need to get to 38 and I know if I go and like start the cam dozel Quest I can get access to some uh some eyes of n which would be very helpful cuz I have a lot of glams right now but I think I’ll do some Combat First I mean I still need to get like 48 Slayer anyway to start that Quest so it’s not like I could do it now anyway uh let’s see I think I can clean

00:04:25 that one I have the level for any of these okay what area would be best for overall leveling up um I think Za as like a standalone Skilling region is probably the best just because it has such a variety of options in there outside of that W is gives a lot of supplies so I know the Wilderness also has a lot of Skilling options available to it but you have to do maybe a little bit more combat before you’re able to really take advantage of that um I mean vmore is decent vmore has has a lot of like Skilling potential in

00:05:15 there too pretty sure still skeletons yeah I’ll just chill down here get myself maybe like 60 attack and then switch over to strength that way I can get like a dragon weapon and actually feel like I can do something with melee you know what you’re not wrong Candon is good for Skilling I actually think that’s true 600 dry on Armored zombies how busy are armored zombies cuz I kind of wondered like is it swarm down there there’s actually kind of a lot of people leagues worlds are popping no 99s yet but I have gotten a

00:06:23 bit over 1 mil XP from equilibrium I wow I mean that’s a lot too I guess they show it now don’t they so you can like track it this world doesn’t even look that much better might try the other side of the dungeon cuz I think there’s more skeletons kind of like near the mine area back there what do you think of echo Soul Spear build with melee tier six and Weapon Specialist Relic um well the Weapon Specialist Relic it doesn’t exactly like do much for the spear right because you like since it functions off

00:07:02 of a separate bar you don’t get like the benefit of it reducing the the uh spec cost or anything and also like I know that they said Echo hits stack for the spear so I mean that part’s good but you don’t need the specialist I don’t think the specialist even does anything yeah I’m I’m just trying to think I I’m pretty sure it doesn’t do anything cuz I’m pretty sure the the special Relic only impacts the like the standard special bar I went Wilderness first and finished chins plus Wy agility first and that’s

00:07:43 nice if you’re going to go Wy recommend doing it first really I mean I guess if there’s not a lot of people out there then yeah Candon you’ve seen four other people I’m surprised you saw four other people you can find an empty World near the ladder for the armored zombies that’s good to know I know the uh the weapons what like tier 65 or 70 something like that I mean I guess besides the smithing requirement that you need to repair it so I kind of figure after dragon weapons that’s likely my next upgrade unless I get into

00:08:29 moons which I guess I could do or I haven’t quite decided what my next area is going to be because I I’m thinking like if I open up Za I don’t know how much I’m actually going to do in Za I feel like that’s going to be a lot of Skilling and I almost want to open up moreia because then I’ll be able to access like barrows and since I plan on taking the Slayer Relic I feel like that might end up being a better call even though I mean I kind of want to get it Echo hisor early but I don’t know barel sets seem pretty

00:09:04 strong hanging out with hanani and candin 65 attack yeah I mean I do have the mining Relic now so I guess I go mining for a little while and probably get a 70 smithing requirement out of the way people who don’t care about endgame pvm will definitely pick candin yeah I mean that would make sense I I think that there there’s just a lot of Skilling and since you don’t have to deal with like I mean basically bosses at all I mean there’s the two Slayer bosses but like that’s basically nothing zance welcome am I going to

00:09:56 click more rocks maybe I if I end up getting a zombie ax Dro at some point later today I’m going to have to go and click more rocks I went Barlo morania and use the anchor to kill a MOX theot do you get the anchor for free or do you have to go through and do that Quest at Armor which one um what do it get the anchor but do do you just get to claim it when you open up the [Music] area can’t decide if I want to go FY before Moria or the other way around do you have Golden God cuz I feel like if you have Golden God then veric

00:10:34 actually becomes really [Music] strong let’s go rocks there will be plenty of rocks I only spent like 10 minutes mining rocks last night and I I already got 54 mining 40 smithing 290k I mean I guess it doesn’t really matter I AFK pick for a while so I’ve got like 8 or 900k in the bank okay yeah yeah golden god I I think if you’ve got golden god you can probably pick up Remick pretty early because there’s a lot of shops there you can take advantage of and you’ll also be able to do stuff with like Stone Mason um plus you probably do

00:11:22 want to make your way to like Auto alen condensed gold eventually just because condensed gold is going to give you like an insane amount of GP per hour [Music] [Music] 10 bill in the bank from Golden God I am a little jealous I know I was talking about it towards the end of the stream yesterday and I was like I mean I I knew Golden God was going to be strong and I see all these people like Auto aling they’re just like no no no it’s fine it’s fine I’m like here for the long game it’s going to be okay all the

00:12:01 golden god people they’re going to like pull ahead for the first 3 or 4 days but then it’ll equal out yeah mining Relic can help too I just I’d have to get up to uh to higher levels I don’t know if I want to do that much Skilling I feel like I did a lot of Skilling yesterday to do TOA together I took desert and then he changed his mind can I still do a range build with desert uh yes yeah I mean it so I will say that because range is so strong if you go the full six into range masteries you get that 100% accuracy you

00:12:43 honestly don’t even need the blowpipe you like if you can pick up the blowpipe from the echo Cal fight it’ll help you out but I mean if you can get the six Mastery points and then you just go like ruin knives or darts or anything really it’s going to be really strong anyway so you can still solo TOA I think TOA is maybe the best raid two solo out of the three I’m not super super familiar with raids so maybe don’t don’t take my word for that I’m I’m just pretty sure that TOA since you can like control the

00:13:16 scaling and stuff um I’m pretty sure it’s like the easiest solo so you can still go through and do it you can get missor and stuff later on or you can join like either my Discord you can try to find some folks or you can go into the official leagues Discord there’s going to be a ton of people in there you can look for a group which two of wilderness panw fnck should I combine with pend if you’ve got kand for like the salamander weapon uh I think tanwin actually could be pretty fun because you do like a

00:13:54 rang nature Sally Crystal build kind of thing as a GG taker tier six melee plan yep first 99 without a doubt it’s going to be Mage while melees are in the 40 to 50s you know even as a odd GG taker my Mage is still my highest I mean it’s going to be until I hit 60 here but like Melee I was thinking about this last night melee takes a long time to like come online it’s a little bit unfortunate cuz I think it’s like the slowest of the three combat Styles but then once you get it online it’s going to feel better it just it’s so slow to

00:14:35 do nari hello hello where did I train to get 96 thieving um 97 now it was mostly just AFK on vmore citizens last night I did do a little bit of the gem stalls and just like I was just dropping the gems I didn’t keep them for the most part so the gem stalls in particular I mean if you have a gem stall it is disgustingly fast I I think I got like 91 to 92 in like 5 minutes or something like I’m pretty sure I can go and knock out 99 if I really wanted to in the course of like 20 minutes just at a gem

00:15:14 stall with golden god I can literally leave my PC and go to sleep and still train prayer and Magic yeah I know I’m I’m a little jealous I I feel like the power will come online eventually I’m I’m going to get there I just need 60 attack give me a good weapon I was going to go desert BR as garia for range is that good yeah I mean the thing is with range it it’s funny range you can literally take like any regions that you want and it’s going to be good now if you go for Desert as garia Fick I think that’s like the max

00:15:51 range build you can do so you’ll be a hair stronger than anyone who just like took some random regions though it is going to be a lot of farming you want to get a t-o but you definitely don’t have to get a t-o i you don’t even have to get missor is really kind of up to you how much you want to grind that [Music] out yeah melee tier one is the weakest too I know I was feeling that yesterday dude I was I was depressed I was like trying to do combat I’m just like oh this sucks with tier one melee cuz and I

00:16:21 I think this goes back to the idea of like you don’t see the power the tier one melee is the chance to roll your hits so like they’ll on average be higher but like with the echo hits you at least see them like you don’t see the roll so you have no idea that it’s even doing anything for [Music] you best tier three Relic yeah I see someone else said this too I think clue compass for sure on your teleports just because it’ll help you solve Clues if nothing else I think it has actually pretty good teleport coverage too but

00:16:52 like solving Clues I think like I I did this yesterday I mean you finish a clue in like 5 10 seconds [Music] this is T-Rex welcome Pro streamer smash the like button hey guys remember to smash that like button have you subscribed yet make sure you subscribe always be plugging CER in first melee do waterfall Vampire Slayer oh dude you you’re just listed two quests no thanks I don’t want to do quests man I’m in leagues I get dodgy deals yeah I definitely went dodgy deals that’s that’s how been able to just kind of

00:17:30 like AFK my stuff for a while close am I getting [Music] there 250 Clues today it’s a lot dude I I really wish that I could take the clue Relic I just there’s just no way like I I enjoy Slayer way too much so like I’m I’m not going to be able to take the clue Relic for tier five but I do think it’d be really fun just to get like all of the extra loot rolls and stuff and I mean it’s going to speed up Clues so so if you have the clue teleport and the clue Relic you’re going to complete them in like 2 seconds for like all the tiers

00:18:05 of Clues as a wiy enjoyer lava bones lava dragon bones are going to be just fine for prayer yeah I yeah I I think Wilderness actually has a lot of good prayer options by the way if you have one M spare at any point pay the guy for permanent brim Haven dungeon access it’s probably a good call I’m not I’ll say that dodgy deals hasn’t stacked up the GP quite as much as I would have liked to see but I feel like once I get into morania I’ll be able to pull in more cash from stuff like buyers the while

00:18:45 thieving citizens is like okay in bore they’re not like super grouped so like you can’t get a ton of them you only end up pickpocketing like two or three at the same time and I like I tried going back to guards I couldn’t quite tell which one was better but I feel like citizens was probably still better GP than guards was just cuz I don’t think guards give a [Music] lot yo how’s the league going I think the League’s going pretty well I as much as I feel a little bit behind I know like a lot of people got like a ton of

00:19:17 points yesterday but you know I feel like a lot of them also went for the golden god Relic so like I’ve got time I’m I’m pretty sure today I’m going to be be I’m going be doing some work new character already no man this my character from yesterday I know it doesn’t look impressive all right but like I I’ve made some progress all right I spent a lot of time thieving probably too much time thieving you enjoy Slayer then just do normal Slayer that’s actually what I’m doing right now but I I think it’s going

00:19:50 to be really fun with the Slayer Relic too just being able to kill like whatever and get Slayer points and spawn superiors and stuff feel like getting both blue relics done it I mean in a way yeah I that’s part of the reason why like when I look at it I’ve already got the clue teleport so I’m like you know what I mean like I I don’t I don’t really want to double up on that I I I tend to agree with it I think I’d get more value out of like the production Relic or the Slayer one what do you need for fires um I

00:20:25 don’t remember this the thieving level it’s pretty high it’s like 89 9 992 something in there I guess I can look 82 actually not quite as high as I was thinking but once you get up to the thieving level um when you open up morania I don’t think the quest is done to get into dark Meer so you’ll have to do that as well the what is it like Taste of hope I think it is to access the city so you’ll have to finish that Quest and then once that’s done you’re able to go into dark M and you can like pickpocket stuff

00:21:01 oh sense of the father yeah you’re right that’s what it was man imagine getting skellies as a task I’m already 2 and a half hours deep into my black demon task that’s rough I mean I guess I’ve I’ve been a little bit lucky because I got skeletons or what I started with spiders I got skeletons um and then I I got like skeletons again so like I I haven’t had to do any sort of like crazy big task though I will say the Slayer XP on these are terrible but I’m definitely not going to be able to like go and melee black demon so I’m I I

00:21:38 wouldn’t want something like that got AFK Slayer XP at sand crabs yeah see that’s what I mean like it’s yeah but with the Slayer Relic you just get like that passive Slayer experience is really nice and it’s going to help too with like the echo bosses and stuff how many combat Masters have I unlocked I am currently sitting at two but today I’m going to try and push all the way up to six see if I can’t max out my melee what combat style would you recommend for Max fun this league I think melee is going to be fun but it’s

00:22:15 it’s not going to feel fun for the first couple of days for you outside of that I mean range is going to come online really fast and I also think range is like the most versatile of the Styles because you get to that 100% accuracy at six points so you’re able to basically range everything that you [Music] want lizard man right now yeah and Coran if I’m going Karen and fnck do you think the best tier 7 is grimoire and best tier 2 is dodgy deals um I mean I like dodgy deals personally just because

00:22:58 like on the back end it can help you solve some additional problems but even just AFK thieving I mean honestly like AFK thieving is fun enough as it is for me so if you like that you go for it since like K and pric don’t necessarily have like super high thieving requirement stuff so I don’t know if you necessarily like have to take dodgy deals if you if you don’t want to take the uh the overgrown Relic since you want to take Grim War then I don’t know I mean fnck will still solve your herb problem it’ll just take

00:23:29 a while I mean like right now so like I don’t have forger either so solving my herb problem is kind of a pain in the butt but you only really need to get to like 38 herb lore and just getting like random herb drops from some different mobs will probably get you there it’ll just feel a little slow and then you get fnck online after a day or two and Kingdom after like two or 3 weeks will start to really like build up your resource stack so you you probably don’t need to go Forger in tier two and you

00:24:00 could probably do grimore if you wanted second task of 121 black demons nope I mean you can cancel them I mean you do get hopefully that wasn’t yeah you would have gotten points on your first task as long as you didn’t do that prior to getting uh like tier two or tier three where they do the Slayer perk so you’d have the points to at least cancel it you know if with the Slayer Relic I can go worms not on task I assume so I since they say you’re always on task I think you can just go and do anything basically M everything until

00:24:35 tier three melee I mean I was maging everything yesterday that’s for sure I also figure if I don’t melee stuff I’m not going to get my stats up and I I still want to go and kill surious if I get 60 stats I don’t know maybe 50 prayer will still hold up I might have to wait for a prayer potion though saw some Echo bosses last night got to admit good luck I hope it won’t be too bad I I since I’m going to try and push for Comet Mastery 6 today I feel like probably I’ll be able to take him down but I guess it really depends on what

00:25:09 the mechanics look like don’t think I need an herb Relic started killing chaos Druids yeah yeah those also are good for herbs I’m trying to think I know you have to have access to water just to get them over here in Edge dungeon um I know andarin has some spawns of that I don’t know if other areas have a lot of chaos DS yeah thieving hams is quite good I I did that a little bit I mean that’s where like the stack of herbs I have in the bank right now came from cam members yeah once I get buyers blood

00:25:51 chards pour in yeah that that’s what I was kind of thinking I mean assuming it I I can’t remember if it actually blocks you from highing him but if it doesn’t if I remember right like the high Al value on blood shards is a couple of mil or it’s like it’s pretty up there I think it was a lot maybe it wasn’t quite that it was like 250k here three range Master today and Steel knives already go super hard I bet I don’t remember what tick speed knives are but if they’re like two or three yeah I’m not surprised anything in that

00:26:21 like two or three tick range gets a huge bonus from the tier three range mastery scus gives you Slayer XP too I was wondering about that cuz I know in the main game you can’t get like a rat task and get the Slayer bonus from him right I’m pretty sure that’s disabled EO Soul scaring you away yeah I know a lot of people are afraid of the echo Soul the only constellation I have for that is it’s only one Mastery point so I I don’t know if it’s going to be that big of a deal if you don’t complete all three of the echo bosses

00:26:58 but yeah I I get it Len sky in the Wy yep that one’s good um if you’re going Za for you’ll get Brimstone Keys as well all right as gar has enough of them in tly I does it I guess it maybe it doesn’t the tly dungeon I actually um the druid’s walking around the like prayer altar where you start the herb Quest I think those also have a similar drop table I don’t know if it’s quite as good though anyone know of any mobs that you can steal from that drop medium Clues I know candin has a lot of mobs that drop higher level

00:27:44 Clues uh I’m trying to remember if mediums were in the mix or not they may not have been there was one tier of clue that I remember I couldn’t find any NPCs for pickpocketing but I mean outside of like the starter area and baramore those give easy Clues I think everything else was locked to cander in anyway literally a machine gun one ticking at level 60 combat ah I know I’m I’m like I’ll get there I’ll get there I feel I feel bad dude I see the range people and the GG people and I’m just like I’ll be strong eventually all right

00:28:20 May melee guys we got to we got to stay strong I’m sure Mages feel like pretty bad too but at least you get the early power I’ve not seen brimstar right I mean they wouldn’t be affected by the drop chance multiplier and I think normally it scales off of like the HP level right for those chances so I think it would be like if if I had Ken for example I think these would be like a astronomically low chance of a brimstone key cerin you say sounds like a good region I you know even though it’s D tier I still don’t hate candin like

00:29:26 really I think it’s a good support region just because of the clue thing I really debated whether or not I’d include it as like my third region just because I I didn’t really have one that I was locked into but I’m okay to go and like get Clues from killing stuff and pvm oh I already finished the task didn’t I I’m just here training for fun at this point let me at least go get another task I can also go upgrade my weapon too pretty sure I’ve got a diamond in the bank so I can go and buy like a dragon

00:29:54 long sword lots of brim Stones off for Red Dragons while farming for grubby Keys yeah I I’m like I’m pretty sure the key chance cuz I’m pretty sure this is the same for the Wilderness too I’m pretty sure it scales off of like the HP level so fire Giants I could probably melee those at this point might take a lot of damage um yeah I’m pretty sure it scales off of the HP level so if you go to like high HP mobs I think it’ll be a better chance for you brim stones are for killing a Slayer monster in a specific area no yes but

00:30:39 with the way that leagues works if you take the Slayer Relic you’re always considered on task so then I assume everything qualifies for it I I don’t think that you need to like worry about getting tasked anymore at that point let’s see all right grab my let me go upgrade my weapon before I forget to do that I’m going to need this staff as well don’t want to get over to lumbridge and then have a bad time I’m pretty sure is that the shack I think that’s the shack yeah I guess Echo THM is pretty easy I

00:31:24 would hope so I mean I their scaling was what like Elite Master Grandmaster I mean echos Soul was the only Grandmaster I’m hoping that means that the elite stuff is actually like reasonably doable at tier six got someone over here using the golden god Relic probably making bank right now uh let’s see what other shops were in here I don’t remember see if there’s anything worth picking up while I’m around ruby ring nah that’s not that good might have been it think that was it all right Dragon weapon and an 80 Point task

00:32:19 free we do that and then fire Giants where am I going to go for fire Giants Bri Haven dungeon probably people wondering about ranged melee first KC scous took me 3 to four minutes after tier three range it took 50 seconds I’m sure it is I mean I I think melee is probably in the worst boat I mean just from I tried SCU yesterday dude that did not go well all right I think I like the prayer po I need just because it’s like the DPS system Sol low oh I’m going to need coins and uh axe if I’m going in there aren’t

00:33:11 I all right I think that’ll get me there actually is there a clue step in there guess not actually didn’t see anything that looks super close May I’ll just go to the krap point that’ll get me close enough just dis SC at 60 melees and 60 prayer while I’m about to be in a similar boat but I think I’ll maybe pick up 55 Slayer first cuz that way I’ll have tier three melee just to like really help seal the deal for curious I I can’t imagine that I won’t be able to take down scus at that point pick that pineapple cuz I didn’t

00:34:06 get the chance to do it yesterday there are too many people out here a of souls has some too oh yeah it does I I know what you mean in the dungeon down there we’ll see how busy this is if this is too busy I can head over to the aisle of souls oh dude every time they’re just aling nonstop no no no it’s fine it’s fine I got to stay strong I’ll come online it’ll just be a little bit later am I going the right way I haven’t been in here in so long I even have the uh doesn’t have an agility requirement

00:34:40 on it does [Music] it yeah unlimited access to prayer pots that was my big problem I’m pretty sure like I could have taken down scuras with 40 stats I I think it would have been all right I just without prayer pots not a chance 50 prayer I mean I had to prayer flick and I’m like Terri prayer flicking what relics did I go for um well if I’m not oh oh not that one don’t want to get smacked by the the giant here I have got animal Wrangler Power Miner dodgy deals clue compass and reload it all locked

00:35:15 [Music] in hey hello wait did they I make this area bigger [Music] most stuff wasn’t too badly camped yesterday but the pineapple was miserable to get yeah there was like a dozen people sitting around the birm Haven entrance yesterday [Music] [Music] [Music] see yeah I man this area looks so big though they was it always this large of an area down here maybe I just haven’t been here in a while all right well let’s see how this goes Speck him out defensive no thank [Music] you I think we’re doing all right might

00:36:50 have to keep an eye on my health a little bit by the way not sure if you noticed but you can remap shortcuts using better teleport menu yeah yeah I I remapped Shiloh Village Bank just so I have that one on one click but I I don’t really have like another one that I’m super concerned with at the moment how fast are these spawns it’s probably fine how goes the league so far boss enjoying yourself um I will say yesterday so like I was enjoying myself for a while but then I started to feel kind of bad about melee um yeah I mean I

00:37:29 think I’m doing better today now that I got like tier two master and I can actually see The Echoes I don’t know dude combat was feeling bad yesterday I was I a little bit sad about it but I I was hoping I just I’m like I need to get to tier three so that way I can like feel more powerful when I’m going and killing stuff yeah yeah remap him to different hot Keys love the vids leading up to the leag I appreciate oh my God I’m going to die to a giant holy cow I there’s too much of a delay but I so I know you guys you guys

00:38:05 can’t even warn me I got a health bar maybe I should turn on like a little flash or something you know eat eat I know I know it’s a good thing I noticed otherwise I would have been floored how did I get the diamond um I think I’ve got my cut diamonds after I got my like the mining pickaxe I went and did gem rocks for like 5 minutes just to get my crafting up a little last night while I was sitting around in Shallow Village we need a death to Giants leaderboard category apparently this would be number three for me if I did

00:39:02 just bought the barrel chest anchor I hope I’m assuming that it’s going to be a decent weapon I don’t remember it’s like kind of slow but I I’m imagining if you get to like tier three or something it’s going to be pretty good their website that tracks friends like how we do group Iron Man websites um I’m not super familiar with like some of the other resources that are out there I mean besides like the normal high score stuff that’s about all I tend to look at which relics um right now oh well you just get a flashed on

00:39:45 screen those are the ones that I’ve got at the moment it’s six tick so it goes down to four yeah decent so it’s like whip speed tier three that’d be uh I guess tier six you’re probably not going to use the anchor you could though and then that put it at three ticks that’s this still pretty fast how hard is the deranged [Music] archaeologist the it’s not that hard I like once you get prayer I mean I guess I wouldn’t melee it if you’re if you’re going to melee it it’ be kind of difficult just because he can hit with

00:40:27 with multiple Styles but otherwise like the biggest mechanic on it you just pray range and then you’ll be like at a distance for him you just have to watch out when he says like brain of knowledge or whatever um because he’ll he’ll throw out the little orange books that explode and they explode twice so like when they hit the ground as the first explosion then they spread and do more of them so you basically just run like six seven tiles away and that’s that’s normally enough to keep you save by catch you live your daily videos

00:40:59 in the lead up the leagues were huge for me hey I’m glad they could help yeah and I’ll be live for I mean basically this whole like Thanksgiving weekend where did you theve at brother uh mostly baramore I think I was probably like 70 thieving before I actually went into Vore but at that point then I just did uh citizens citizens are I it’s because they don’t drop a lot of stuff I I think if you didn’t have marmore I’d probably stick to guards if you don’t have like a better highle NPC um if you want to be a little more

00:41:31 active and you have a gem stall gem stalls are super good yeah yeah you just move away so like assuming that you’re ranging him I like I’m melee so it’s it’s a little difficult for me but like you know you you’ll be over here you’ll be standing over here so you just have your range prey and then if you see that special you just run back a little bit wait for it to explode then you just go back and hit him see if I get on the same one again how’s this probably not as good as the DDS is it preemptive gz On 5K yeah it looked

00:42:16 like I was pretty close last night I don’t know how many Subs I’m really going to like maintain if I’m not uploading videos cuz I don’t know how many people are actually going to watch like the I I know people are like here for the live streams But like after the fact um I don’t know cuz I I know like some of those videos they did like insanely well I think maybe the highest performing one got up to like 40,000 views I really got pushed out there where I th um yeah yeah so so Vore mostly Happy Thanksgiving hello lovely wife joining

00:42:57 in on the stre you how’s your progress what relics are you on so far I’m at tier 4 I mean progress wise I’m kind of just working up towards getting myself combat masteries because I I think I want to do like a lot of pvm stuff and right now I just I’m not that strong so I’m trying to like be a little bit more dedicated today I was kind of running around a lot yesterday where you get decent GP an hour thieving guards are okay level 40 once you get past that I mean the bar citizens were like all right but I also

00:43:37 AFK them for a long time to get this money so I feel like there’s probably better NPCs out there anything high level which is going to depend a little bit on your areas so like if you have candin there’s basically a ton of stuff in Ardo that you can pickpocket if you go for morania you complete the S of the father Quest then you can do buyers and if you’re in tanwi then you have elves outside of that I’m not sure if there’s a lot of other stuff that’s going to be like good GP and hour thieving wise I

00:44:07 mean you can still do guards guards are going to be like decent enough only started playing RuneScape CU of leagues haven’t played RuneScape since TOA release hey well welcome welcome back welcome welcome back yeah dodgy dodgy works really well on the citizens I mean like besides the fact that you have to open up your coin pouches every once in a while it’s super super AFK Undead jids are just refusing to drop me a strength amulet you know what that’s okay I’m I’m rocking the no amulet at the moment your video is leading up to X EOS

00:44:57 were really well done and clean I learned a lot while enjoying your Vibe that’s why I’m here now hey welcome yeah and I I think the nice thing is okay I I tried to like put the information in a way where it would hold up I I know I included some opinions in there that didn’t age well but you know I that’s part of the fun for me um you know besides that though like all the area guides like at least the areas are very stable so like all of that information is Rel relevant um still so like you could probably ignore the TI

00:45:27 list stuff but like the rest of it yeah yeah I mean you can always go back if you have questions about stuff too I I think the videos are they’re going to do pretty well I mean even like the Relic discussions and stuff the ones that were the last like couple of days all that stuff had all the information in it how will I be getting my herbs um well I’m kind of hoping I’ll get most of them later right now ham members ham members is like most of the herbs that I have got a lot of random and tedious stuff

00:46:00 yesterday so to do so time to do the how did I miss the task part of leagues yeah I actually I typed up a little list so I’ve got like a bunch of the easy tasks that I ended up not doing yesterday at some point I may run through that but I kind of wanted to start with combat and like it because they’re easy tasks like easy medium tasks are not a lot of points so I think it was only like 6 or 700 points worth didn’t really feel like super worth it I don’t want to see what this random is he nah already did that one yesterday

00:46:47 I’m pretty sure there’s one for the Bob fishing random or a task like a 30 point task or something cuz most of the randoms seem to have a 30 point task Associated to them make sure I eat up this really torn on Golden God reloaded equilibrium pick any advice Golden God is going to be early reloaded is kind of like midterm is Relic and then equilibrium is like technically the best I the only reason I don’t personally like equilibrium is cuz I don’t know that you’ll feel it a lot it’s going to vary a ton depending on like what your

00:47:27 train and how you’re training it cuz equilibrium gives you more XP for like individual tick actions so stuff that you do really quickly you’ll notice it a lot more but if you’re kind of slow like a slow Training Method that maybe you get like a big XP drop at once you’re basically not going to see it at all it’s going to feel kind of bad I personally I went for reloaded with two of the Gathering relics so I’ve got animal Wrangler that’s what I started with and then the uh the Power Miners is what I got second just cuz I I

00:47:58 like to feel that power but like golden god you’ll real you’ll really feel it Golden God will like teleport you a couple days ahead uh I just I feel like long term it’s a little bit boring for me that’s that’s why I kind of wanted to I want to keep the pace of leagues at least a little bit slower so I feel like I can play the whole eight weeks and not just like burn out after like three oh yeah zombie PES also giving a lot of herbs that’s a good point and you are probably going to have to be there

00:48:31 for a while to get the zombie axe cuz it’s like a 1 in 00 drop or something like that it’s like pretty up there did you get all the Obby items for free points I have not done that yet no I’ve had that same cat dialogue three times and it was the fishing each time really I thought if he said something about like prisoner Pete then it was going to be the prisoner Pete one I suppose I can I can always try it I mean it’s not like the worst random to go through is the baremore stone Mason in cam torum no it’s in the

00:49:17 savannah watch my health hopefully I don’t get smacked by this giant too much so the farore oh my God scrolling around on the map it is down here so all right taking some damage so basically it’s just a little bit south of the city down in this area next to this mine you know we’re on baramore Voris is I don’t they said there was going to be a leagues inpc that would let you teleport over there so I’m kind of expecting I like I I haven’t gone over to see this I’m wondering if the teleport NPC is going to be like

00:50:05 somewhere on this side of things just so it’s like kind of close to Voris I don’t know that for sure though the minor one feels good using it I will say like I I didn’t use it much last night cuz I didn’t want to go like to ham with it but it’s pretty good it’s pretty good dude what monster are people using for the level 100 combat Mastery I think most people do like thear stuff but you can also go and do like blue dragons in the aisle of souls I know some people have been doing that there’s probably a

00:50:46 couple of like greater demons or black demons um running around that you might be able to do I guess black demons probably aren’t in the starting area but you can also go torment to Demons if you want to wait this is a little bit far away for that but they are also high level friendly forager yeah the only reason I didn’t do friendly forg is because I’m expecting to take overgrown later or the uh the pocket Kingdom and I think both of those will solve that problem so even though it’s a little painful for me now I just figured you

00:51:17 know I’ll I’ll get to that TI Relic like maybe today or tomorrow I guess we’ll see how many points I end up getting I’ve been having personal debates between reloaded Power Miner reloaded friendly forager and golden god though Power Miner a bit less so since I have desert Giants foundary yeah I I think since like for me yeah like mining is a pain in the butt but you can technically go and do stars so like stars are pretty AFK I think there’s like a like that’s pretty decent way to solve that problem

00:51:50 even though it takes a while you probably won’t get like 50 mil mining XP on stars but you don’t need to do that for every skill so if you’ve already out the desert I probably wouldn’t do Power Miner now between friendly forager and golden god I think it would depend if you’re going to take the the later relics that are going to solve that problem for you did the enchanted Valley ANS for I I guess they do have herb drops don’t they what relics are you running um right now still tier 4 so I’ve got Power

00:52:27 Miner animal Wrangler well here let me just I’ll smack the giant okay maybe I’ll smack the giant twice so I’m running these I have used dodgy deals a ton best AFK I mean even with like so animal Wrangler I could go in like AFK fishing but I feel like that’s better once you get gr on BLS I’ve just been like I just find an NPC to piig pocket just click it and don’t worry about it anymore dodgy deal how we making money Rock guards all we got I mean depends a lot on your areas man I mean guards are probably the best

00:53:06 unless you happen to be in so like baremore you get citizens um morania eventually after questing you’ll get buyers and then tonin you’ll get elves cerin as well I know there’s like basically nobody took cerin but you know the couple of you out there you got Heroes uh Warriors Ardo Knights if you do have asgardia you can pick up the uh the thieving outfit that’ll also like double whatever you’re doing here five went for the Slayer one that’s my plan too oh I’m out of food we’ll see if I can get this

00:53:54 one come on come on give me some good specs kind of I think I’ll be all right I think I might be able to finish it unless he gets super lucky he’s getting kind of Lucky please stop hitting me oh my God okay hold on he can’t hit 16 I think I’ll be all right dude just can can you just finish this off let me let me like let me not die to a fire Giant come on melee tier one like rolls the higher hits right got to feel that come on just pray you know that’s true I do have prayer I could use it guess I might as wellat up while I’m

00:54:57 here got some sharks left over from some AFK shark fishing last night and then I need to get back there I guess oh yeah I just did the kuram to teleport I had remnants but I also have Wy I suppose all mobs that die fast but have decent HP are good choice yeah pretty much don’t click the prayer I’m planning cryonis is garia Wy yeah I and I think I know you’re talking about dodgy deals so like yeah PRI PRI is going to be good uh just for the AFK thieving on elves and I know a lot of people have said this as well like

00:55:49 getting just a ton of shards built up so that way you can like make the armor pieces over and over again it’s basically like free 50 mil uh crafting and smithing if you get enough of the Crystal Shards they have to be AFK thieving for a while but I mean if you have dodgy deals you’ll end up getting the uh the 50 mil task for thieving anyway I think goodness chopping those Vines come on man trying to get 55 Slayer not going to be very fast probably I I don’t know I’m like I’m debating whether or not I want to go and

00:56:23 just try scuras I may not finish the whole fire Giants task before I go and try that one so it would be better oh come on it would be better if I can get like tier three before doing Slayer but I mean scuri would be better with tier three as well so like I I don’t know if it’ll matter that much um any idea and PRI for the best pick pocketing I’m not really sure I I know like around the singing bowl there’s normally like a couple of elves I don’t know if you can do a spot that’s more than like three or four of

00:57:08 them CU they’re kind of spread like in a lot of areas I think they’re they’re pretty decently spread but even if you’re getting like three or four at once I think that’s still pretty good I think buyers have a similar problem where like they’re pretty spread out in the city so like you probably won’t get more than four of them you’re way ready for scarious I yeah I mean besides like the the issue I ran into yesterday was not having a prayer like I don’t have a prayer potion so if I had a prayer potion I’d go and do it I

00:57:38 just don’t have a good way to like get a prayer potion right now I do have a lot of gu I just I can’t get like eyes of n consistently so like I have enough herbs if I could get the secondaries just do a Jad for your tier three let be just send a melee Jad or even better I’ll do like a 30 range Jad I mean shoot I’d be like 60 range by the time I get to the Jad fight yeah kind of in the same boat I get tier two Master is kind of scared of the Rat I mean he won’t he won’t kill you like I I went in there yesterday I

00:58:22 mean it’s it’s a pretty chill fight it’s just if you don’t have enough damage like you’re run out prayer so like you just teleport away there’s a dodgy deals plugin let’s see dodgy deals plug in all right oh my god dude that is ugly why did they pick orange can I change that okay good I can change that maybe eat a shark so I don’t die um I need this to be like more opaque though let me just look up a color code this an alter M um this is a main can’t you tell if I know I know like I’m I’m not super

00:59:29 like far into it right now uh let’s see I know there’s a way I just I need something that’ll like give me the alpha value they’re under the Color Picker okay that makes it easier thanks that one down a lot getting better I don’t know this is this is probably too bright too maybe I pick a different color that that helps okay is there like a hot key to turn this off and on so that way I don’t have to have it like up 100% of the time or do I just have to turn it off wasn’t a shot at you no no I know I’m

01:00:58 just like I I personally feel like I’m just like I I haven’t done enough you know it’s probably because so many people took golden god and I just see them and like people in the in the clan chat are talking about they’re like oh yeah I’m at like 5,000 points I’m at 6,000 points I’m sitting over here like 3500 I swear I swear I’ll makeig points all right I’m going to get there so melee arranged melee for me anyway don’t think there is from what you’ve seen all right I’ll just I’ll just at least favored it so it’s like

01:01:34 kind of at the top just broke 2500 had to work and life going on yeah well it doesn’t help that like today is Thanksgiving so I know a lot of people are busy with that too I’m at 87K or not 87K 8700 points man that’s a lot I bet you took Golden God didn’t you just hit 1,500 points do better than me hey I appreciate it it’s always so hard to know I know like the all the golden god people D it I swear they took that and they like immediately went up like 3,000 points what really helped me was mindset change

01:02:36 anything that requires over 50 in a skill save until later tier so I keep completing tiny tasks you know I I think for me a lot of the small stuff I just I just don’t want to bother with it you know what I mean like that’s why I kind of figured I just need to like stick with something cuz otherwise for for me I mean this the same problem I had yesterday outside of like the first hour and a half I just end up like Meandering so much that I I basically end up like not doing anything really so I’m I at

01:03:04 least have to like Park myself somewhere where I kind of like think about a plan uh but I also the plan that I came up with last night isn’t enough to like get me to the next Relic so I just I feel like going through combat is probably better for me it at least gets me towards like doing scarious if nothing else Jo being English not celebrating Thanksgiving yeah but then you don’t get today off do you I mean it’s not like a holiday over there golden god is kind of good if you don’t have Wy access it is definitely a

01:03:36 lot better I I know I I said this in one of the videos like I don’t love the overlap between the Wilderness and golden god even though it like technically is good but it’s just because like wildness already prints so much money but yeah I agree like for other areas like it makes a lot of sense CU it gives you a lot of early power so for folks that don’t have a lot of time I mean I’m going to be playing leagues for the next like 80 hours or something so I mean like I I’ll I’ll be pretty in it at least for

01:04:00 this first week um but yeah I I know for people who don’t have a lot of time it’s like a really good thing cuz it can really help you get to like TVM and stuff sooner um it also free magic I mean who does love free Magic especially if you’re not doing a magic build which like I was kind of disappointed by like the magic masteries I as cool as it is to like blow stuff up I feel like it’s the weakest of three yeah with the realization my region picks are going to have very few farming patches H yeah if you don’t have farming

01:04:36 patches you almost like if you want to go pocket Kingdom I think it’s still good but if you want to pick like grimore then you almost have to go friendly forager I think if if I was in that situation I probably would have done friendly forager and then reloaded dodgy deals just so you get both of those at that point I mean you just kind of like suck it up for smithing Europe has mythical PTO I have heard that I know a lot of countries over there have like a ton of time off I oh a long bone hello I’m surprised it’s not a task I

01:05:13 wonder if turning it into as one I know our our company uh the company that I work for we technically have unlimited PTO but like it’s not you you can’t go and just take as many days off as you want so it’s it’s really more like before on like our old PTO plan I think we got 14 days for the year and it would scale up after like 15 years you get like 20 days or something or 25 not great not not great compared to Europe I’ll tell you that much why is gold important um I mean gold just makes a lot of stuff easy

01:05:56 easier it’s important for construction specifically but it also allows you to like buy a lot of supplies from shops and stuff so that’s where it ends up really helping you plus if you have Golden God then you can use it for prayer so like it it just makes like solving a lot of problems on an Iron Man a little bit easier GG buff my magic so much led me to doing at most combat with magic as Mele yeah I’m not surprised I mean at some point though you do cap out unfortunately it’s like it’s pretty difficult to get

01:06:26 spells just because the Wrath rins are lock behind fromy so if you don’t have that kind of a lot yeah if if you’re killing like stuff with lower HP I think mjor is going to be really fun but outside of that if you’re doing bosses I mean I guess it depends how big the max hit is hitting like a 200 you’ll you’ll finish bosses pretty quick so I mean it’s still be pretty fun how important are potions in osrs um prayer potions are probably the most important there’s some other potions that can be helpful to you like bruise

01:07:03 for healing if you don’t have something like bank note later on and you want to like stack a lot of HP per slot that’d be good uh the other stuff I mean stuff that boosts your combat is always helpful but I also in leagues like you’re so powerful that I don’t know that’s necessarily required I get five weeks off standard on top of stuff like Christmas and I I wonder I bet a lot of you guys have like actual sick days it’s not like PTO if we take sick days it comes out of your paid time off yeah I I I don’t know the studies

01:07:44 for like unlimited PTO but I agree I think a lot of people do take less time I’ll I’ll tell you for me since I like to track a lot of my stuff I actually track my days off and when it went to unlimited I I decided I’m like I have to make sure I at least use the the sort of like unlimited nature of it and so I kind of like I almost put a goal for myself of how many days off I can take just as like a reminder that like it’s okay to take time off cuz that’s what the system is intended to be for or at least it should be whether or

01:08:12 not there’s like some sort of corporate goals behind it I guess is another thing just went from 14 days I year to 40 with the promotion to management that’s a lot dude that’s over a month of time off and then you consider like you already probably aren’t working the weekends so probably end up being like almost two months worth of time 20 days standard in Belgium and have an extra 20 days what’s the extra 20 is that the sick days and stuff or is that just like whatever equilibrium has been clutch I

01:08:56 do wonder I I would have loved to take equilibrium just to see like how much xp it gives over time maybe if I have a second account I’ll do that just to see cuz I I feel like it’s going to give a lot of XP it’s just so hard to like know for sure and if you don’t go for like Ultra Max and like 50 mil on a lot of stuff I feel like it’s not going to end up being worth it oh yeah 25 mil magic us it to level defense oh I know yeah defensive casting on Magic that’s how I got a lot of my defense levels

01:09:32 too 5 weeks is the legal minimum of vacation here and it is illegal to limit sick days oh so you don’t even there’s not there’s not even like a a number associated to sick days my company switched to unlimited PTO and it just ended with me working every weekend shift alone rip three months of sick days that’s wild I like I guess you’d probably have to have like a a pretty good doctor’s note at that point right double shine went equilibrium um I’m not sure I haven’t really been able to like watch any leagues content cuz I

01:10:11 mean yesterday is like 9 hours of streaming and then when I was done um you know I I had dinner for a couple hours and I was just kind of like cleaning up stuff on the back end um you know making sure like the the first hour stream or not first hour stream the first day stream was like in a playlist responding to comments and stuff cuz I didn’t really do that yesterday since I was on stream so just like kind of keeping up so like I haven’t really been able to plug into like any other leak content no if you’re sick you’re sick oh

01:10:39 dude it drives me nuts the amount of people like the the work culture here if you have like a cold or the flu people still come in like I don’t want to get sick stay home dude stay home double want equilibrium with the Slayer Relic he hit 90% of his Slayer XP on equilibrium Ian it’s I’m sure it’s good I just I really wanted to do the the Power Miner 300K XP from equilibrium out of 330k overall XP just by spamming chickens and cows that’s crazy is that there’s no way that’s right I feel like that can’t be

01:11:22 right because you you’d have to like it only gives you 10% of your total level on top of that right so I mean you still have to get like actually you know as I say that maybe so especially at like lower levels like lower combat levels anyway maybe I could see it I guess you don’t get like the biggest of XP drops especially if you’re hitting low numbers what’s my date job um I I work as a consultant in like the medical space so we do uh big software implementations for like they call them ehrs like electronic health

01:11:56 records uh so it’s just you know like your doctor’s office has like a system that it uses whenever you go in there and it they collect all that information stuff so like that’s the stuff that I work on depends how heavy the cold or flu is for me I don’t know dude I mean the amount of times people come in and say it’s allergies and then I’m like sick a week later just like come on but it’s it’s not their fault I mean I I know how the work culture is here like people want you in the office this like pretty commonly so I I don’t blame

01:12:28 him at all Epic I don’t well I yeah I don’t work on Epic specifically but I yeah I’m very familiar with well I wouldn’t say very familiar but I am familiar with epic cuz they’re they’re big in the space what’ you do for your thieving level mostly AFK I mean hold on [Music] goodness yeah speaking speaking is sick you know what I mean um thieving level for me I mean this is probably like 6 hours worth of AFK and baremore with like sprinklings of gem stalls like just just a little bit I got a couple levels off of gem stalls when I

01:13:15 wasn’t like super hard AFK but most of it was Vore citizens I mean even even though I was like not paying that much attention I mean I’d be standing around for a while um I think I was getting like like close to a mill XP an hour on those work in it kind of I mean I guess yeah it is technically the it field work with Cerner at your hospital I’m so sorry I hear nothing of a bad things about CER if anyone had that many SI days they’d be taking advantage human nature I mean maybe I I feel like there’s a uh

01:13:55 there’s a point where like initially with that change I agree I think people would take advantage of it but I think you kind of like adjust I mean outside of like times like this you know it’s like oh cool leagues you want to play for like 2 months sure but like I think if you just sit around doing nothing for long enough you get kind of bored so you end up like actually wanting to go and work on stuff yeah exactly my work would be mad if I took time off for cold and flu I know it I I I wish it work that way I

01:14:35 wish people could especially in jobs where like you can work from home you can work remote I know some jobs you’re not able to do that and so maybe there’s like a little bit more precedent but I mean even still you probably it’d be nice if people be able to like stay home stay home when they’re sick like actually recover but you know outside of that I mean it if the work is really that important remote work I like I feel like it really shouldn’t be that big of a deal like maybe I’m a little biased I

01:15:02 mean most of the most people that I work with are just remote anyway um in a way where like the people that I’m in the office with I don’t tend to work on directly with projects so like most of the time I’m just stuck at my computer on teams like on calls so it’s it’s essentially the same thing if I work from home or I work in the office work in K12 it used to work in a nursing home don’t nbu I mean for the most part my work’s pretty chill cuz I I work at more of a like the high level on larger

01:15:40 implementations I work like a lot of people out in California so it’s it’s mostly like just implementing new systems outside of like if things break that then it gets a little hectic but for the most part at people at that level are pretty nice get a CEO of like a big hospital on the line though when something breaks that’s maybe not the the nicest the calls you got a long bone earlier L like 15 minutes ago I did um yeah that I mean that was a while ago countries without limit and sick days existing proves that it isn’t

01:16:19 actually as much of an issue as you might think of course you can require doct no in all but in general yeah I I think this is the big thing when like when people tell me um yeah like I know this was a point for like Universal income and that that sort of conversation and like I think it’s the same thing I I think right now especially for like the US work culture people are like way overworked so if you make that shift there’s going to be a lot of push back of like I don’t want to do anything but it’s just cuz people are

01:16:46 like naturally burned out but after a while and I like I could say this with at least some confidence because I’ve had times in my life where I haven’t had a lot of work to do um like when I was doing sales before it was like remote sales so when my schedules were empty I’d be sitting around for a while and like you can only play so much RuneScape like you can only play so much League of Legends like at some point you get kind of sick of it and you just like you start to want to go do other stuff now

01:17:16 will the other stuff be the job that you have or had before I don’t know if that that’ll be true because a lot of people have jobs that they don’t like but I feel like over time people kind of like shift and everything would work itself [Music] out I’m on the tar task right now and it is taking ages on melee I did that as Mage I was safe spotting as Mage there’s no way there’s no way even with prayer I was like n it’s going to take forever do you catch X fish tasks not work if you Auto cook they do uh I don’t

01:17:55 don’t think there’s a good way to see like how far into the task you actually are and so it can feel like it takes a while but if you just stick it out it’ll eventually take itself off bringing up the old heal it company yep sales was my numbing but I did get 99 wood cutting I mean on my main so like not outside of leagues um before I worked in a lab like as it and the amount of downtime there I I got 99 fishing at monkfish just because like if there’s nothing to go fix and there was nobody in the lab all you really

01:18:34 have to do is just kind of like be ready for the tickets to come in and so like i’ just I’d have like the we had a couple of work computers in there um and then I have like my personal laptop I was just like afking skills all day I probably got pretty close to 99 wooding while I was there too [Music] honestly I think if you’re with a company and don’t feel like you’re being taken advantage of you end up not wanting to take advantage of your employer either yeah I I think so I mean it it’s that like law of

01:19:10 reciprocity I guess you could say like most most people are are generally pretty nice I feel like I mean yeah I could be biased I I like to feel productive I mean sure I yeah it’s hard for me to speak to other people and I suppose given the types of work and like how my life has been I’ve probably always been around people who want to be productive I mean that could be fair but I I have a hard time believing that I I feel like if people are happy they’re going to find stuff that they like to do most people

01:19:47 don’t want to be like Zen monks and just like sit there doing nothing you know what I mean how you plan on leveling Hunter I want to start going for mediums from eclectics and looking for a fun way I haven’t sorted that one out myself uh 25 I mean this is from the the museum quiz thing outside of that I was like I’ll probably go into Puro Puro and just catch 50 implings cuz I know that that’s a task and then since I have bar more like hun rumors I guess like I probably go do Hunter rumors right now

01:20:21 too well maybe that’s not true cuz I guess you need to unlock it first you need like 43 was it how to get easy obsidian uh I mean basically you want to buy it if you can if you can sell a bunch of like chaos ruins over there you’ll get a lot of tacle and then you’ll be able to like buy all the different items that’s probably the easiest way you could go and kill the stuff but it’ll end up taking you like a long time cuz it’s pretty rare y can Healthcare it as well on the implementation side keeps you busy yeah

01:21:03 I bet as long as you have stuff to implement you’re you’re pretty much always busy oh that is true when it’s a parir of quest that’ll give an XP um a big XP drop on it do I think blood or blue moon will be viable Blue Moon Blue Moon is like such such a weird armor set everything will be viable in leagues but to what degree I’m not 100% sure I do think it’d be interesting to do like a mage melee split but I don’t know I don’t know how strong that’ll actually be I still feel like if you’re going Mage you just like you go

01:21:50 get arams that’ll be better or you just pick up like the desert Treasure 2 robes um I know that’ll take a while but I I don’t know I I think it’s worth a shot I mean if you have barlor that also gives you access to verus robes so you’ll have both options anyway I get a spear for tyan trio um killing hob goblins maybe I think that they drop up to a steel spear it’s like it’s pretty rare but I mean I guess I’m pretty sure that they drop up to a steel spear just learned you can equip the compass yeah man right in the ammo

01:22:34 slot you need the fire Cape to buy Obby armor um yes be the armor yes like the weapons and the shield and stuff no the armor you have to go into the inner city to get Maybe hard part of picking Golden Globe is selling ruins at the tar shop to get tacle Golden Globe I was it oh Globe Trotter that was last year that a Teleport one U but yeah it is a lot of spam clicking but you can you can adjust it so that you can like shift click and make it sell 50 so you don’t have to do it like you know it it’s not as painful

01:23:16 it’s still going to be painful but at least if you’ve got golden god you can do death ruins so death ruins will give you just a little bit more Taco for cell a little bit faster HP goblins tribesmen yeah tribesmen also drop it but I think trimen are uh maybe a little tougher up around the the Ty of one ey Village you done an echo yet not yet I haven’t even done scous yet slowly get there I mean I probably got the stats to go take on scarus at this point but I we’re we’re chilling you know let’s see I might end up going for

01:23:57 55 Slayer first and then then I can get tier three Mastery with that too anyone going for Clues any region best for treasure hunter if you want a good clue region I think it’s candin I just because like pickpocketing for Clues and candin that’s a good one and you probably also want seya so that way you can get easier Master Clues Jer drop him too you can do it during the quest trying to remember what level those are aren’t those pretty high level maybe they’re not such a mission it is such a mission

01:24:42 to like if you’re melee it is such a mission to get the stats to go take on scures clean my bank now it has gotten two out of hand oh dude I know I I don’t remember exactly how long I spent last night I feel like it was somewhere between like half an hour and an hour just to like sort things around you know cuz like I I moved everything to their own tabs but then you have to like get it all into like a a nice order it still I don’t looks like good I feel like I need to spend some more time on it about to clean all my herbs and

01:25:14 prayers for my wrist good luck I didn’t even realize candin was uh was broken for dodgy deals cander taking L’s too dude I mean the uh so I saw this morning they did a hot fix for like the or they were working on a hot fix for the axe apparently the axe wasn’t completing Fletching tasks so I was just like oh my God like the the the wood cutting Relic people are so sad right now just killed scuras congratulations anyone know a good spot for cooking I got asgarnia unlocked too well if you got asgarnia just go into

01:25:58 the Rogue stand if you go to borp and then you go H well here I’ll pull it up on the map so you can see it in case you don’t know so it is right here you can teleport into birth orp if you have a games necklace and then you come down into the rogue’s den and there’s a there’s like a bank and a fire like right next to each other had to prayer flick but it’s done I know I I’ll probably have to prayer flick even with these stats yeah I had to keep logs and fling myself that it’s like such a feels bad

01:26:41 dude I can’t believe that you know why why couldn’t they just let you pick what you wanted to Fletch from the axe I feel like that would have been so much better get like free unstrung bones bones bows as you’re going through imagine picking wood cutting rip dude I actually thought about it you know for reloaded I was like I could if I had a solve for smithing I might have just because it does help ooh strength potion hello that’s a Tas there’s a lot of Fletching in like fir making stuff so I mean it’s not like

01:27:25 it’s not terrible I was actually kind of thinking when I was going through the task list last night that well assuming the a actually worked I think it might have been the fastest like early points out of all three of them I just don’t know that it holds up that well like once you get all of those early tasks done maybe it doesn’t matter too much I just I feel like fir making is already so fast Fletching is a kind of a pain but like there’s a lot of ways to build up logs I feel like it’s not that big of

01:27:52 a deal if you want to range build would you put the rest of your points in melee or Mage I think the problem with Mage is it’s not that good if you don’t go all the way to six so you’re probably just going to want to do melee I don’t know I mean I guess you do still get the speed up at tier three for mage but a lot of mage’s damage is like it kind of all Stacks together so you almost need all of the all the different relics for it or masteries save the other dose for curious wait this isn’t that big of a

01:28:26 boost right why am I not burying the bones I’m being lazy bury a couple of them for you little bit of ASMR coming your way oh that one didn’t hit very well oh my God all right losing too much too much HP while I’m trying to drink some water set your game tab to on if you want to see how far into the task I I tried that yesterday and I don’t know if it was because maybe was like part of the way into the task or whatever but it wasn’t giving me those messages so like I wasn’t able to tell cuz I I tried having it on for I

01:29:32 don’t know like 10 minutes or something but it it just I didn’t get any updates for it so like all I could see were the uh the level messages just realize I can buy Charter noted yeah yep you don’t yeah you can uh if you’ve got Golden God go to the Charter ships you can get the the glass blowing materials so like soda soda ash and sand you just stack up a bunch of that and there are tasks for unpowered to orbs and then the the like are there’s light light orbs I don’t know both of the like highle uh

01:30:12 crafting stuff they have tasks for like blowing 100 of each of those suggestions on training farming with mellin and Cara don’t don’t train farming yet that’s going to be terrible dude you if if you can get hardwood trees I guess um there are like tree patches litter around but normal farming I don’t think so I think you wait until you get other areas just YOLO a barrow chest for prayer XP and got a herol spell nice I I think carols will be really fun I have melee masteries my Mage is 85 do not have Golden God either I

01:31:00 understand the struggle what’s my route um well in terms of like areas that I’m planning on picking I’ve already got Vore and then I’m looking at morania and pend as well I want to do tier six melee and probably tier four range I may do like tier three range and then like tier one Mage or something but that’s kind of what it’s looking like and then for today today I want to push up to the tier six Mastery for melee we’ll see so right now I’m just kind of just getting the stats up a little bit before I go and take on

01:31:33 scuras and then maybe 55 Slayer we’ll see I mean I could wait until I get like the Slayer Relic next that’s what I’m playing on going but I don’t think it’ll take that long to get 55 Slayer oh how long have we been here like an hour it might take a while Flay’s not like that fast toose bar First Look To Go six range where should I go next I mean Vore has got a lot of stuff already um if you can get into moons and get yourself the like the atlal set the eclipse set I think that’ll be really good you can also

01:32:11 slowly work your way towards doing Ki cotle K CLE k cotle um that’ll give you bless Dragon hide if you want to go that route but that that’s also probably a little bit harder just went through setting up Gathering impling jars only to get the lockpick I need on the first impling what a problem to have at least it’s lucky right what you have bad regions for farming um you might just take overgrown anyway because it’s going to at least deal with your own patches like even if you don’t have a lot of them like it’s

01:32:49 not going to be that good but at least it’ll solve farming for you otherwise you kind of have have to like put up with just doing tree runs I haven’t played ORS RS in like 10 years no idea what’s going on for leagues I mean leagues is just super fast old school with like extra choices you just you just open up the task menu find some stuff that you want to do just go do it and then you’ll you’ll slowly work your way up and you’ll like unlock some cool powers and stuff appears to my dream of getting

01:33:20 spoon at barrels but is 100% going to go dry or getting everything else that you don’t need well what are you hunting for Mr nari what are you trying to get because you can always uh if you get the if you have like the clue teleport you can get the there’s a hard clue step that lets you teleport to the guy at the top of the mountain and then you can just kill one brother and use the clue teleport to get you to the spot that’s next to the chest and you can just Farm one brother over and over and like force a particular set

01:33:56 you have Vore go kill Frost ngas with blue Compass the salvager pass and then get the dual hammers my baile build came online after that don’t you need 55 Slayer or something I think there was a Slayer ker on them right yeah Wilderness agility course is going to be a lot of money this year go to Chambers as zerich and get a lockpick there do you keep that after you leave the raid I guess if you do that works going to skip overgrown cuz I think with Za and morania I got farming on lock Za especially Za has some like

01:34:39 I’m I’m really bad about doing Farm runs myself but Za does have tithe farm so tithe Farm kind of helps solve that problem for you yeah I I I don’t think it’s a bad call I haven’t quite decided for myself I’m a little bit up in the air between pocket Kingdom and overgrown I think overgrown would be fun and since I’m normally so bad at like doing Farm runs anyway I can’t really imagine myself doing a lot of tithe Farm but I’ve got a little bit of time since that’s like tier seven so I I feel like

01:35:07 I’ll be able to see how I feel about tithe Farm before I get there hopefully anyway you want arum carols DH well you just want all the barrels items don’t you no way that you’re not going to you’re not going to get at least some of those private veric barck prayer one right with six melee I think that’ll actually be pretty fun 48 Slayer requirement for ngas I mean I am 48 I could what’s the drop rate on that weapon from him Hello friends where’s good place to farm beginner clue Scrolls I have easy

01:35:52 ones off of hand members um you kind of just kill goblins like goblins and lumber I know that’s a little bit boring but they drop beginner Clues like pretty decently yeah you keep the lockpick pick axe Tinder Box Etc but only useful one was lockpick okay that makes sense for Chambers what tier are you currently tier four with the relics tier two with the masteries High Farm take you less than an hour for all the Tas is super easy what farming level did you end up with though how do I easily solve farming

01:36:35 when you’re desert as garia morania and want to go grimoire over overgrown uh the the easiest solve is trees I mean I don’t know if I would necessarily call that easy but you get hardwood trees on fossil Island Rock Castle you get normal tree lumbridge behind the castle you get normal tree as garni you get two more as well because you get one in the falor park you get one in tly that might be all the tree patches in that combo that’s basically your only way I guess you get the the cow tree and a

01:37:19 fruit tree and brim Haven as well let’s see update some stuff in the CL can’t do that in combat okay that makes sense can’t what all right I guess uh no Gaga I can’t update that uh that’s a little weird maybe okay hold on I’ll open up my other account that way I can uh I can change his rank make sure I don’t die to the Giants while I’m doing this work I think that worked okay because I probably ought to make sure that actually saved I think it did though yeah should be good now yeah but I need full set which is

01:39:24 the problem yeah yeah yeah so so normic I would say if you’ve got the clue Compass force a set with the brothers because if you’ve already got the five times drop rate which I’m assuming you do then like yes it’ll still take a while but it won’t be that long because you’ve got to teleport to the top of the mound and you’ve got to teleport down into the chest so that’s probably the fastest way to like guarantee your self set there way to trap the guard and C so you can steal gems without getting

01:39:51 interrupted that one I don’t know I think there’s two gem stalls though aren’t there cuz there’s one like on the south side and then there’s one that’s kind of like up on the North side I can’t remember if that’s is that a gem stall if that’s the baking one I think you can get behind the stall and then you should be fine it’s been a while since I’ve been over there though how do you get the 15 farming levels though since you don’t get allotments right um yeah that’s true I mean if you really had to you can go and like rake the

01:40:34 patches it’s not going to be like super fast there are there’s a bush patch next to the Champions Guild and then there’s a hops patch that’s kind of like on the road from Lumber to bar so you can use those and also plant some stuff in there you can also do I don’t remember what level is but there’s that patch next to the Trin or Manor so you can use those to hopefully get you the couple of early farming levels see do I even have the yeah I have the ground items thing turned on you said a hard clue yeah it’s a a

01:41:12 hard anagram clue that lets you go to the the strange old man if I remember right hot and cold Clues with the compass is Godly I bet dude I was a little nervous that it wouldn’t work directly with those but like that’s good to know what’ be the best place to farm hard Clues morania desert remnic Rania desert remnic think heck hounds if you if you have them somewhere I don’t know that well wait a minute I think there are some actually in the Smoke dungeon I’m pretty sure there’s some in the Smoke dungeon in the desert you can

01:41:55 do that that’s probably your best bet they’re those are also going to be kind of hard to kill though you could also go the hunter route and you can do I don’t remember which impling it is that gives hard Clues you probably should check it might be magpies if that’s true it’s probably a little bit difficult if you can get it from like nature implings I know nature implings will start to like they’ll have their own consistent spawn so those might be good for you there’s the double hitting huh how can I solve food without going

01:42:30 Wrangler you can buy camans from the kja food shop those are that’s what I use for like my first inventory of [Music] food barley is level three yeah so that that one at least you’ll be able to use padon 63 yeah well just just uh just rake patches until 63 and then use badon it’s not that bad right HPS patch takes about 5 minutes per Harvest that is true yeah I guess the uh the ticks are also sped up right Kor is not too bad I’m looking forward to kores I want to get a black mass today if I can you have to do the quest to access

01:43:20 the Pirate Island if you unlock moreia I I didn’t check to see which Quest they Auto completed Ninja implings for hard Clues oh that maybe you don’t do that then maybe you just uh you you suck it up and you have to go like Mage heck Hounds in the Smoke dungeon or something thoughts on not taking treasure Arbiter and still going for clue task will it be too painful I don’t think so I well if you have clue Compass as the teleport I think it’ll be fine you just won’t get as many uniques it’ll still like but the clue completion

01:43:51 themselves will be pretty quick so I I don’t think it’ll be that bad at least I hope not that that’s kind of my plan right now too no you don’t get the quest darn too too many quests and leagues dude you trouble Brewing Telly which relics have I done so far I’m still at tier four so I’ve got Power Miner animal Wrangler who Compass Hy dodgy deals and then reload it as well oh it is autocom completed okay it’s a little hard to tell sometimes the little bit of delay who’s answering what but if it’s Auto completed that’s

01:44:33 good don’t jellies do hard Clues um I think you’re right actually I think they do that would probably be easier I don’t remember if they’re less common but that probably doesn’t matter cuz like killing heon is probably going to be really difficult right now first League going ranged trying to figure out I’m out of food boy first league is going range trying to figure out what range weapon to go with first um basically I mean early on short bow training it’s not it’s not going to take you long and then when you

01:45:17 get to 28 you can use the bone crossbow and that’ll hold you over until you get like a a bigger weapon you can also make sure you’re farming is the lowest level and use tears that is true I mean it’ll it’ll be a lot of XP even if you’re level one and then that’ll that’ll get you started of course for me I’m uh I’m neglecting some skills I’ll get to them eventually Miss what areas but you could always pickpocket Heroes if you have candin pickpocketing Heroes and candin you have to go candin though

01:46:11 that’s the problem dumb question why aren’t relics showing above your chat are they supposed to I don’t know if there’s a setting somewh somewhere is there like a ruin like plugin that lets you show relics maybe not what stores take best advantage of a golden god it’s in the settings uh let’s see just Relic something play relics well that’s easy enough I turn that on right I don’t see him that you have unlocked and other Buffs I I don’t know I don’t it is on maybe maybe if I like do something else they’ll come back

01:47:33 I don’t know might need to relog you think so try it need to Telly you know what I’ll Telly later I won’t worry about it right now anyone doing Quest compass and treasure Arbiter is that just silly the the clue Compass Telly I mean it’ll be good I I guess it just depends I mean you’re having to trade like better clues for Slayer and the production skills for me I don’t think it’s worth it cuz you’ve already got the clue teleport which should make like everything super fast clue wise anyway but I mean treasure arbit is still going

01:48:52 to be fun like because it gives you the max roles for stuff so like you’ll get a lot of loot it’s just do you want to have like a worst time slaying or like worst time with production skills I don’t know I mean for me I I don’t think it’s worth it but it just depends I know that there are people here doing it like it’ll still be fun it’s just then you’re really really focused towards Clues gosh dang man so many zeros come on you get 200 points per paying the do 1 mil yeah I mean if I had more cash I’m

01:49:34 just not quite there I I’ll probably just have to do it later maybe later today I mean I I still would like to open up the next Relic so I’m going to have to find some points somewhere I’m doing both it’s not silly many points I didn’t want to make production instant because I enjoy some K and I wouldn’t go Slayer without Mory um slayer’s good for like morania and also a little bit Wilderness a little bit Za but yeah I mean I I think it’s true like so I did the the like equivalent production Relic last year

01:50:10 and one of the problems is like it really does take away from a lot of your AFK time I mean like not that you’re going to go on Smith cannonballs but suddenly smithing an entire inventory of cannonballs in like one click you lose out on like was it like 5 minutes AFK or something or 3 minutes and it’s the same deal with like basically everything so like one of the things that I would typically do is like Fletching logs into unstrung stuff and like that ends up giving you like a minute’s worth of AFK

01:50:36 you can like Auto clean herbs which is going to give you like 40 seconds of AFK but if you take the production Relic like that’s all gone and so then you’re you’re kind of like stuck you can only do Gathering skills um and once you get those maxed out then like that’s kind of it doing your fight caves in full vestment good luck loot boxes are fun they are fun I don’t get me wrong if I could have the Slayer Relic and the clue Relic I’d take both reloaded just was one tier too soon what to pick pocket for money if

01:51:14 you unlock FY is your first area oh I mean I don’t think there’s a lot of stuff in Fric that you’re going to be able to pick pocket that’s better than like guards and barck and that’s I mean guards and barck are going to be okay probably going to be a couple hundred K an hour it’s just not going to be like a ton of money yeah I I I think the treasure Arbiter one like you’re still going to have a good time and clues are still a lot of points I know they said that it was like reduced this year but looking

01:51:45 through the task list it still feels like Clues are a lot of points so I don’t think it’s necessarily a bad call and especially if you enjoy Clues like you’ll be able to like go through and get a lot of points cuz a lot of the clues they have like 10 25 50 of like uniques filling out log slots completing just like similar numbers of Clues so like 25 Clues 50 Clues 100 Clues stuff like that so there’s just there there are a lot of clue tasks woohoo iron rank congrats I love to see a league where

01:52:20 reloaded would be the last Relic you know I thought it it would be cool I know some people in the comments were hoping to get something like that as a last Relic and then you’d be able to like double up on the combat relics it’ probably be a little too strong though I don’t know I mean I feel like it’s it is maybe all right it is leagues after all you think fnck citizens give a bit more maybe I mean it’s not something that I like I I never go out to fnck to pick poet so I mean it could be guards

01:52:49 give like 40 GP a pick pocket or something like that I’m not sure I’m not sure what others do finished four tasks with one clue that I’m not surprised by I when I was looking through the task last night I mean it it is still like a lot of clue tasks oo a fire battle staff I think that’s a yeah 30o task should have made it should have made reloaded the final Relic and it by itself I don’t know though I I I mean it would be fun honestly they could have given like two reloaded picks one that gives you like anything prior to tier 4

01:53:42 and one that gives you things between like tier five and tier 7 I could see that working out pretty cool I mean it is it is the echo League after all 50 Tas to go to the next area slowly with shirely yeah that is true if it’s like the last one you almost feel like you have to take another combat Relic I don’t know though I mean personally I think last stand is probably strong enough as it is that I I might skip over it and go for like Grim War or pocket Kingdom and and get like the tier prior I think both of those are really strong

01:54:24 and I also I could see a lot of people actually going and picking up two from tier five because production skills are annoying Clues are really fun so like and Slayer I I think all three of those are also really good last Relic to roll an area but keep all tasks completed on the area you are rrolling h um I think that’d be really hard to balance though I know that there’s always some people who are like going for like the max level you know whatever right they want to get like the maximum number of

01:55:06 points if you include that in there it’s it’s difficult to say cuz you’ll have people who will like roll part of the way through completing their area and then you’ll have people who like Max an area and then roll and then those people are going to be like 10,000 points ahead of everybody else plus I guess there’s also the balancing of like the Cosmetic rewards in the game they probably don’t want like too too many uh League points coming in just so like that market isn’t like super super crazy has anyone seen any Echo THM

01:55:39 content I was really excited for it since it’s my favorite pet I won’t I’m not going to candin um I don’t know did double shine end up taking kandarin or is he going to I know he was kind of like a a staunch defender of kandarin but when we were talking it seemed like he had other plans like it if some of the tiers were flexible what do you mean by uh flexible tiers like being able to to pick multiples or or what do you mean by that Total Recall and bank note for you would you even need both I still feel

01:56:17 like they do they do like such a similar job bank note just wins out in like longer content no double shine didn’t take candin dang it man you know he’s the biggest defender of caner he doesn’t take it oh Candon and shambles no wins in like this entire league well well well well if it isn’t Mr Wiggles welcome to the chat welcome to the stream in Canon yet not at ther yet yeah I mean Slayer unless like Slayer with equilibrium maybe you you get there but like it’s what 93 Slayer it’s kind of hard to get

01:57:17 to no no not double shine double shine can’t talk down to cendron come on I’m surprised there wasn’t a get X additional combat masteries Relic I was wondering about that I I know someone mentioned the idea of like Prestige maybe maybe that’s from the double shine conversation or one of the comments but like the ability to prestige your combat masteries would be kind of fun are there endgame gear for from Clues um bless dehy probably about it sir you know what’s funny uh because of the delay I actually before you said

01:57:52 if it isn’t Mr Jack I’d already said if it isn’t Mr Wiggles I think we’re all we’re just we’re in sync too much huh cutting 50 Maples like it’s 2007 all over again hey enjoy that potato took candin she’s happy with it I mean I’m sure it’s fine like it’s still a good Skilling region you know it’s just uh it’s a good like either first region that you know is going to be your support or you just take it last cuz you don’t have a lot of time to do like a ton of stuff ooh azy getting the crystal armor seed guess we know he’s

01:58:30 doing some Gauntlet over there congratulations [Music] sir you have to pick morania to get avas um no I mean you get that in fnck as well I think it’s an auto unlock or yeah I think it’s an auto unlock when you take fnck you still have to get like four cath head to upgrade it but I’m pretty sure you get AA when you go fic you also I I guess you also get it if you go more K but that way you can like cuz you do the quest reloaded over friendly or reloaded into friendly forager or Golden God is tier four really it’s really going to

01:59:10 depend I just need a shark and I didn’t need to wasting food over here um well it’s Thanksgiving it’s fun you know for for golden god golden God’s a lot early power and reloaded it’ll have a lot of nice stuff to it it just it it’ll take a little while for you to like come online I think that’s the biggest difference mole slippers in game I mean you’re not wrong wait are you joking or did you really say that before you saw my chat yeah I I don’t know what it is like when we were testing the stream a couple days ago the

01:59:44 delay was like 5 seconds so it was actually uh like relatively quickly but it seems like even so I did a little bit of preview beforehand to like see how delayed it was it’s like 30 seconds behind or something like that and I I don’t know what else I can really do about it U but I do want the stream will look good so I mean if it has to be slow then it has to be slow did you decide Total Recall or Banker’s note yet um I’m leaning towards Total Recall I think that’s going to be more fun but it’s also going to be a lot

02:00:19 of clicking and I don’t know if I want to do a lot of clicking so I I guess no I’m not like totally sold but I’m definitely leaning more towards Total Recall than I am Banker notes so I think the ability to like save a spot on the map somewhere is just going to be really nice potato’s just happy to have a bank rip Le with candin you won’t have much competition that’s true but also is there a lot of stuff that you’re competing for in Candon I guess like demonic gorillas later on feel like so much stuff is instance

02:00:53 though right and a lot of the Skilling stuff is like non competitive anyway want to do morania toon and fnck for tank range I guess we’re the blowpipe huh into rwind I’m sure it’s good I mean it is a lot of uh a lot of pvm to get justiciar though a lot of to hey bro how do you show League notifications for clan members uh um I I think it just set up already for that I think you just have to be in the clan it it doesn’t work for guests that that’s just like a a downside of like plans in Old School it just it doesn’t

02:01:36 support like guest getting drops and you can’t see the drops either if you’re a guest so if you’re in the clan you can see it otherwise you’re kind of out of luck what do you recommend for training farming with Ken as a first region unlock can’t you just go and do tithe Farm I TI Farm probably has like a little bit of a requirement huh but you well can you access the farming Guild maybe not I guess you have to have a farming level to get in there too but you do get the hosidius patch so you use that like

02:02:07 use the allotment patch there I don’t think it’ll take you long to get the the farming requirements cuz I don’t remember exactly off top of my head but like 30 40ish that that’ll be pretty quick cuz you also have to keep in mind the uh the farming ticks are five times faster Michelle Marie oh hey Mom how’s it going Happy Thanksgiving appreciate it holy cow that’s a wild delay I mean you could just do it could just be YouTube yeah that I’m not sure how can I reset barels if I tell to the chest but when you loot the chest

02:02:53 it’ll reset barrows so I mean you still want to like you kill whatever brother you want you teleport to the chest you loot it that’ll reset it then you go back and you can you keep doing that just got the golden God but my regions don’t have massive gold methods of farore Fric construction but I mean you can go to xanis so where I picked up like the the dragon long sword dragon dagger you can go in there you just need to cut diamond that’s probably the fastest GP in the starting region if you don’t have

02:03:26 that or you don’t want to bother with that you just go to the Champions Guild cuz you can get like run plate legs run chain skirt there so you’ll still be able to get a lot of gold anchor note is for those who are able to do their chores and farm and grind Total Recall is for those of us who don’t want to do farm runs I certainly don’t want to do farm runs so if I have FY can I just get the AIS from trainer I’m not 100% sure where you claim it you might get it from Purdue cuz I know he he sells a lot of the like

02:04:02 random stuff I you can get it back there otherwise I mean yeah you you could probably go and get it from trainer not a good at pvm so I’m taking Baker note side effect I can get an easy 99 R crafting that is one of the nice benefits of Banker snow being able to like stand next to the alter and then like just click back and forth a lot of clicking but at least it’s like really fast XP you know how to hide the options that you can’t use in the teleport Compass it’s the uh the better teleport plug

02:04:36 better teleport menu better teleport me there that one there probably should go get some more [Music] what’ you find the best money maker with DD I went Za and morania so far if you can do sins of the father I think buyers are going to be better money if not you’re probably still using guards for money I’m trying to think if there’s anything like high level in Za that you could maybe pick po pick pocket but I don’t know guards might still be it for a while until you get buyers [Music] doing brim Haven course for points at

02:05:33 tier five 12 times XP I need to get over there too cuz I know there’s some ticket tasks for that it’s at least uh someone saying it yesterday 30 minutes in a row for that ticket task get get three tickets in a row r High Farm is 34 for low SE doesn’t take long for 34 yeah I I think you probably can just go to like the allotment farm near cidus and that’ll uh you know plant potatoes onions whatever that’ll get you there pretty quick potatoes till 20 Garden at death Za yeah that work too imagine to the little plants in the

02:06:23 jungle wouldn’t that be embarrassing about to be tribrid wave in the fight case with Mage good luck yeah that’s where you’re you’re really going to start losing out on a lot of prayer points if you haven’t already room plate body is super close oh that’s true too yeah you go to uh Oak over an Edgeville he sells those barar have access to Stone he can buy construction items H um yeah but I I think the person who was asking about that had zya not baramore so a little bit out of luck Bon could do steel plate early and

02:07:05 then do Rune plate yeah that’s true too I there basically you can Al anything at that point everything’s going to be profitable good afternoon good afternoon cjtv welcome better teleport help I see Shiloh to space yeah oh set yeah set it to space yeah i’ I’ve got it on uh H for home teleport right now best way to obtain the diamond um probably pickpocketing or like gem stalls I guess if you have the crafting to cut it you can do a gum stall I think it took me maybe like two inventories to get one there

02:07:53 otherwise I think was someone saying hand members I think hand members might have diamonds on their drop table like cut diamonds shil V yeah Shiloh Village gem mine for sure if you have the Power Miner that one’s super fast scous down got the spine too congratulations probably ought to go over there I don’t know I’m get I’m getting up there I might hit 55 Slayer do I have a monster in my area even with 55 Slayer I can go to let’s see uh I don’t have turos bore have that one so I’d have to get I think I’d still

02:08:38 be stuck at 57 i’ have to get 57 for zamit if you have asgarnia that’s true you can go to the uh the farming shop in falor park and you can buy bag Plants as well that can help with farming does the ham store room chest have diamonds probably I I think they have all of the gems up to Diamond don’t they even though it’s a little bit rare yeah 57 for zamit and xeris I think that’s it just got my second choice region haven’t touched any tasks outside of the starters yet think I’m about to zoom through task I yeah I I’m kind of in the

02:09:36 same boat I I really haven’t done much in baremore yet think I did a couple of the thieving tasks yesterday that’s about it besides the chest actually yeah the aisle of soul shest yes you’re right that one does also have some gems on there try to remember if it has diamonds it might though yeah solar dungeon has diamonds yeah been here for 30 minutes no Diamonds though R I don’t know dude the uh the a of souls chest I tried a little bit of that yesterday 156 I think is where I stopped with him no dark key feels bad see if it’s

02:10:20 still in here maybe did I scroll past it it’s it’s it’s got to be in here oh yeah right here three diamonds there you go 156 no dark key no task for that mini TI next leagues needs a inventory ornate jewelry box I mean they kind of had that last year right with globe Trotter that was like all of the different jewelry teleports what do you need the diamond probably access to the the xan shop is there a plugin for tasks in your region I don’t I don’t think [Music] so could get all the snowflake stuff I mean I would say just go and

02:11:16 like go to the wiki the the wiki you can like select the areas that you have and it’ll limit the task list down to that although I will say I think they’ve done a better job this year with like the Tas filtering I I can’t really like click through it cuz I’m in combat but I noticed that yesterday I mean it’s still like I still prefer the wiki I I think because you’re able to like pull in all of the tasks like pretty easily for your areas and then search them like control F but I will say like last year I

02:11:50 remember having a lot more trouble going through this pass menu but when I was looking in in game like unlocked areas you could select that so you’re able to like pull in more stuff so like they’ve done a good job updating it I think it’s just the the wiki it’s hard to beat cuz you get you know you can control F it you got it on your second screen so you can still like do stuff pretty [Music] easily yeah yeah there there is a setting in here so you can you can just pick your unlocked areas and it’ll limit

02:12:21 those tasks oh yeah that is true um you need the wiki sync plugin in order to like really make it easy what’s the move you jack what’s the move right now I’m just uh training my melee stats up getting some Slayer and eventually going to go to scuras I think once I get to tier three I’m kind of expecting I’ll be able to Breeze through like pretty much everything else tier three on the map also move it around and resize it that is true yeah you can resize like all the menus if anyone is struggling with pass

02:13:04 on the wiki you can sort the list by completed percent it’s all the easiest task first that’s a good Shout good [Music] call about to say the same thing yeah I always sort it by uh just like the the task level or whatever but not all of the easy tasks are actually that easy are [Music] they thoughts on how to get prayer pot for scuras um I mean I’m struggling with that too I think you almost have to just get 38 herb lur I mean it’s it’s pretty easy to get like a lot of uh a lot of rars or not even a lot I mean you don’t even

02:13:49 need much like you only need really like one prayer pot probably and then you’ll be able to fight it for the whatever weapons probably uh the sword is better DPS than the dragon long that’s that’s probably true let me think I mean how much are those weapons they’re like 60 Kish Taco I mean I know it depends a little bit on the weapon but I guess I could I I could go and do that did I start late uh well actually no the league waited for me yesterday what do you mean I I started my stream 3 hours when it was supposed to start but

02:14:28 then they had all the all the issues so basically I logged on and that’s when League started you can mess with the task falling combat will it let you it was closing the menu earlier oh okay but I don’t know I don’t know which one I open then seems a little dangerous I’m going to end up getting flored by a giant if I do that though where you get the seed though um no no no for for ranar just like just go and kill random stuff um you can if you’re really desperate you can go and kill men in Edgeville they drop a lot of

02:15:12 herbs it might take a little bit to get a ranar so I think it’s a little bit rarer than like the lowle stuff but it won’t take you that long I mean you’ll you’ll be there for like 5 or 10 minutes and then you’ll get a r what’s the name of the fire outfit people have on I think that’s just the like the last Trailblazer outfit if you played and you like I don’t know maybe if you got like a certain rank it just spawned with you I had it in my inventory too I just I ended up destroying it all the hearts oh thanks

02:15:46 guys Master farmer is a trainer yeah you can do that too I if you have the herb patch sure you grow it I I really don’t think like at least early on getting a few prayer pots I don’t think it’s that big of a deal yeah like just go and kill some like random stuff and then you’ll you’ll end up getting some prayer potions well so you get the her level ham members maybe get yourself some like a stack of some of those earlier herbs just clean them that’s probably like the most difficult part Moss under the hunter

02:16:16 Guild for potions that is true true oh Mr soundscape welcome only 33 likes how could you guys come on you got to press the button I I’ll tell you I don’t put the stats up because I feel like it’s going to make me more nervous so I I’m not paying attention at all to like how many people are watching just because like maybe as I get a little bit more seasoned in streaming but I know like AA gave me that advice I thought proba a good idea cuz then I’ll you know get it into my head be like oh my God

02:16:55 how many people are watching me that get nervous and like not be able to handle myself JM welcome welcome dark chest drops a lot of ranar too um yeah that’s true Snape grass Snape grasses I haven’t like looked it up I’m sure that you can get Snape grass though I don’t think it’ll be hard I know we were talking about a little bit yesterday um like killing some random hob goblins you get it I think there were someone said there were some spawns in Kura maybe like one or two spawns if you could be any RuneScape NPC

02:17:28 who would you want to be am I allowed to say my own character that’s not NPC um who would I be I’ve I’ve literally never thought about that I don’t know FL Master’s life seems pretty good you kind of just like send people off to do things I’d say duradel is pretty cool but also I don’t want to get like wrecked after the quest so I don’t know if I’d want to be Durell um who’s the Slayer master that doesn’t get wrecked the guy in u the guy in morania maybe try remember what his name is like Maz something I I think that would be

02:18:10 the [Music] one tribes men drop them a lot tribes men for Snape grass yeah I don’t get how people have 10,000 points your two zones at 4.2k points I mean you’re ahead of me I don’t if that helps I think the people who have a lot of points they went golden god so like basically Golden God just like teleported people later into the game anded yesterday choosing Golden God and kind of hesitated because your your vids convinced me maybe I should choose equilibrium oh well burn the boats no regrets yeah I mean I’m I’m definitely

02:18:52 biased about Golden God just because I I tried fire sale on my second account last year and it was good as my ALT being like 3 or 4 weeks into the league but even still on the alt after like a couple of days it was just boring like and I for me yeah I mean that was kind of like what colored Golden God for me golden god does more than fire sale so it’ll last a little longer but at the same time I was just like I figured it would be the same effect so you know like you you can use it to like get a

02:19:23 lot of power get a lot of points I I just felt like it’s a little more fun to to take like the other stuff I don’t think’s fun though as as much as I uh am talking about fun I put it above Golden God just cuz it gives like so much xp but I don’t know dude honestly make me the Duke colum that’s probably a good call yeah make yourself rty ma mas ma Mas masna gosh dang man the names in this game dude ruins golden god yet hasn’t elevated me like that I’m surprised though I mean how many how much how much time

02:20:11 have you spent aling cuz I feel like if you get a lot of money that’s going to the alking will solve your magic problem you get a lot of money it’s going to like solve some other problems for you be able to buy gear and stuff buy a lot of resources get your skills up and then you’ll also be able to use gold to like get your prayer up the tribesmen just walk around in their we undies are you okay with that getting tan all over I’m not I’m I’m I got to be clothed man I got be close 5K points no GG yeah I I do think

02:20:49 if you’re like if you’re really honed in on the task you probably do better I mean I’m sitting here like smacking fire Giants for 2 hours and like outside of a handful of of tasks like I got the fire bow staff and like I think killing a fire giant was a task so like not not exactly efficient but uh you got eight weeks by the way still on the black demon task from what almost like 2 and 1/2 hours ago and it was 2 and 1/2 hours at that point you’ve been killing black demons for 5 hours that’s feels

02:21:23 bad you’re Duke of lumbridge you have to deal with all the new Iron Man accounts though you know you think about the Duke of lumbridge how many people come into his bedroom that man has no like no space to himself at all it’s his castle but like there’s so many people in there dark chest keys don’t exist 387 dry dude I feel that same [Music] way I mean frankly I get above like 50 and I’m like this thing just doesn’t exist doesn’t starts to make it question everything been playing on mobile the entire time so I’ve just been Skilling

02:21:57 yeah hey I mean that that’s Skilling is still fine like you’ll get a lot of points when you get to like the 99 milestones and stuff but it is definitely slower on the front end for points like early points you’re doing all the like easy medium hard tasks that’s just all kinds of like random stuff doing quests um you know pickpocket any random NPCs whatever buying noted items solves a lot of issues too such as smithing crafting construction yeah you just have to uh you just have to make sure that you take the time to

02:22:32 actually go and like buy the stuff no NPC in the game really has any privacy I suppose so but you think about like the amount of people who I wonder is there an NPC like upstairs in the barck bar or like the barck General Store cuz if so nobody visits them you know what I mean Suffering From Success yeah hey thanks for stopping by I appreciate it appreciate you uh hype it up hyp it up the chat too you know Happy Thanksgiving enjoy the leagues yeah you as well Happy Thanksgiving hope you have a good one

02:23:21 they took a half an hour break on the black demons T well no wonder it’s not done only 4 and 1/2 hours black demons you’re slacking man come on NPCs on second floors first floors hello wife texting me ‘s on second floors first floors is if you’re British have drastically less visits though if you’re going to be an osrs NPC be up the stairs except for the Duke just because everybody their mother has to go in there but yeah I I swear like there’s so much space like so many NPCs that are basically never

02:24:07 visited an e an easy way to get peepss and Za I don’t know if you consider grubby Keys an easy way it’s like Go and Kill uh like baby red dragon maybe or you can do Druids if you want to do that like if you need manul it and just like try to get a couple of kby keys because then you have the chance to pull I prayer pots are in there super restores are in there as well so you have like a double chance get Clue just gave me a ruin semi samur ornament kit nice I think that’s a task I’m pretty sure if it I know it was

02:24:43 one last year um like equipping a a God citar or something like that what am I grinding fire for at the moment just Slayer XP also getting my stats up I mean wow 70 strength made some good progress there I might just try and do scuras I don’t know if I’ll need a prayer pot crash star Southwest of barck but you need 70 mining at the moment nope too much for me you got forager it’s easy that yep one downside of dodgy deals don’t get a bunch of free herbs but you can go and pick pocket hand members for like a low

02:25:28 level one still be noted that’ll at least kind of help 35 Sligh got a Jad task I really want to see that XP drop just need ke pots yeah I I will say if you’re going to do Jad gby keys are probably going to be a little slow for like a full inventory of prayer qus it’s probably better for like a handful of them so I I think at that point you might just be better off like trying to get yourself 38 her blor and just make a few there I did the 58 Slayer grind at revs yeah I mean I was I was debating

02:26:12 whether or not it was worth getting the next Relic before trying to go for Slayer XP but like I could it’s just it’s just like a lot of tedious tasks in order to get to that and I I just figured this would be a little bit more chill plus I wanted to build up my melee stats anyway Mike is looking for somebody to do the shield of arav with he went black arm needs the key and he takers just logged onto a Busy World went back to my chaos stward spot and there’s no one there let’s go let’s let’s go another fire battle staff as

02:26:52 well free money later I did scous at 43 prayer would definitely recommend prayer pots only was able because I ranom that yeah that’s the problem I mean if you’re good at prayer flicking you can do it I’m pretty bad at prayer flicking I guess you can use your food a little bit kind of like to balance that out give yourself a little more time use your food like when he’s early on and in just like the normal melee phase it’s going to be tough though if your stats are pretty low I think right now my stats are

02:27:26 pretty high up so like the DPS melee wise I don’t think it’ll be that bad do the tree Spirits drop Rune axes 96 still no Rune ax rip they don’t exist h i I don’t think they’re that rare are they they’re like a one and 40 or something like that going to grind some melee skills to do some 100 odd kruid Slayer cozy that’s why I like Slayer that’s why I’m looking forward to Slayer really best Slayer mobs to kill thep Giant’s getting lucky ow I got to finish him oh my god dude I’m 11 no way got to got to like not die to a

02:28:36 giant day number one goal let’s see what was what was that question I was looking at what anyone know the best Slayer mob to kill morania Wilderness starting region for Slayer XP have the tier five Slayer Relic I mean if you’re in the wilderness I think revs would probably be pretty good um you don’t need a requirement I don’t think for revs you just go there basically anything in the wilderness is probably where you’d start and then as you get a little bit higher up you can go to the mortan Slayer Tower and just

02:29:13 kind of like start picking at creatures there I’ve never seen a scous video and have zero experience at what level do I just send it yolo style um depends if you have prayer potions or not if you can get prayer potions you can do it with like 30 or 40 stats magic is probably going to be easier because you do have to like out DPS he’s got like a phase where he heals um besides that though I mean yeah going there with like blast spells maybe you’ll be able to take them out it’ll just take you a while so you probably want like three

02:29:49 prayer potions you do that that thought fire Giants dropped Dragon Sims no they do drop ruin Sims though for whoever called knives for ranged early the goat dude R range has it so easy man wiy chance you prayer up easy no big deal yeah yeah I mean the thing is like well I guess you’ll you’ll run into problems if you don’t have a high magic level or something like um you don’t have enough DPS you’ll run problems you just be sitting there for so long if you have 70 prayer though and like I mean if you’re

02:30:38 at if you’re at tier three already for your combat masteries then SC would be nothing like I don’t think you need prayer FRS at that point can you explain why there’s a 4×4 square of people standing in Child of Village what are those people up to they’re Bank standing man they’re they’re clue Compass Bank standing people CU it’s like the easiest teleport to a bank with this one go get sulfur blades get training huge DPS increase the problem is I have to do the uh or I have to at least start the

02:31:15 perilous Ms Quest I do have the Slayer level now I didn’t have it yesterday but Quest questing so tough dude it’s so hard it’s so hard for me to like push myself to do a quest also dong isn’t better until tier five melee oh I know I I I should go and get a better weapon I’m just just lazy about it man it’s just the fire Giants task how long could it take 3 hours later had to get to theong to take down the big rat I am hoping that this is a good DPS increase I’ve seen my my uh Max hits gone up from like I think I was at 8

02:32:00 this morning all the way up to 17 so I’ve definitely got some damage going now got recommendations for thieving moneymaking after guards with dodgy depends a lot on the areas so if you’ve got access to baremore you can do the citizens in like the little square there if you have access to morania you want to complete uh what is it s of the father that Quest get into dark mire so you can do fire watches and if you got tanin then elves can’t forget candin candin I mean basically anything in Aro already

02:32:37 Knights will be good um once you get up to higher levels you do like Heroes Warriors I remember which one’s higher but like there’s there’s several of them in there so here’s a funny League story I discovered the level 110 Bandits Northwest of baros I wanted to do 10 of them for the task could you I guess if you had prayer that wouldn’t be terrible but they hit pretty hard my friend said it had to be 10 unique level 100 plus mobs so I was running around doing diverse stuff I was like right anything

02:33:23 yeah yeah I like I ended up doing uh 10 tazar myself last night just to get that task out of the way hey man do you need to do Ty one I Trio in order to catch gr during the leagues you will have to at least partially do the quest you just have to do like the fishing part and then you’re able to do that so you don’t have to complete it so you don’t have to worry about like getting the agility potion but you do still have to do like that portion of the quest Arty castle paladins Yeah gnomes are gnomes good money I guess they are

02:33:57 really high level I know that they drop Blues too forager yeah forager is going to give you a lot of herbs dodgy deals uh you’re little out of luck you just have to go ham members and hope for the best I mean I got like I was in ham members for like 15 minutes this morning while I was prepping stuff for the stream and I got like almost 100 Guam I mean it’s it’s not terrible it’s not like the most common drop but you do build them up if you choose Wy for the bandits you just get some ruins magic blast them out

02:34:30 yeah if you can safe spot them I don’t know if you can safe spot on the ladders that are out there well I guess that’s the dark Warriors never mind so like Bandits there’s probably some places uh I think there’s like some torches around the building and stuff that you can say spot them on right gnomes are great money no way I’ve been grinding to get that agility potion doing farming by hand the oldfashioned way NOP I like as long as you complete the fishing section you should be able to use the croman

02:34:56 spot and the nice thing is if you went animal Wrangler um there there’s maybe some issues in the quest of like so I you have to get like multiple of the fishing whatever pot for crom blinds but if you have the animal Wrangler you don’t need that so you just soon as you get the spot unlocked you just go for it they drop like 300 GP if you hit like five of them for the Gnomes is the equilibrium X tracker lying for anyone else say I got more XP from equilibrium than I have total well I mean in Slayer

02:35:30 um I I don’t know dude I mean it’s kind of hard to say right cuz I know I I have a hard time believing that you would actually get more XP just because of like how the calculations are supposed to work but I mean the the Slayer XP drops probably aren’t that big it’s really going to depend I mean like 10% so like if I if I had equilibrium maybe like a 93 XP drop I like there’s no way right I know someone said earlier equilibrium was telling them they got like 300,000 of their melee XP at of 320 but I feel like that math does add

02:36:17 up yeah I suppose that’s true you do like a lowle NPC and especially if you have like a Slayer Relic then you don’t have to be worrying about like ass and stuff you find uh well yeah I mean you go to like the stronghold of security there’s a bunch of those like level two rats that have like 2 Hp just smack them down 54k from equilibrium with 1K for defense are you uh are you ranged by chance like so I imagine if you have something like darts that’s also super strong cuz you’re like you’re attacking

02:36:53 so fast can’t be more than total total total right um I mean the way that I understand it yeah because it’s supposed to be 10% of your total level isn’t it I’m pretty sure that’s what it was oh relics you can’t look at in combat [Music] all right let’s see each time you gain XP and additional XP equal to 10% of your total level I mean unless there’s something weird with that I mean you’re you’re not going to get like huge XP drops cuz it Doesn’t scale on the multiplier but yeah I mean if you find something that’s like really

02:37:44 quick does a lot of drops or a lot of XP drops then that’ll be the way like that that’ll be a way to get a lot of XP controlled melee at the moment that’d be another way right cuz then you’re getting uh four instances of XP so You’ get a lot hello random oh he’s stuck behind the fire giant uh all right maybe there we go let’s see if this is a task all right 30 more points and this is why I’m farming fire Giants just randomly getting just all all these like super little tasks anybody doing Hunter rumors yet

02:38:39 I’m on like 200 Jas Jos on a on a task haven’t gotten the item yet also failed a couple of boxes with animal Wrangler o I don’t know I mean normally like you can get unlucky with those um like in the main game I doubt that the rates are going to be faster in leagues for like the actual Hunter rumor items and it’s pretty rare I remember having a like a red chin task where I ended up getting like 150 or like 180 or something like that before I got the the like red chin item caning with equilibrium sounds fun

02:39:17 that would also work too yeah you go and like guards in valador or something so equilibrium is actually good I mean it is like it it’s going to give you a lot of XP you have to like find certain ways to use it over time it’ll give you probably the most XP out of any of the relics in that tier and it might even give you more like more XP than like any other relics in the game but you have to play long enough and you have to do like certain things in order for that to be true so that’s that’s why I tend to think it’s

02:39:47 like not the most fun pick but I think technically speaking it’s the best pick the task to kill a goblin holding a spear it’s kill yeah kill a goblin that has a spear as a weapon so if you’re killing with a spear like killing a normal go with a spear then that wouldn’t be it it should work though um there there should be several of them in like the security stronghold one God is probably still better but I do really like equilibrium there’s really op interactions with it for agility as well yeah well and I I

02:40:24 think the thing is like equilibrium over time would in theory give you better rates to do like 50 mil all so Golden God will eventually lose but how many people are really going to do 50 mil all you know what I mean like I I don’t think it’s going to be a lot of people what’s the best clue Compass Telly for a fairy ring uh the wizard tower is pretty close H RoR is a sad one thought rewards were also boosted no like the those will be normal it’s actually going to be such a pain in the butt to build out that bird

02:41:03 Network you’re going to have to do like 100 100 rumor tasks I mean I guess it’s not that big of a deal cuz there probably some task Associated doing like 100 or maybe like 150 or 200 something like that but still it’s a pain in butt to do it like all at once is the Enchanted Valley closer I I think the Wizard’s Tower might be closer I remember last year I did equilibrium with endless Harvest 25 minute AFK on multiple things like ruin Essence yeah ruin Ence was one that I remember being a really great example of

02:41:39 that though I was kind of hoping for equilibrium they would make it so that you got XP in your lowest skill not like uh 75 combat but not like the skill that you’re your training so it makes it a little bit I mean it’s still good for mining but like it would be really cool if you could just like AFK ressence and then like scale up your construction or something you know just got my first pet doing brim Haven agility Arena Arena easy 200 points oh congratulations dude the squirrel that’s got to be pretty rare

02:42:15 pet rates aren’t boosted in the leagues I don’t know if people are aware of that but like they’re still extremely rare in the league when you get hyped for two law ruines but you forget you’re not a uim you got a bank Mr soundscape you could do whatever you want have you done many Clues trying to decide if Compass is enough to solve Clues and I can go Slayer or if I should go with the clue Relic um the clue Compass is definitely going to be enough I think like the the biggest problem you’re going to have is stacking up

02:42:47 enough Clues but once you have enough Clues stacked up the clue Relic you’ll be able to drop steps that are difficult and you just do the ones that you can teleport right to I I did 10 easys yesterday I think it took about like 20 clue scroll boxes and I I mean I probably got 10 caskets in like 5 minutes or something might have been faster than that too that’s how I thought it would work yeah for equilibrium I I really wish it would 10% of your total level and your lowest skill and doesn’t matter what you

02:43:18 train I think that would lead to some really interesting like training methods if it trained the lowest skill equilibrium would have been my choice I think so too I mean it would end up making like all of your skills equal which is kind of the point right I feel like it it actually it make a little more sense felt more boring than mining to be honest I I yeah the problem with Hunter rumors yeah Hunter rumors I don’t know I’m not a huge fan of Hunter in general I think Hunter rumors help a little bit kind of

02:43:55 like Slayer tasks help a little bit but like does it help that much you’re still doing Hunter at least you get a little more variety I mean it helps a little but like when Vore was coming out and I was trying to make a video for the update I did like 100 something hun Rumors in a row that was not the play like oh that was this terrible I just got so sick of it ever thought about the game giving us an option to play leagues as a uim I mean I think it’d be cool if they let you like pick a status or whatever so

02:44:37 you can be like hardcore uim um if you want to go crazy you do like settled uh like no damage account build or whatever I think it’d be cool I wonder how it be wouldn’t that just mean everybody Stacks AFK Essence until they Max all I mean technically is it so wrong to want to just like free MAX over 8 weeks I don’t know it’d be horrible the optimal way to train every skill in the game would be the exact same I mean that that is true I I guess that’s fair right people will will like migrate towards the optimum

02:45:25 whatever extreme one chunk you know if I had enough time I might have done like a snowflake account in leagues I do think it’d be fun just because at least it kind of like cuts down on the grind I mean you see stuff like the extreme chunk like Li does I don’t have 600 hours to like stay in the Lumby chunk Cho chopping trees or whatever you know get 99 but like in leagues it’s less of a problem you know so I I think it’d be a fun idea um I just didn’t have enough time this year cuz like I didn’t think

02:45:55 they were going to do a League this year so I didn’t plan to have like PTO for it but maybe that could be like a next year thing do some sort of like snowflake build Hunter is easy though you can just Spam click imp butterflies with one second respawns I mean it’s true well sort of I mean in the main game it’s not like great XP to do that in leagues I’m sure it’s fine but at the same time I don’t know I I prefer more chill methods I guess I mean I’m sitting here like smacking away a fire Giants for uh

02:46:25 how are we doing three and a half hours slowly ticking up there I mean you know it’s like I prefer more more of the like chill stuff to do and Hunter is just not chill where you train Hunter and SE starter region um well you do your Museum Quest that’ll get you some levels outside of that trying to think I mean I guess basically prooo probably I think prooo is about it giving you options like hardcore Iron Man uim but you get extra benefits and Buffs until hardcore status is removed Etc I don’t even know if they need to go

02:47:06 that far I mean honestly like I feel like if you could do like a separate hardcore like leaderboard or whatever I I feel like people would love that same deal with like U [Music] sand worms Oh those do give like itty bitty 100 drops don’t they new equal te of gothics cool down reduced to 1 hour instead of one week I mean would that be good I mean I I guess it’d be all right you’d get a lot of XP eventually but like dude then you’re then you have to go out of your way to do like GE of gothics give every other skill 1% of the

02:47:58 XP gain I mean that that work too or give your lowest skill like a a small percentage of the XP gained and then you you can avoid the sort of like Fast low-level methods that just like spam [Music] XP wouldn’t equilibrium be really strong with prayer and Al training with golden god yeah but I I mean they’re the same tier so you can’t do it um but even still I mean you don’t really need it gold God’s already so strong with with prayer and Alchemy for magic last League I leveled up most of the hunter just doing bird

02:48:38 boxes uh where would you get where would you find Birds to hunt though genuinely it’s one of the only lowlevel Hunter options I think sand requires like 15 Hunter maybe it it wasn’t like free but I mean you get that anyway from the from the museum I’m new to osrs and watch your day one of leagues thanks for the help stuck now welcome to leagues you you you get your like 1 hour plan in you you feel like you’re uh really efficient and then that’s it and then it’s like overwhelm what decisions you go

02:49:23 mate you follow my plan um you just end up like pick an activity and just just do it so at least you’re doing something like it’s probably not that efficient but I at least working up my Slayer I’ve got the combat stats I think when I finish the fire giant task I’ll just try to send a scus and see how it goes I did the quest till I unlocked the spot but when I use the vessel on the spot it just says you lower the vessel but never catch anything guess I need to continue the quest is it banking everything for you

02:49:56 though like are you getting XP there are 30 agility pillar pillars done took 30 minutes I know I’m I’m putting that one off I should I I’ll probably do the BM Haven agility stuff off stream unless you guys really want to watch agility but like it’s not that fun Crimson Swifts and copper longtails on the AIS of souls that is true I always forget about like is Souls has so much stuff dude sing serious right now good luck just open my task and I’m working on completing all easy tasks to unlock my next area that’s another way to do it

02:50:40 too I I think it’s just you have to have like you just give yourself some Direction so that way it’s like you’re not too overwhelmed by it it’s almost the same reason of like or the same way I pick areas you just set like set a goal and just kind of like slowly work towards it God I just love agility does anyone love watching people do agility as much as I love it don’t make me go do agility 30 minutes it’s like 30 minutes for what like an 80 Point task or something got an armor seed oh that was

02:51:19 that was on a normal Gauntlet too wow that is really lucky I always saw it earlier I figured you were in there doing the uh Doing Hard Mode anyone got a fix for disappearing arrow and brim Haven I’ve not seen that issue before for myself so I I don’t know 80 points yeah 80 points for 30 minutes I don’t know dude you ain’t you ain’t convince me to go get that hook I know it’s 400 points but like that’s like multiple hours even at the max like mini game multiplier like two hours or something two and a half

02:52:08 hours it’s somewhat efficient because you need more vouchers for other tasks yeah yeah I mean it eventually I’ll probably go and do all of the tasks I mean I do want to get to drag can rank this league but like I don’t know dude I mean like you’re you’re probably starting to notice after like two days of streaming this stuff I have a hard time pushing myself to do some of the more like tedious tasks so that’s my biggest struggle hour 40 minutes an hour and 40 minutes agility feels like 3 hours all

02:52:43 right so hesitant to unlock my next region too new to RS leagues keep flip-flopping between everyone’s recommendations find find what you think is fun like look at the content or look at the weapons and then just like decide whatever is fun I this league you’ll be powerful enough regardless of the regions that you go that like even if you end up with something that’s like a nontraditional build or whatever you’ll still be fine 45 black demons to go oh man didn’t you say you start with like 200 something but we need need to see if I

02:53:19 have the issue too in brim Haven you ain’t getting me there you can’t you can’t make me do a Jil about the unlock second region I don’t know if I want to go from Moria or Za what do you think what one are you going for um I was debating this today I I think I’ve already got Vore I think Za is good if you want to try and get access to his but for me I think Za is going to going to be a lot more Skilling whereas if I go towards morania I’ll be able to like pvm a little bit more do some barrows like get

02:53:54 armor not have to worry about a quest to like do the moons boss right I I I can do the moon Quest it’s not going to be that hard but like H I’m putting that off so hard I I feel like morania for me has a lot of draw it’s going to depend if you want to do a lot of Skilling then I think you go Za I wouldn’t necessarily go fnck unless you have Golden God but if you have Golden God it’s going to be a lot of Skilling and pric too I I I just think it’ll be maybe a little bit faster Skilling for fnck a

02:54:21 little bit different than like Z but yeah I I I think it just depends if you want to do pvm go more Tania if you want to do more Skilling Goa you have Golden God and want to do Skilling REM 4 Points to get the pirate hook I think it’s 800 for the like 800 tickets for the pirate hook trying to find 500 points for the next Ron lock it is tough it feels stuff that’s why you almost have to just like just go and do something you know don’t rush the pick just keep playing that’s true too you can you can

02:54:58 hold on like to relics to masteries to Regions you don’t have to pick them right away it’ll still save your progress and then whenever you open that up it’ll just like jump you to wherever that is my Str get tier eight in three regions to have full passives and no more analysis paralysis if you could do it man that’s a it’s a lot of tasks start at you only had 121 black demons and it’s taking you that long he’s still 40 left goly dude that sucks theater of blood solo viable never done it um I’ve not done Tob in leagues

02:55:38 I am told that it’s soloable I’m told it’s easier to solo if you have the guardian Relic from tier eight how true that’ll really be for you I’m not 100% I I I feel like it’s going to be really annoying to solo it and you’re probably better off like finding a group even if that’s in like the League’s Discord just so that way you can have like a couple other people it’ll also increase your purple chances as well cuz if anybody gets a purple in the raid then everybody gets purple the moon’s quest with 50 stats is

02:56:09 pretty rough yeah I was thinking if I wanted to like push myself to do it but the fact that it required 48 Slayer and I didn’t have that yesterday it was a good excuse to put it off I’ll probably have to go and do it like I don’t know if I’ll do it today but I that one I might just I might end up pushing myself to do off stream just so I can like unlock it I don’t know I I still have to think about it I’m I really just don’t like questing I mean I don’t I don’t quest in like the main game luckily I’ve done most of them so I

02:56:37 don’t have to worry about it but like in leagues in leagues is so bad dude I manually train my attack up instead of going and doing like what is it the the one in the drain or Manor like Vampire Slayer I mean it’s not even a hard Quest take like two minutes I still I’m just like nah bro can’t be bothered any idea for warm clothing uh depending on your regions there’s going to be like some of the uh the like clue hunt stuff will be available you can use that I know that’s kind of like an early thing that people get any fire

02:57:19 staff will work as like a as one item I think warm clothing caps at four right so you do like fire staff maybe pick up a bug Lantern if you have the Slayer for it that’d be twoo and then if you have any of those clue pieces I’d have to look on the wiki cuz I don’t remember where they all are those those count as like warm clothing items you probably just look at the wiki I know the wiki has a list of warm clothing items so you can kind of like figure out what’s available in your area just did waterfall quest to get St

02:57:48 up I know people who took candin it’s a it’s a good idea I know like double shine was talking to me about it too and I don’t know dude I don’t know I don’t know it’s just like such a huge aversion to like doing Quests for some reason Santa gear yeah holiday stuff oh that’s true yeah do we get holiday stuff in leagues does he sell all that for us cuz if that’s true then that yeah that’s an easy one you just go to to dror you buy like a bunch stuff from Dango one kja yeah for The Clue pieces I I think there’s probably enough

02:58:22 available to you even if you don’t get the seasonal items that you’ll you’ll probably be able to get four items l candin so far I’m sure it’s fun you know it’s empty too right I mean there’s no people around kind of but I kind of routed for it so it’s expected yeah I mean I I like Candon especially for like Barbarian fishing you do Wrangler with Barbarian fishing and then that’s just like free 99 fishing 399 cooking free 99 agility though to be a little slower fre 99 strength I feel like that’s a a really

02:58:58 nice way to start off like AFK you just sit there for a while what compat did yall get to before trying scous I tried it yesterday with like 30 attack 30 strength that was a mistake I tried it with 40 attack 40 strength still a mistake I tried it with uh blast spells I think it went in with like wind blast that one I could have done it but you need a prayer potion for sure and now I still I haven’t taken G scre so I’m 75 combat I mean like I’m going to go in there with these I I feel like it’s going to be really

02:59:37 easy let’s see these are 800ish Slayer points I need at least another task to get to 57 yeah I I think I’ll just send ious after these seven fire Giants seven of them yeah so I I think that’s what I’ll probably end up doing I I don’t think I’ll need a prayer potion just because I have the stats i’ got the DDS so I can like spec him out a little bit going scous now 71 range 71 HP I mean 71 range is like way Overkill scuras is easy I promise I think melee struggles a little bit more just because your damage output is like much lower at

03:00:17 the lower levels but like range like a u short bow probably does enough for you like 40 range you might be able to do it a little bit before then you just need a prayer potion funny how scarus was so scary a few hours ago and now with the tier four range and knives it’s literally AFK I don’t even have to avoid the specials I’m looking forward to it I I really really hope I could just like I’m I’m sure it’ll work out I’m sure I’ll be able to like AFK with melee once I get tier four as well I wasn’t

03:00:50 100% sure how the healing is going to work out but I’m like hopefully if I can do it without prayer too that’d be even better what are they thieving from candin I mean candin just has like all of the highle NPCs so like lot of money party kns lot of Clues candan is literally the best region like actually the best region for pickpocketing Clues cuz outside of of candin you only get like easy Clues from NPCs and candin has all of the other Clues available for pickpocketing good luck on unique for

03:01:27 scous I I don’t think it’ll be too bad right I mean they’re the spines are like 1 and 33 I think normally and then I’ve already got the five times drop breaks on tier five or tier four so they’re like one and six one and seven I I think it’ll be pretty quick to get him Rangers can use the Tsar throwing rings as well yeah yeah those are those take 60 range though don’t they or is it 50 there’s a setting to show relics above your chat box yeah I I swear I turned it on I don’t I don’t know I mean I’ve teleported around too so like it’s

03:02:05 I don’t know what’s wrong with it oh yeah you can’t go in com I I’ll check it again but unless I’m like missing something it it said it should I don’t know why it’s not there tried to melee skus solo but couldn’t get it took my GG 94 Mage and slapped him yeah I know I like yesterday when I was struggling with melee that’s why I tried with Mage just because like Max hits on Mage are so much easier to get cuz you cap out at like what 17 16 something like that fire blast and like 59 magic is so easy to get compared to

03:02:47 like I’m hitting like 18s now I think with 73 strength but I’ve had to do this for like 4 hours I beat scous 60 strength 45 attack 40 defense yeah the prayer pots though the prayer pots are what make the difference getting like 400 clues in 5 minutes on average here in candin it’s amazing I know I that was that was the only thing that made me really consider candin cuz I know getting the rest of the clues is going to be kind of a pain in the butt 6 minutes with with 50 range is that a six minute kill to kill scarious cuz

03:03:25 that seem was really slow maybe it’s not though I guess he does heal a lot and if you don’t have if you’re not doing a lot of damage it’s pretty tough thank after turning it on I mean I’ve opened the Relic page though so like I maybe it’ll fix itself if I unlock a relic or something I stopped at 16 KC with no drop it’s not bad I’m still a little dry I suppose yeah I mean in theory you’d get in like one and six one and seven but yeah I mean same deal with like the main game right I mean you can go I think it took

03:04:06 me 100ish kills to get a spine I have to go back and double check but it it took a little while so I mean I guess what that be that’d be like 18 20 kills equivalent something like that here just to thank you for the amazing leagues videos we’ll start tomorrow hey welcome thanks for the support appreciate it and yeah I I think leag will be good um if you need the the hour start video you can use mine I will say though now that you’re if you’re starting like a couple days in there’s not a lot of competition for

03:04:39 TAS so like you may be able to just like stick around lumbridge and do more stuff like do the quest and things and kind of like take it easy um I I think that would probably be a little more fun but you can still use like the hour and kind of like grind through get your first Relic get your first area unlocked and then kind of move on from there my plan is to farm scous spines for XP that’s that’s what I’m planning as well I I know when I calculated it out it was a little bit of uh a little bit of a guesstimate for the spines but

03:05:08 I I think for prayer it’s going to be like super good XP I know for the melee stats it’s it’s like it’s should be a lot multiple Millions an hour I think at like tier 3 is what I was trying to estimate it for tier 3 masteries still can’t make OS and I’m struggling with that to do the Fletching training I mean yeah that I guess it’s fair you know like wood cutting people are uh laughing at us needing to make a U short bow but you can also you could get a u bow from Clues um I think mediums drop them so you do have some ways to get

03:05:47 around it don’t don’t let the uh don’t let the axxe guys win all right there’s the task I think let me let me try and sense curious I’m hoping I’ll do enough damage I should be able to get it maybe I don’t need a prayer pot I guess if I really do I can probably um I can probably sort something out I mean I do have a decent amount of these lowlevel herbs it shouldn’t take much to get to 38 I just don’t have secondaries right now let’s see what do I need kind of low on sharks actually I might go buy some p

03:06:30 w remember when people said they would go 50 mil prayer feeling scous I mean I’m planning on it we’ll see how bad it is I feel like I mean you don’t start out with that right you get like tier eight and then you go farm scarious for 50 mil prayer I think it’ll be fine I think it’ll still be like quite a lot of x an hour we’ll see though I could I could be wrong yeah the demon in the tower is already doable I know I did that last night and there weren’t like a ton of people I I did still wait and L A little

03:07:11 but it wasn’t too bad first area lock was FR and that was a big mistake fnck is uh fic’s tough if you have golden god you can kind of like you do all the construction tasks that helps a lot but I mean there’s just not a lot to do out in the Fick a lot of it’s like a lot of it’s the boss stuff and that stuff’s like later into the game I guess you can do a lot of Slayer tasks but then do you want to do Slayer if like fick’s your first area it’s going to take you a while to get to like Leaf bladed sword and

03:07:44 everything let’s see where can I teleport shot’s pretty close yeah f is definitely a third region if you’re taking it yeah I I think the only reason you would take fic early is if you did Golden God cuz then you get like I know the Demonic Throne is like 400 points per construction so like construction be really fast just because you’ll you’ll have so much money um a lot of the construction training methods you can do you just like buy junk from the shop and then you can use it and it’s like crazy construction XP

03:08:20 I do have the strength bot I don’t I don’t know if that’s even worth bringing I guess I’ll bring it I don’t think food will be the problem I’m pretty sure prayer will be my issue if I can’t kill him anyone remember how long Kingdom takes to collect it should be once every 24 hours and it’s like at the reset time for whatever GMT is I don’t remember what it is um exactly I think for me locally is like six or seven 7:00 something like that when central time all right we’ll see how well I can do to read the chat and try to fight

03:09:00 scuras wait private instance solo him all right actually maybe I’ll I’ll use my food a little bit first save my prayer for when he’s like chomping away over here haa kingdoms every hour yes guilded alter is a task as well oh man all of the zeros brutal oh probably should pre block the rage hit nice I want gu so behind in chat I’m so sorry my my pvm skills are showing gosh dang man he’s going to go heal again come on at least the damage is good dude maybe I’ll just not worry about the rats I feel like this hit

03:10:55 four we’ll see I’ve got a lot of food I still got my prayer 19 give me more of those please oh dude double zero DDS what are you doing it’s going to be tragic if I have to sit up to do scuri actually use like f Keys all right all right just couple couple more of those come on I get that 25% chance that it rolls the hit it’s got to be good right more levels to 99 woo EZ sir Auto retaliate take out a rat at least the DPS is good I I feel like I can get this even if I don’t get it here I’m I’m prettyy sure I have

03:12:20 enough damage I can just do it oh my god dude the rats all right all right the rats are killing me dude come on give me some numbers don’t be zeros I don’t have the prayer for this sitting up sitting up slightly sitting up more edge of my seat all right we’ll do fgs come on dude DDS you suck what are you doing come on surely surely that’s it all right scous down and he dropped a prayer potion that’s pretty good we get out of here before he spawns again oh I’m sure that’s going to be way easier with the next Mastery oh

03:14:26 God yeah he’s just going to summon more of them I know right scur is down dude let’s go all right melee attack rate up to 80% 100% I’m I’m not splitting these points I feel like that would be a mistake um now the question is so the dragon long is going to go down to a IC weapon but I probably I know someone was mentioning the tazar weapons I probably ought to go and do that I do want to farm a little bit more scous I know he’s got some more tasks um I’m actually I’m actually shaking a little from scarus

03:15:07 dude actually yeah okay it’s it’s getting hot here man okay give me a minute I’m going to open up the window sweating like it’s a crazy endgame pvm boss over here go again I yeah I I think I’ll do a little bit more scarious I think there’s a task for like 10 and 25 maybe yeah 10 10 and 25 uh the combat achievements I well I need to get a rat spine if I’m going to do that so let’s see I got like 800k that’s probably enough for a couple of the tazar weapons huh uh for the tar weapons I’m going to

03:16:06 just like get a bunch of chaos ruins and sell them get some tacle hopefully it’ll be all right do I need to worry about food I guess I can just go fish more sharks I don’t I don’t need to worry about that I can use all this money pretty much see I don’t know how much is is going to give me buy cash that’s not going to give me enough is it doesn’t look like enough holy cow dude I hope it’s enough this going to be embarrassing if it’s not what if I sell air runes yeah I wish dude I wish love the content man hey I

03:17:04 appreciate it welcome just beat scarious feel pretty good finally finally have tier three in my combat stuff I just need to get 55 or I guess 57 Slayer with the areas that I have right now also does this sound okay with the window open I’m not sure what it does for the audio what was I doing get this and go to thear area I guess it’s fine on first Casey couple of spines on first casc well congratulations guys oh that’s the no no no hold on isn’t there I thought there was one back here maybe I’m

03:17:43 mistaken maybe you’re right then enchant Enchanted Valley is closer I thought there was one back here though I guess not there is a clue step back here but yeah never mind welcome Mr Waffles yes just missed the SCU fight is intense man more intense than it should be for scarus uh is not all bizarre maybe I just don’t have it in here me look it up we’ll see who’s faster chat with the delay or me doing it on the we I think I win I will say there is one plus to fry first having the thieving Relic oh you

03:18:34 know people did say that citizens were pretty good um GP there too 400 points away from tier four and have bar unlocked how would you start training melee um I mean I was in a similar place I just I just did some like low-level Slayer stuff so like well I I got a little bit lucky and I got like some uh some skeleton tasks and that’s that’s how I train other than that I don’t know if there’s like necessarily a better place to train in baramore I I feel like you’re just killing like lowle NPCs at

03:19:06 that point all right let’s see how many do we get all right I I okay this will be this this surely is going to be enough I don’t think the knife is more than like like 30k tacle took 889 chests for the dark key that’s gross dude that’s terrible oh you’re right there is a clue Telly down here it’s actually like right next to the weapon shop isn’t it I go melee weapon and range for the rat Bane I mean I guess it depends on your build but melee weapon for me all the way oh yeah there there’s the uh the

03:19:51 clue spot oh there’s another clue there’s there’s multiple of them uh okay 60k holy cow dude this is a scam what are we doing over here 75k for the cat oh hold on I I need to look up The Tick for these give me one second just unlock tier three rain killing everything with bronze knives is so freaking fun I I hope melee is going to be good too all right so the cat oh seven ticks so it goes down to five probably a little bit slow what’s this other one I think this is the one that I want it didn’t bury his bones rip I’m bad

03:20:55 about it dude yeah so this one is four tick so it’ be three tick that’s probably the way to go let me double check this but I’m pretty sure this is also for tick yeah or yeah I think this is the way to go with it I’m going to I’m going to give it a second scream at me if this is not the way to go but I I think this is the melee weapon I want both can trigger the yeah that’s true I I could also go and farm I do have the uh the Slayer level to go and farm the double hitting one well the citizens have been great

03:21:45 AFK money that’s what I did for all that and then gem stall is insane XP I know dude I think gem stalls honestly I wouldn’t be surprised gem stalls are like 8 mil an hour or something and this and that’s at like what the 12 times multiplyer or something eight times how to get all the currency um I had about 800k Cash correct weapon all right we’ll send it um I had about 800k cash I just bought a bunch of chaos ruin and then I sold another runin shop here that got me all the tacle and then yeah here we are

03:22:17 how does that work strengthwise M task nothing else I wonder if that’ll be better I guess it probably is it’s faster um let me I I want to go send like I’m at least going to do 10 scous let me try it with this and see how well it does [Music] yeah so I I think 10 10 curious maybe I’ll go and farm well actually I’m close to the Slayer level no I don’t know the the dong is like five tick okay so 10 scous I think 10 scous 57 Slayer get up to tier four and then maybe go and farm for the like whatever

03:23:26 dual hitting ice weapon do we auto complete I don’t remember what quest that is for Vore is it auto completed it may not be it’s it’s another Quest dude another Quest I’m going be crying over here I don’t think I’m going to need that much food really have the speed up I do have the speed up but the difference is like so the uh the dragon long sword will go down from 5 to four tick this goes down from four to three so it’s like it’s 25% faster with 22 less melee strength I don’t know what the math is but I’m

03:24:05 pretty sure faster is better in this instance some people went for zombie ax yeah that I guess that’s a good point too I just have to get smithing for that if I did it well and the dropper itself but I hope the drop wouldn’t take that long I guess I don’t know Moon’s Peril Heart of Darkness yeah I it’s it’s not a bad play to do 46 tasks for my next area I think it depends if I get another area unlock I’ll probably end up just going for morania and then I’ll just do some barrows and kind of wait on moons if not

03:24:43 I might just have to force myself to like do that Quest all right seems pretty quick probably not quite at the point where I could AFK scarus though unfortunately finally done with black demons congratulations that took you 4 and 1 half hours 5 hours where we at oh the 100% actually you’re right like I’m yeah I’m not even let’s just see how much damage I I I guess I should pray a little bit I do have the prayer anyway uh you know what I feel like with the faster weapon it might actually be worth killing

03:25:42 these yeah this is this is already miles better oh my god dude like have I even hit a zero like look look at this thing go I wish the area that are Auto unlocked had a raid see regroup with all the homies well unfortunately yeah but you you’ll just have to uh you just take a raid region at least there’s like I think they’re pretty strong this time around I probably out of DDS this should hit right I mean I’ve got 100% accur this surely this is going to be good now all right at least there’s no zeros

03:26:27 on that this is Miles easier try three hours to do Shield ra Quest so not worth it I mean I I think even being on stream is still I I don’t know exactly how long it’s probably like almost 30 minutes of trying to coordinate that like I’m I’m pretty sure I could have just buried big bones and got the XP for 43 yeaha is always strong because of the Skilling um yeah Za especially I think it’s a good pick I like morania as well just because it has a lot of gear coverage desert probably isn’t my first

03:27:05 choice like well I guess obviously right there’s only three rage regions um desert has at least some Skilling options but I don’t know I think Za’s better Za is better for Skilling I think mortan better for pvm and doeser just in a weird middle ground but POA is like the better raid to do goly I don’t like I don’t even have to pay attention for it almost still a little bit but like yeah this is so much easier look at that all right I’ll remember to bury the B this time just for you yeah I I I know a lot of people

03:27:53 don’t like chambers’s Eric I actually I don’t know though I feel like theater of blood is maybe the worst raid temperos and GD are decent I mean yeah that is true well I will say guardians of the rift in leagues is a little bit hard I teleport TR think if there’s one close to a prayer altar I guess I’ll just run for it for now what was I saying theater blood I think theater blood is like the worst raid for most people but I guess if you’re going to be playing with folks then maybe that doesn’t matter if that’s the case then yeah

03:28:36 probably Chambers would be worse if you know that you’re going to have like if your friends are always going to be on then that’s yeah probably farore morania melee build what region would you add since I’m I mean I’m taking seya so that’s the build that I’m going so I’m doing baramore Moran yaa I think you have a lot of flexibility though you could do fnck if you wanted to get the jewelry you could go Wilderness as like a support region trying to think what else I mean you can do caner as a support region too

03:29:14 honestly I mean I don’t think it’d be that big of a deal yeah I I think it it’s just going to depend like whatever content you find fun I’d probably just slot that in I wouldn’t necessarily worry about like Min maxing at that point cuz Barla more and morania just give you so much stuff fancy and like spec him out with some prayers 15 15 is pretty good how’s the league been treating you well I feel a lot better now tier three Mastery I think that helps quite a lot um otherwise you know I still I I need to I’ll have to get

03:30:00 some tasks I got to get to like the Slayer Relic today too 1,50 points I don’t feel like that’s too bad any more insights now that the league is going that conflicts your recommendations or tier list um I for the most part no I mean the area recommendations I think have stayed like fairly consistent since the last couple of uh of leaks just because it’s not like there’s new stuff to do in those areas but I will say like this league in general has so much flexibility that I I don’t think you have to feel bad about

03:30:37 like whatever you choose I think you’ll end up being really powerful regardless so I don’t know how much I said that in the videos but like that’s something to keep in mind too like if you really love candin and you’re going like Melee even though I think that’s probably the weakest choice for candin I don’t think it’ll matter because the other regions are going to be really good for you so like you pick up a raid region you pick up a support region you pick up just one other one that you think is fun that’s maybe like

03:31:04 the only other thing I would change that I don’t know that I’ve said a lot other than that though uh if you’re not going to play a lot Golden God people seem to be having a lot of fun with that so you could definitely pick that up I was like way more against golden god in the videos than I feel like I am now after like watching some people take it I still maintain the rating that I gave it I just I I don’t think it’s as big of a gap if that makes sense solo boy started planning knowing a desert for TOA yeah I know TOA is one

03:31:36 that people really like isn’t the Wilderness blade like a one-handed Scythe because it hits twice um well the two hits is just with the special attack right I mean I guess you also get the the little Lightnings which I’m trying to remember I think it was the lightning can have an echo effect but the echo effect from the lightning won’t spawn more lightning I I think that’s what it was I’m going to run out of prayer um but yeah I mean I think it’s still a good weapon like I I think that’s why Wilderness as a support

03:32:15 region is kind of fun just because you can slot that weapon in um and that I think it’ll be a good time even if it’s not like the best of the best feel like I kind kind of need to focus up I don’t want to get wrecked over here this kill hasn’t been quite as smooth as the last why why the zeros dude why the zero this is so much harder without F keys if you aren’t using F keys yet go into your settings and enable that dude not that I’m doing much with my hand anyway just kind of hanging out very the big bones all right there

03:33:12 you go get some prayer XP leaving the meat on the ground best use of XP lamps can’t decide what skill I mean the museum XP lamps I think getting an early boost on prayer is pretty good outside of that I think it’s really just going to be whatever skills you don’t like to train so like or if you have a particular goal that you’re working towards so like if you need higher Hunter as much as like Hunter is like a fast skill anyway but like if you don’t like to trade it I think you just puts put it in whatever for me it’s probably

03:33:46 like agility or heror but I don’t think it’s going to be that big of a deal by the way you helped me decide to go vmore first I’m enjoying it hey glad you enjoyed it Rune crafting recommendation yeah I guess yeah you can do run crafting as well oh wait what did I just do oh look at the look at the golden god people having a good time oh you know that’s funny I wasn’t sure if they were going to show like coins on the altar or bones get a little stack of coins going on pretty cool what’s the best high Al method with

03:34:26 golden god for early cash basically the Champions Guild is going to be your first stop you can get a lot of like adamant ruin stuff in there in the starting area you can move up to Dragon Longs and xanas and then if you have like a stone Mason that that’s going to be like Peak cash per hour on the outs where is your Relic overlay I have no clue dude oh yeah I guess I can double check it again but I mean the setting it seemed like it was on wait a minute I checked this earlier do you have to save

03:35:04 this or did it like force itself to be off I have no clue could tell you no idea why that’s still not showing up I wonder if it’ll be unchecked later if I come back to it um I know well here I can try teleporting I know some people said that I tried Rel logging I mean I feel like it’s bugged or something forger seems somewhat weak so far I mean it it helps you with herblore specifically and like heror heror doesn’t give you a lot of early power even if you make a lot of potions like even if you get you know what like a

03:36:09 like a super combat I don’t remember what the base is but it’s like you know plus seven and then it’s like a percentage of your level so it just doesn’t give you a lot of early power but heror is a tough one to solve so I mean it’s not like a bad pickup it’s just it won’t feel as good as like golden god or um or well not golden god it won’t it won’t feel as good as the other two right just because like you’re not going to see it I mean agility I don’t think is that good either dodgy deal is probably where it’s

03:36:37 at Value having dodgy deals friendly forager combo too much to worry about GP yeah just hit tier five love Clues and Slayer I logged out cuz I don’t know which to pick that’s that’s rough I don’t know I mean if you have the clue Compass I think you can go for the Slayer Relic and not feel too bad you think you’d get an Amy of strength or power for early game melee I don’t even think it’ll matter I mean I’m I’m running around over here without an amulet uh if you have seya you can go and like kill the

03:37:09 the whatever the undead priests or things that are in there they have a chance to drop at least the strength Amy I don’t I don’t remember if they Dro power I don’t think they do or if they do maybe it’s rare I mean you can do that I just I don’t think it’s going to make that big of a difference didn’t seem to get an XP lay for defender of rock you have to complete the uh the shield of arav quest and then you’ll be able to get a lamp from that and also oh hey relics there you go um you you’ll get that lamp and

03:37:39 then you’ll also be able to claim the the M or the defender of barck one Jack released day one stats did they only 3% took candra in first region and only 4% took Lumberjack it makes sense to me I feel like it’s so bad dude it well both of those got trashed a lot in like the leagues videos I know I did it but I mean I wasn’t the only one making leagues videos basically everybody’s crashing on those farming early is really bad yeah how many ruines did it take for you to get the tazar weapon I mean I probably needed like

03:38:13 6,000 chaos or something like that is it’s not like the most but I mean it did cost me like I mean it’s probably like 700k or something like that broke it I did break it I have no idea how I fixed it thing thing just fixed [Music] itself guess it allows you to go grimore um yeah the forager the thing is like for grimore it’s just if you care about ancients like that that’s really it I don’t think that the prayers you’re going to really feel that power difference maybe if you get to it early I guess if you’re like task rushing

03:39:01 you’ll feel it a little bit more um and and then maybe the prayers are a little bit more worth considering but like if you’re like me and you’re kind of slow at going through tasks then I don’t think the prayers are going to make that huge of a difference gosh dang man take it so much damage I’m too chill for scuras apparently there way to remove the teleports oh yeah it seems like people are answering that one you’re the vmore route don’t sleep on blessed wines for prayer 4K per tick yeah I just have to

03:39:35 go and like what is it there’s like an AFK mining thing that you can do right I I’ve not done a lot of stuff in baremore so I’m just not very familiar with it gem stall with a 12 times multiplier yeah I know like 97 thieving and I definitely got at least a few levels just from gem stalls and like I remember they were really quick and I’m not even on the like higher multiplier 10 mil an hour well there you go 20K per wine huh I just I’d have to go yeah I I think maybe that can be my AFK thing for

03:40:16 tonight the whatever like the calcified [Music] rocks oh you have to start the caress moons gosh dang it dude I I’m going to have to go and do that Quest I want to fight the moons like I’d probably go and do moons now but I just I really just don’t want to Quest I don’t know I feel like I’m so bad at the game sometimes cuz that like I just can’t go Quest dude I can’t I can’t make myself do it knives at the rats I know well and actually you know what’s funny about knives knives and like darts and stuff

03:41:03 you already get down to one tick so you don’t even benefit from getting like the rat ban weapons all right we’re good get a little worried there room battle axe free money bury the bones there we go all right need advice I have Forge Relic not sure if overgrown or pocket kingdom are all that useful I figure even though I’m in the desert your more adds enough with the prayers right I think if you already got Forger well it depends pocket Kingdom can give you logs for Fletching that be something it can give you seeds for

03:41:55 farming and give you hardwood trees as well for Construction Plus coal for smithing I mean if you have to use coal for smithing that’s going to feel pretty bad anyway but at least you won’t have to go and mine coal so I think it depends if you can live without those other resources then grimore is fine I mean it is a nice benefit because you you get like Vengeance without Fick that can be a thing you get um what are they call THS you get THS which I know aren’t like the biggest DPS increase but at least it’s like

03:42:26 something and then you also get the prayers so I mean it’s not like the worst and I think forager solves the herb problem completely so I wouldn’t worry about like going over grow necessarily see what am I do get some more food back scous I got to get kills on four scur is fine for that guy congrats sir strictly going for grimoire for ancients because I’m mage build and I’m be hard is kind of a big deal being able to barrage in catacombs to get superiors will be quick to get it yeah I I kind of

03:43:01 have the same thought where I don’t know I my hold up is I don’t know how big of a deal ancients are in the Coliseum if it’s not a big deal in the Coliseum I think I can live without the Ancients but like if you need it to like freeze NPCs or something then I I almost have to go grimoire which is going to really suck for my farming always Max I guess yeah that is true they would still help with killing the rats I guess I was just thinking like since you’re still on one tick though I don’t know is it going to matter that

03:43:45 much I guess it’ll matter a little cuz like there’s a good chance that you don’t one tap the rats if you use knives on them finally 38 her congratulations just getting to it makes me regret not taking friendly forger the secondaries are brutal I I am right there with you I’m locked in in my 21 heror my only prayer pot is from scarious you took forger tier two what are you taking tier four um I really like dodgy deals uh I guess it depends golden god early power for sure like that would be a good pick

03:44:21 up but for me if I had forager I I would go back and I would take dodgy deals I I don’t think I would do the so like I did the the whole like double uh double Gathering relics but I already had dodgy deals and I I’m not expecting herbs to be a problem for me later I’ve got VOR I’ve got Mixology and I’m planning to go well I guess if I if I need Grim more I might be in a little bit of trouble but I I was planning on going overgrown so yeah I I think that going back reloaded for dodgy deals is not a

03:44:53 bad call it it just depends how much you hate thieving think I’m going range tank build with baramore Moria crnic any advice um I mean it seems solid to me oh ow stepped back in rip morania get carols if you’re okay if you’re not like a ver of questing like I am just do the moon’s Quest and then you get the the moon’s armor I think the at LAD will actually be pretty fun with like the burn effect thing but no I I think combo wise is pretty good A lot of thieving XP a lot of crafting XP yeah I mean Dody deals like

03:45:41 is it bad to say dodgy deals is the real deal little silly but like DOI deals dude I mean it’s so good H you it just you go find a gem stall it’s like it’s so good 350 mil thieving and if you have high Lev NPCs it’s like Nob brainer b a mythical dragon skimy wielded in Shiloh Village oh that is true because only people who have Canon are going to take it you always one tap the rats with knives really well wait hold on they have 15 Health though I mean do you range tier three rat bow has getting

03:46:23 3 mil range XP an hour yeah I mean I’m sure it’s good I I have a feeling that like knives are probably better on the boss maybe you just ignore the rats I mean I guess you don’t have to kill him is kig kigam orip functioning this league um I don’t think they said they were turning it back on but I will say there’s an or shop on what is the other aisle one one of the one of the other islands has an or shop so you can still get ores they’ll be finish scures oh oh no no no nope okay we’re good we’re fine

03:47:21 one more all right always get a little bit nervous at the end oh hey there you go scur is fine let’s go I think I’ve already got the ruin ma in the bank as well I’m trying to remember what the stats are to make that I don’t know if 40 smithing is enough even with no range Master well okay the bow I know the bow always one Taps it but the knives wouldn’t right I mean the knives wouldn’t you you’d hit a lot of low numbers wouldn’t you selling gems into tar a viable strategy to get tacle um yeah but I think before you have like

03:48:12 well actually no you just note it right you go over there probably I mean if you have a lot of them I I don’t see why you couldn’t is the blast furnace shop enabled this league I mean I I’m glad that they did I thought it was a little silly that they disabled it since there’s like another or shop just really close by anyway um I’ll just I’ll just try just trust and bring knives I’m melee though I want to get my melee stats up 35 smithing then I should be good easy enough 2400 smithing XP oh you know what I don’t know if this

03:49:05 counts for four run no all right fig worth the shot my bank is so organized yeah I spent some time on it I mean it’s it’s getting slightly more disorganized but at least I’m not doing like a ton of stuff right now so it’s not going to get too crazy all you know what probably ought to heal up just since I’m not being super good about my prayers while I’m in there West are a pain dude I’m telling you quests are such a pain I’m legitimately considering like okay originally I was go Vore isah and I was

03:49:47 I felt like pretty locked into that order too but I’m just like H I have to do the moons Quest or am I am I sure about that the moon’s quest which is like 48 Slayer which I have little ASMR for you um like I have I just I would have to get construction to level 10 and I’m like oh man but then if I get Construction level 10 I basically I should do Daddy’s home like mini Quest I don’t want to do that that’s another Quest dude like the bar the barrier of Entry just keeps going up I’m just like I would

03:50:21 rather unlock morania first just cuz then I can send barrows I don’t need a quest for Barrows got like two tabs the rest is just a d i mean yesterday it was bad dude I was just dumping stuff into the bank yo this thing this thing smacked 24 holy cow dude I I knew it did I just like this is going to be so good this is actually just super super good gout tuber from the jungle congrats it is boosted at least it should be I know that they said they were going to fix it for this year I know there were

03:51:10 some like problems last year with them should I send scous oh wait let me not die should I send scuri or look up a guide first never done it before um I mean I can I can try and like talk you through it a little bit so he does melee attacks as well as like well okay here we’re on the healing phase so we’ll skip around a little healing phase he’s going to munch here and he’s going to switch between any like these two heads they don’t go in a particular order it’s random the green one is range the blue one is uh Magic so

03:51:47 you can swap your prayers do that he’s going to have this sort of like Rumble falling attack and you just want to make sure you’re not standing on any of these uh any of the tiles that have the Shadows he can also spawn rats as like a special attack so if you have a rat Bane weapon you’ll be able to kill him in one tick makes it a little bit easier if not it’s a little bit slow he probably saw me like skipping him when I was using the dragon long cuz it just takes a long time but I mean that’s pretty much it with it ooh ruin Square

03:52:15 Shield that’s an upgrade you can pray melee like if you’ve got the prayer for if you have a prayer potion does pray melee on like the main phase when he’s out there right at the end he goes into what people call the Jad phase so that’s what you saw kind of at the end I guess I could have stayed in there I basically didn’t use anything here we’ll we’ll we’ll clean this up okay we’ll do it from the start so you can see all this in order so when you come in here he’s going to do either melee attacks against

03:52:47 you or he’s going to do the like Rubble falling attack so you just that’s the one you avoid every once in a while he goes and he heals so that’s when he does the sort of like back and forth thing that I was talking about you just have to pay attention to whichever one of these like starts charging up but you have quite a bit of time and then once he gets down to like 150 HP he’ll walk to the center and that’s when he does that Jad phase and I think he uh I’m trying to remember I know he mainly just like m mag does

03:53:15 magic attacks rage attack falling attack and uh and summoning rats he hit me with melee on a few of those kills though so I think if he has a chance to melee maybe I it might have been that he was in a little bit of a weird spot so I I feel like in the main game I don’t remember him meleeing during that Final Phase but he he’s mostly easy it it’ll feel like a lot I think the first couple of times but once you get into the rhythm of it it’s pretty straightforward bro Daddy tell was 5 to 10 minutes I

03:53:48 know dude I know I know it’s so bad all right I just can’t be bothered okay I just want to click stuff and like do it I just want I just want to click things click things hands up you know not even worry about it what what am I uh what weapon am I using I just got the rat bone mace so scous is basically a joke now super good any you need Rune crafting for moons I know right like 20 Rune crafting who could be bothered to go getting 20 Rune crafting dude 75 magic unsure where to get Bloods get 55 plus layer for Mastery 3 or do

03:54:27 the r first um I feel like Mage you’re going to have a pretty easy time going through this if you have a prayer potion even better but Mage should have an easy time making it through scuras just cuz your damage comes online at like such a low level oh they don’t get stacked out don’t want to use my pray uh zombie drop or zombie ax rate I don’t know exactly but I it should be I think naturally it’s like one out of 800 or something it’s like a pretty rare drop so whatever that is 5X five like one in 175 or something like that I mean

03:55:09 it’s still going to be pretty rare the rat is Introduction to boss mechanics yeah pretty much don’t you complete Ty of one ey Trio um Ty one ey Trio I yeah yeah you you complete that before you get the gout tuber cuz you have to be able to do the mini game any money issues was thinking GG but Ed is so strong um Golden God will give you way more cash way sooner so like granted I wasn’t AFK thieving like well I was AFK thieving right it wasn’t like super efficient I made like a mill last night or a little

03:55:56 bit under from just pickpocketing stuff so it’s not like golden god you’ll have a mill in like a minute like you go to the Champions Guild and you’ll just have that much cash hold on um so it just depends how early you want it if you’re okay to wait around and like AFK some thieving you know get like 97 thieving or whatever then yeah I I think it’s more fun like being able to AFK th it but it’s definitely not going to give you as much money as Golden God will how to get the prayer XP it was from the shield of a WRA Quest then you

03:56:31 can claim two XP lamps from the museum that got me up to 50 use tears of guic onward crafting but see to to do that I would have to train Fletching farming and construction and that sounds sounds like three skills I don’t want to touch right now who could be bothered to get 20 Rune crafting as you’re getting 20 Rune crafting I mean hey more power to you I should man I should I should go and do the perilous moons Quest like I I I legitimately should I just but pretend curious you know goes up to 160 dry at dry out of

03:57:09 700 that’s dry 700 oh I got you you don’t have the zombie axe within 700 kills you’re having a bad time dude look at that though 26 26 on a three tick one tick for the rats if you can click them watching you kill scuras while I prepare myself too cheers from Brazil hey welcome Brazil H pretty cool I’m watching the I’m watching the chat while I’m killing scous so uh little little rough sometimes but I think for the most part pretty chill once you get to tier three has been pretty easy get a rat main weapon especially that that

03:57:58 really really like ramped it up oh it’s a bug with the uh with the relics then just pulled guilded full Helm and only for 80 points well In fairness they can’t make it like too high because it’s so rare anyway if basically like if you didn’t go to clue Relic there’d be no chance of getting that t so they they can’t give people like too many points for it I mean I guess they could like it really it doesn’t it doesn’t matter they can like balance leaks how they want but like imagine like it was a 400 Point

03:58:32 task everybody would feel so bad not getting it it’d be it’d be awful dude same deal with like third age actually yeah I I can I can probably say Su for NOA is going to be nice for AFK training yeah and I if I can do the quest I’m going to use that to get the weapons cuz I I think that would be a nice little upgrade well assuming I don’t get to like morania first shoot if I avoid the Quest for so long that I get to morania I’ll just go do barrows use the melee relics um yeah yeah that melee masteries I’m up to tier

03:59:13 three right now I’m pretty close to 55 Slayer I have to get like 57 for the areas that I have right now but I I’m pretty close to getting tier four and then this is going to be like really really AFK I think zombie a at 31 zombies and don’t have the smithing level yet what a problem to have though if you want Power Miner I don’t think 70 smithing is going to take you very long he walked me in there going to run out of prayer do I use a prayer pot I’ll use a prayer pot surely I’ll be able to make a prayer

03:59:53 pot soon oh no no no I I am reading the chat but there’s like a 30 second to like a minute delay so I’m a I’m a little bit I’ll seem a little bit behind you guys but I am I’m watching the chat don’t worry if you can’t tell I’m taking so much damage at scurs cuz I’m like looking at the chat how we decide on my tier six Relic Bankers or Bankers is going to be Bankers is like more generally useful it’s also like more chill to use Total Recall is fun if you want to do some like spec spamming on Slayer mobs

04:00:35 and stuff and it also has that potential for like you can save any spot that’s not in an instance and teleport back to it so I think there’s going to be some fun stuff you can do with that as well but it’s going to be a lot of clicking if you don’t want a lot of clicking I think Bankers know is probably the way to go amonite crabs also good for AFK all of the crabs are yeah there’s actually a there’s like frost crabs in baramore too so I think a lot of regions actually have access to them now time to send some scuras good

04:01:10 luck holy cow eight scous Casey got you from 54 to 80 four Slayer or 50 oh no 58 I I totally read that wrong not as impressive but okay at least it’s something right you already have the uh Slayer Relic I take it here comes another combat achievement good stuff forger is just op for pots it is yeah I mean the only reason I I’m like struggling so hard for Scurry is because I don’t have prayer pots I I just have to get 38 alter and you just have Banker note here you just like click back and forth actually I probably

04:01:45 excuse me I probably don’t even need the uh the dagger anymore doing the wood cutting and Fir making prep for winter Toby winter Todd I like winter Todd I think it’s really chill actually after the changes that they made TI five range throwing knives 100% AFK at scous oh I bet dude I can’t wait for tier five I think well so tier four for sure I’ve got that one Slayer what else were the other ones I know J’s one of them oh hun combat hun combat 78 combat I guess if I I probably get a pretty decent amount of levels if

04:02:34 I train my defense up maybe I’ll do that where do you get Snape grass um I’m hoping somewhere on cora I haven’t looked it up so nice with osrs giving 100% protection can type while you’re fighting him well maybe that’s a little rough but yeah yeah I mean I the protection fers are good I know like uh but RS3 you get like the reflect ones and it only blocks like 90% so you’re just taking chip damage the entire time does anybody know where b b golly [Music] Banis myy Hideout dude um for the Ivan displ he’s in not dark me the city

04:03:28 before he I’ll if remind me after the scarious kill and I’ll open the map I can show you if someone doesn’t answer in the chat can you buy herb packs from Pest Control I think so and use them for herb um yeah I I think all of the other rewards should be available so like you can get um you can get ore from there as well or herbs and then void I I think you’re good I just don’t know how many people are going to be there fingers hurt from getting 500k to Taco it is tough dude I’m a little jealous though that’s a lot of free

04:04:05 points dude get a level up swing yeah have fck water birth Island that’s true yeah spawns in vmore oh hey pray potion all right there is 10 golly that kill was so fast dude all right what was I saying okay Slayer was next wait I don’t even run uh I didn’t I don’t think I got another TK yet Harless spawn Snape grass I have to look that makes it easier is it 50 50 to 60% damage on there for RS3 that’s I don’t remember it being that bad oh probably ought to switch my weapon silly to show up with a rat bone

04:05:07 maze somewhere else old man’s Hut using Carol’s crossbow with tier four range scur is also AFK I I bet dud I think I think carols and the at lle stuff is like the most interesting range setup especially when you’re um tier three before you get to tier five just because it’s like that you get like the most benefit there for it since you you don’t get to go down to like one tick so you don’t feel bad about using it and it’s it’s still like blowpipe speed watching this while AFK grabs well hello Mr Braden appreciate you

04:05:51 watching like with a stack of cash in my backpack cuz you can’t put two stacks in the bank wait can you not even if you can’t put two stacks I guess you can turn it into plat tokens right go to the GE I’m planing to take overgrown with lots of farming patches should I skip forger in favor of Miner I think so um conserving secondar is it is good but I feel like there’s enough ways for you to get secondaries even if it’s on specific herbs like overgrown you’re going to be able to farm like limp works right so

04:06:21 even if you end up having to make super strength Potions all the way to 99 but I I think you’ll be all right playing on eclectics for Snape grass that’s true too Daddy’s home isn’t necessary if you got 1kgp though well I already bought my house I mean I guess I can just go there and like build a chair then I have to go to my house and build a chair oh my god dude I’m like I’m like the guy who plays RuneScape and all I want to do is not not play RuneScape I don’t want to play the game man I just want to like click something

04:06:50 and not pay attention to it that’s so funny uh let’s see Barbarian Village got some Hill Giants actually I do have that key I guess I can go kill oore too maybe I’ll just get a key while I’m here though curious killed easy congratulations sir enjoy the Mastery point rat ban weapons are nice at barrels for KC I mean I guess right yeah there are rats down in the tunnels trying to decide whether I want to unlock PR or morania my next region would mean the other would be left for last unlock already have desert unlock

04:07:31 um I mean I I feel like you can wait on fdick I mean most of the stuff for Fick is like super late cuz it’s all just like pvm stuff I know morania you could probably say the same thing but I think there’s more to do early than and somewhere like remnick can you show where the oh right right yeah yeah so the FL guy with the quests that are Auto completed there is he should be hanging out I want to say he hangs out in this building here there’s like a this ladder down you I think you might have to like lift up a carpet spur or

04:08:08 something I don’t remember if it’s always open um so I think you can reclaim it here if not depending on where the quests are you may have to go into the like secret laboratory cuz he may still be there so there’s he could be there as well I would check here here first should be like barely easy to get to um if you haven’t checked under the the bergot one this is like the other Hideout I’m just trying to remember like where in the quest chain things are autoc completed sorry I know this isn’t like super super

04:08:37 specific but it’s going to be one of those three locations um if you’re going to go there like run down through bergot you can check here it’ll be pretty quick and then you take the boat over you’re able to like come in here and you can see if he’s in the like secret hideout that’s over here if he’s not one of those have the vampire send you to the mines and it’ll it’ll bring you like up to the top and then you can run through most of these buildings to get like pretty close um you end up like you go through here and then you

04:09:05 come around and then you can get to the the like secret lab i’ either want to get grimoire or Za to get the grass spells what what are the grasp spells going to do for you you’re going to like try and PK with the uh arus spell book or Arcus spell book well actually you can’t even right I don’t think they’re they’re not enabled in uh PVP are they really appreciate all the reveal discussion videos look forward to seeing the progress hey appreciate it yeah I I’ll be streaming all the progress and I’ll I’ll be saving the streams into

04:09:50 like a playlist I was debating with someone the other day whether or not it was worth like a a reupload and I’m a little unsure I mean I guess folks can tell me I know like you’re already in the Stream So maybe you wouldn’t care about it but if that’s something that you want to see I could put them up on the main Channel as videos um I don’t exactly have a lot of time to like edit them down and because I haven’t quite figured out the stream setup all of the audio is through one channel so I wouldn’t be be able to use like my

04:10:14 normal editing process to like quickly condense it down so it’s I’m a I’m a little bit at a loss so like for now it’s just in that playlist but if you guys want something else with it I guess let me know Hi man nice seeing you stream again favorite streamer laidback by try to be man if you if you haven’t heard I don’t like to do quests or anything I basically like to just click and leave my computer alone almost hard to not be laidback at that point uh is soul War’s only way to imw the black mask

04:10:46 um you can buy nightmare Zone points if you have candin I remember that you just it cost GP otherwise yes I think Sol war is it nice one spine is 56k XP I’m so glad that they didn’t like Nerf that I was a little worried when I saw the XP numbers after I did the calculations I was like are they really going to let this slide after disabling Soul Wars and test control that was good to know you could trade for do for the flail as well oh that yeah I guess that um you have to pay for that though I guess it wouldn’t matter you’ll probably

04:11:21 have a lot of GP grass for implings oh the uh the dark lure yeah that’s how Blue Moon works it gives you melee hits off finds interesting okay um well last year nightmare Zone wasn’t enabled I mean maybe they changed it I I didn’t hear that they did though you could go there and you could use GP to like buy points so you could still you use it for Imus I don’t remember if they enabled like the other rewards from it you could still get points though it’s just like I don’t know th000 GP a point or

04:12:00 something 100 100 GP a point I don’t remember exactly what the conversion rate was currently killing barbarians for a one out of 28 or one out of 128 amulet mold cuz he went to Ronin first dude that is such a rip I I saw that I saw the Crafting Shop in Toronto when I was making the video I don’t think I put it in the video cuz I looked at it I’m like there’s not it’s not even like a full Crafting Shop you see the icon on the map but it’s just like it’s so misleading I was like I don’t I don’t remember if I put it in or not hopefully

04:12:31 I if I put it in I probably made some mention of it like it wasn’t that good but ah dude I saw that I’m just like why doing Quest equals reading reading equals Bad true with the eight times miname multiplier points i’ say nmc andb is easily en reach you know I I wonder that maybe that would apply like if you trade GP in for points the time the pickpocket gives 10 mil you can have one bill with a GG yeah it’s true I know I mean there there’s no competition with it yeah I mean if you want just straight

04:13:12 GP uh go God is going to get you there way faster just got GG any good moneymaking tips for it um start out in the Champions Guild get yourself up to like a mill or two cash tack with all the items in there if you have an area with condensed gold then you probably want to get up to like I don’t know 50 mil cash you just want to be able to buy like a healthy number of them just in case you get unlucky so you know you spend like spend like I don’t know 30 minutes in the Champions Guild you probably have

04:13:46 enough if you don’t have a stone Mason you can go to the the xanis shop and start alking dongs that’ll bring up your cash a little bit faster if you get access to the heroes Guild or the uh’s Miss Guild you’ll also get some other dragon weapons in there that can be good too oh yeah the soul Wars Soul Wars would be quick yeah I and you can actually uh if you have a second account you can solo Soul Wars otherwise you can go on the mass world I I do wonder how many people are actually there though

04:14:20 just because they disabled the XP it’s still really good for supplies still like a really easy pet to get so I’m sure there’s going to be at least some people but it may not be as good you may if you don’t have two accounts maybe you can find somebody to help you farm you just like take turns killing the bosses and you get a lot of points got to 99 thieving congrats I’ll be there soon I’ll Pro I’ll probably end up getting there tonight just from like AFK thiing dodg is very good 90 thieving and

04:14:52 get infinite gems cut bionx yeah I I’m kind of waiting to uh once I get to like either bank note or Total Recall I’m kind of thinking I’ll save up gems there I I still need to do fire Cape too all right let me go do oore in case I get like some keys from him I didn’t recharge my prayer well that should be all right actually what am I doing I need to pray melee anyway ow dude come on oore stop making me eat oh my God okay can’t risk it can’t risk it what’s the soul Wars world uh I don’t know um I mean last year I ended up I

04:15:53 just sold it I I think it was way more annoying to like wait for a world to start cuz the while the games are fast I I think it’s faster if you just if you can do it with someone or you have a second account just because you can basically you go in you like get 20 shards or something you turn them in the center You Go Kill the Boss you leave and you just get a ton of points 324 had full lobbies for soul Wars earlier oh there you go than just ran out of prayer lucky Club no lucky Club some points though

04:16:27 it’s not bad these actually that’s a lot of herblore XP okay I I’m pretty sure I’ve got enough caram to use all these how do I get my hunter up I want to try and get mixed hide I’ve unlocked farore so far if you haven’t done the museum quiz you can do that depending on what multiplier you’re on um I did it for I think I was on the eight times multiplier when I did it I got 2500 if you’re up a little bit higher you’ll probably end up with like 30ish so you can do that get like those initial levels otherwise um I mean

04:17:09 there’s tasks in peral Puro like go and catch 50 implings imp peralo that’ll give you enough then you just start Hunter rumors is it worth it in leagues is what worth it in leagues Retta oh we’re going to eat dirt obar look a little scary man he hits he hit pretty high just finished Shield of a RAV with a viewer well congratulations then you get a bunch of XP Za morania are anything better than guards right now pre virs um not not like pickpocketing wise I don’t think so I’m trying to think like you can do

04:18:05 pisc gilia thieving for like the valuable stuff but I I don’t think that’s going to be like good GP an hour it’s definitely not AFK MOS Giants all right maybe we can fight rof as well do I need I guess I didn’t really get a lot of XP there did I catch butterflies north of the Tiamat place oh well there you go tier five Relic increases the XP multiplier to 12 times right I I think you’re right I think that’s um I think that’s where it goes up see yeah 8 to 12 for tier five also Birds on the aisle of souls yeah if

04:18:49 you’re like if I feel like this if you’re desperate though Birds on the aisles of souls are like those are all low level aren’t they I guess it doesn’t really matter I mean you’d only have to get to like 40 something for hun [Music] rumors actually you know what while I’m here let me just do a little bit of herblore let me see where I end up with that oh I don’t have vials surely I can get vials somewhere around here actually did they sell them in the [Music] shop let’s find out files of water yeah

04:19:41 they do why did it’s okay I need him okay it’s fine I didn’t have a lot of cash anyway okay it’s fine it’s fine everything’s fine I got to stop shift clicking when I buy these packs dude I’m just eviscerating my cash so [Music] quickly god dude I I swear I did the same thing I bought the the chaos runs earlier and I I worry that the price goes up too go d well I’m I’m never going to run out of vile’s water at least anytime soon yeah imagine worrying about money Mr uh golden god over there huh yeah yeah yeah all of you Golden God

04:20:31 people I know all right you just wait I am going to AFK thieving for 18 hours tonight and I’m going to come back and I’m going to have a solid like three mil okay it’s going to be you’ll be jealous then I swear more thieving I could go get 99 I mean 99 is what 200 points I think ask all the golden god people how many herbs they gold can buy there’s going to be a war dude Golden God versus everybody else I feel like in the stats that they released did they say how many people like what percentage of people took golden god or

04:21:12 they they didn’t put that out [Music] yet look at what you need to match a fraction of our power all right shut up man I’m doing okay I’m getting my herow XP all right we’re making it work where do you see the stats you want to see them um well here let me finish actually never mind it’ll it’ll do it stats this isn’t going to be enough for 38 either darn Banger music hey glad you like it I I was trying a different playlist today cuz yesterday I did so like I’ve got a a playlist that I threw together um when I

04:22:02 was doing the daily videos I know some folks were commenting about the different types of music so I went through and I I got like a uh I made like a lowii playlist and so that thing is like 2 hours long but I just figure if I’m going to be streaming for a long period of time anyway it’d probably be good to like mix it up a little so I just kind of searched up a streaming list I use uh epidemic sound so I don’t have to worry about like copyright [Music] stuff let’s see can I squeak out any more heror XP probably not

04:22:35 really um vars unicorn horn dust can I well is there the pestl and mortar I think there is one in the General Store in lumbridge maybe okay you know what I’m get I’m getting distracted but that’s all right um no no no no no Focus Moss Giants Slayer Moss Giants Slayer I I got to I got to get Slayer okay I got to refocus otherwise I’m like I’m not going to I’m not going to get the masteries done today uh what else do I need uh is that is this a slash weapon or a stab weapon this a stab weapon that

04:23:21 probably doesn’t work for slashing the webs if I want to go down there all right bring it just in case am I hungry I’m doing okay but if you want to if you miss Timmy if you want to uh if you want to do dinner sometime just let me know I know we said like 5:00 but if we want to do it a little bit sooner we [Music] can uh let’s see it’s probably the closest BR about the golden Gods prayer training too yeah yeah yeah PES M oh also from the Shiloh Village yeah only just add it okay well you know what I’m I’m blind half the time when I

04:24:14 okay yesterday I couldn’t identify like cooked sardines okay it was rough guess I’ll recharge my prior just in case I need it oh the the the tier one Whatever breakdown stats I don’t know someone said that Jack put the numbers out maybe on their Twitter I don’t know if they did on the homepage uh let me see let me see they put like in the article maybe out now issues and fixes must have been on Twitter or something or maybe in like the the leaks Discord I don’t see any stats in here I don’t think it was in the News

04:25:07 Post Yeah I’m not sure maybe maybe someone else will be able to answer that I think it’d be fun it’s on Twitter okay uh oh Twitter let’s see let’s take a look day one statistics yeah they’ve only got the uh only have the tier one Relic so you have wow 75% took animal Wrangler I’m actually surprised Power Miner didn’t take more people 19.7% for Power Miner that’s wild actually uh let’s see top region pick baramore I called it dude I knew this was going to be number one baramore all the way 20% giant slain ton of Hill Giants wow

04:25:55 only 2,000 something ice giants I guess those are kind of hard to to come by it’s the Wilderness and asgarnia huh we can get a chef’s hat if you kill goblins in lumbridge they will drop you a chef’s hat eventually it’s actually kind of rare for a chef’s hat but yeah you can go do that I think I’m the only person to pick glue compass and treasure Arbiter and having so much fun right now I I don’t know I’ve seen a few people do it I I get it I do think it’s going to be really fun cake cake cake cake

04:26:34 cake hey you know if you if you want to eat some cake without me Miss Timmy you go for it all right it it’d be fine you know if you’re a little hungry um if you want to do dinner though sooner I mean I I already skipped lunch so it’d be all right oh man I don’t even I don’t get to swat slash the web oh oh it’s fun also that does work all right maybe 10 points easy Steve hey thanks for the donation man um you get rid of all of the cross out Tellies in the clue Compass it is the better teleport menu

04:27:18 plugin this one here you have to find it in uh in the plugin Hub but once you get that you’ve got the option to hide disabled entries that’s the one that you’re looking for but again hey I I I appreciate it appreciate the donation Grave Digger random does that have a task I think the Grave Digger random does have a task killed 151 goblins for a chef hat yeah dude I I remember trying to get a chef’s hat on like other Iron Man accounts it it is not fun it can take a long time it’s like a one and 128 or

04:28:04 something Have I killed the big rat already Yes I did Sir I already killed him 10 times actually and I’ve got a ratbone mace as well I’ll have to go back back for the 25 kills cuz I know that’s going to be a task too um I just I kind of want to work my way through the combat Mastery stuff and I know I’m going to have to go back there for like 100 combat anyway so I figured I would uh I’d pick up Slayer hopefully get that point there might be able to go do Jad cuz I think I’ll be able to get the herb

04:28:29 level to make pray potions and I feel like with tier four probably melee Jad is going to be fine as long as I have the prayer potions I think I’ll be good what was I trying to look at that was a picka that went yeah yeah just got done with Echo hisor I think it was shorter than my first curious still a 7-minute build though that’s a that’s cool I haven’t seen any of the echo bosses yet so how hard was it like the mechanics and stuff chef’s hat I feel like I’m going to I have I swear I have these

04:29:15 tagged the XP there is so good yeah um this is the gravedigger random plant pot why do I I remember like the plant B being a weird one yeah I think that’s the the crafting one that do that hopefully that’ll be good I think this is going to be 30 points maybe mechanically it wasn’t bad harder than hisor but once you get used to it it all makes sense kbd was a joke really I wonder I mean I if I go morania next that’ll probably end up being my first Echo boss hello I think I’m finished please are randoms worth it in leagues I think

04:30:16 almost every random has a task Associated to it yeah like look at that well wait a minute 30 points that’s a different one okay there you go equip a piece of zombie equipment 30 points so I think I’m pretty sure it’s like it’s most of them it’s not all of them but you might as well just do all of them at least once just hit 69 combat nice 20 more p doing the uh the 100 Pi thing in the in the cooking Guild huh I could go and walk in the cooking Guild I’ve got the level for it I just have to go and uh oh

04:30:52 wow Mossy key I didn’t bring a wood I didn’t bring a wood cutting axe you Moss giant drop of wood canting I thought I had like there’s like a drop lookup thing maybe I only have it on my snowflake account uh even a bronze one no dang it I’ll have to go Bank oh well oh my god there was another Mossy key it’s it’s so easy okay well I’m going to end up doing like half of this task at B then oh there’s an axe in the instance okay oh yeah you’re right in like the little stump or something well I might just go and do

04:31:52 that now I know well Bria does poison I don’t know I guess it’s not like a high level poison so I’ll probably be all right give up on the flail guys nowhere to be found you mean the uh the rat bone base are you out there farming barrows dude dude another Mossy key I mean are the I’m assuming these are boosted but even still yeah bronze went in the boss room let’s just go send it let’s just see I know it’s a task too so need the Slayer XP regardless oh oh oh not going to take a bunch of damage the shop and carer sells them

04:32:51 yeah I hopefully it won’t be that big of a deal uh bronze axe over there when I need it what platforms am I streaming on I am streaming on just YouTube at the moment axe axe what’s wrong with the axe going for oh my God all right maybe I I’ll try to get the combat achievement let me get these close together um oh the missclick oh that’s so painful oh I’m not going to get anyway rip going for Slayer Master next yeah uh that’s that’s my current plan I guess I we’ll see I’m like pretty pretty much

04:33:56 set on that when I think the clue one would be pretty fun but I just since I have the clue Compass I I don’t think it’s going to be worth it for me get some points there um I mean I got some keys I guess I might as well try it I don’t think it’ll be that difficult even if I run out prayer is there a relic to substitute aa’s backpack I don’t want to wait to get all the locations to play ranged um you don’t need to if you get the first tier of the Mastery the passive Associated to it is going to save all

04:34:26 your ammo anyway well 95% of it but it’s basically I mean like as someone who bought 30,000 air ruins I’ve yet to dip below 30,000 I’m pretty sure so like it it saves a bunch of them I did fix the client I have no idea how it literally The Relic thing just like seemed to fix itself if anyone is 82 plus fishing with the Harpoon angler fish are easy points 400 150 cook them they come in quick too yeah I’m looking forward to that when I get Za make sure I like don’t die to the poison huh you got to use magic to use him I no

04:35:14 dude hey you know I tried all right I was using magic all the way to 60 and then that was it eventually you know I mean there’s other spells in the game right maybe like enchanting some things that’s got to be it right yeah quick cutter s gr spawn bore that’s good I’ll have to go and find that later when I get up to 38 bought 250 death ruines never ran out yeah I think I bought like 150 and I still have them I still have like 100 of them poison poison it’s only seven damage poison I mean that is a little bit worse for

04:35:59 whereare but it’s fine going to run out of prayer though that’s going to suck come on they should have like a delay for when those spawn it’s so annoying bad prayer flicking doesn’t matter another M I like I might actually end up doing half of my task here that’d be kind of a problem though okay uh let me I’m just going to go I’m going to do some Moss Giants it’s a little more chill I don’t want to deal with the prayer and like having to leave dang man that guy hit it once rip uh let’s see I don’t even know I

04:36:54 don’t it’s not even that much more Slayer XP before he’s finally done time to challenge the echo good luck good luck don’t get on me come on MOS Giant it’s your first leagues and you like the videos appreciate it man I think Le is a good time you having fun Mr summer 87 magic yep just got back the uh the Obby cape and stuff that’s good I that dude that stuff is so expensive Golden God people are going to laugh at me I know like if you if you have endless money it’s not a big deal wow man Mossy key where were these I farmed

04:37:48 Moss Giants on my main for like a really long time dude just to get like 100 Keys is terrible Golden Goddess discusting disgusting for magic I bet you know a way to get a cut diamond without Power Miner and crafting level um a cut diamond cut d i I feel like I don’t know there’s not a lot of cut diamonds there might be something that you could th it from but probably better off getting the crafting level 4 shouldn’t take you too long if you have the thieving Relic you can uh you can th JBS just do like sheep

04:38:26 Shear should give you a pretty good amount of levels and I don’t remember exactly what it is for sapphires I think they come in pretty close though like pretty early yeah 20 so you just if you have to like spin wool to get 20 just get 20 um and and then you’ll be good to go and then you just like go and steal from gem stalls and something first hard clue and you get a black deide body congrats oh and a zamy koif that’s pretty good only on green dehy well that’s a big upgrade right assuming you can uh you got the range

04:39:03 level to wear himic Vis 5 KC dude I couldn’t even get a vis last leagues I don’t have a vis on any of my counts either super lucky you found the Ivan displ produ sells it at the GE you can also get ghostly there oh there you go yeah I know some someone had said that I wonder then if you can’t even um if they don’t let you claim it actually through the like normal means best early way to train prayer I know what what I did was big bones until like 23 is and then it was the shield of Arab Quest and then the

04:39:43 defender of Barack as well since that’s Auto completed once you’ve got the shield of RAB done you can go and claim some XP lamps from the museum that’ll get you up to like 48 plus prayer they’ll be good to go just started today due to work yesterday but I’m on my fourth Relic second area base 60s and all combat 76 Mage 67 easy clothes cut diamond from paladins as well I mean that’s a that’s a lot to do I mean if you just started today that’s a lot of stuff 99 Mage from GG congratulations four pack cash

04:40:22 tags absolutely disgusting I guess you have to go and use it on prayer right cuz since you can’t bake it ham chest oh yeah yeah yeah we did talk about that before right yeah that’s true the ham store rooms um yeah cuz you’ve got the quest unlocked already for it everybody starts with it you have Wy lava dragons plus chaos alter is good yeah although I will say I feel like you could just bury some dragon bones while you’re on lava dragon aisle cuz they they get the like bonus there and then well I guess it depends

04:41:05 if you’re going Golden God but like I I feel like prayer is already so free you know like it’s it’s going to get you to like 43 just staying there you don’t even have to make the run just keep condensed gold in the bank for rainy day where do you get the lamps um you get them upstairs in the museum see if I can do this so you’ll you’ll come in here you have to have the shield of R done but then you go upstairs one floor and it’s the guy that’s standing like right next to the staircase you just talk to him

04:41:41 hold the space space bar he’ll go through some like dialog options but he’ll he’ll give you uh two lamps just took Golden God after room three pyramid plunder got me 2500 points how does Golden God help you with pyramid plunder I mean dodgy deals wood right this league definitely seems less op than the last one is that true I mean guess because they’ve kind of like they split a lot of the powers so like I I think it’s still like there are some things that are weaker but in general I think the power

04:42:23 levels are probably pretty similar but you have to do way more to get access to that since they have like combat masteries as a separate thing since before you would have had like free Gathering Relic combat Relic some more like utility relics combat relics and so because there were way less like relics to pick from that all of the abilities to be more condensed so you’d be able to get things sooner but I think this league you’re still able to pick up a lot of that power it just it takes a while to come

04:42:54 on been grinding for all that since 5 5:00 a.m. this morning that’s an early morning dude do you need a friend to compete to complete it or yeah you’ll you’ll need another person to complete the shield of arav I don’t know if there’s anybody in the chat that might be able to help Mr sky but the clue Relic what is the most efficient route for Barrows um with with the clue teleports there is a Teleport to the Barrow chest and then there’s a clue step that is a hard anagram it might I guess depending on where you’re at it it

04:43:31 may take a while to get the hard clue but if you can get the hard clue anagram step that teleports you to the strange old man then that’ll let you do one brother teleport to the chest loot the chest teleport back to the guy and just like Farm one set you could also do all the brothers too if you wanted to yeah I I think probably you kill one go to the tunnels I just because I feel like that’ll be faster but I don’t think it really matters cuz you probably want to get all the bar sets anyway but if

04:44:03 you want to like Target Farm one you can yeah dude ham ham members are like quite strong you get some early herbs the only um the clues as well the only downside is like they drop more than 28 items so you still have to like deal with clearing your inventory every once in a while but you get a lot of stuff I think if if you’re lucky and they kind of wander together you can get up to I think I capped at like 24 in like an area there’s no way to like actually make that happen it’s just kind of like

04:44:34 RNG but if you get them like you can get a lot yeah it looks like there’s a lot of people that can help you out with the The Shield of RA Quest just asking the osrs Discord that’s true too yeah the official Discord can help you with that golden god or friendly forager what to do what to do what to do um it it really depends I feel like friendly forager by itself probably isn’t strong enough cuz it it depends on like so many of your other decisions so if it was between those two the only thing I’d say is if you don’t have

04:45:22 another solve for her then friendly forger is good but Golden God is going to be a lot of early power for you what we need shield for anyways um it’s just to allow you to like get the XP lamps if you get if you finish the shield of a raap quest you can get um it’s what a 2,000 XP lamp and a 5,000 XP lamp and then you take that times the leagues multiplayer so it’s just a lot of XP that can help out like an early skill hello hello little dead boy all right what a name Dude too late grabbed Lumberjack oh no

04:46:03 oh no well at least they’re fixing it at least they’re trying to make it work as it’s supposed to even though it’s like still not good what’s my solve for herb lore mostly later I mean right now it’s basically just been like get some low-level herbs from Ham members and then clean those I just got a Lim drop from like oore so that helped a lot too um but once I like get to 38 that’s kind of like the first Milestone and then really I’ll solve it later with either a pocket Kingdom or overgrown fastest way to teleport to

04:46:37 barrows without the Telly is canif Temple Trek easy route one oh if you have to do that the route’s that route’s so bad it almost killed me um oh man that sucks I hope you have the clue Compass teleport I feel like that’s uh no no way I would go with Farm hard Clues like it’s not that long but like you you want to be fast you know what’s wrong with Lumberjack well apparently it wouldn’t complete Fletching tasks for you like while you’re using it so that was bad I know there was something else that it was

04:47:16 struggling with yesterday that I think they fixed I don’t remember what it was but it’s just like L L’s all around for Lumberjack dude overgrown I do like overgrown for solving farming um I’m planning on going Za so like that’s why I’m a little bit up in the air it depends how much I actually end up wanting to do like farming wise yeah I’m going C so I’m I’m I’m not worried about the prayers and honestly even if I don’t go into chambers’s ER I’m still not even worried about the prayers Hey Hey Oh wrong chat no no no

04:47:50 no it’s fine hello hello Dusty lightning genuinely took it for my resp and I’m happy with it I will say like Lumberjack I it’s not it’s not it’s not the worst okay I considered it over like the agility cutter one or the corner cutter I just like Power Miner is way better like between those two in my opinion unless you already have a solve for smithing yeah just keep an open inventory slot that’s true as long as it doesn’t like autoed the stuff it’s fine bag plants can solve it but bag plants are also kind of expensive I mean

04:48:35 well if you take go God it’s not a problem which area for unlocking P it is tandin tandin will give you Pi no that’s the end of the task I’ll I’ll finish the MOs GI off just in case all right finish that one let me oh let me go the bathroom real quick I’m also going to close the window over there cuz starting to get a little chilly in here for yeah that would to open too long it’s so cold here all right how are we doing on Slayer 50 6 so I’ll I’ll definitely well definitely I I guess it depends on the task but I

04:52:15 should get 57 get another combat Mastery point is the Slayer worth it without morania um it’s going to be better if you’re in like Wilderness or just because you’ll get those keys oh man greater demons all right that’s a little bit of a rough one but I guess I’m still I’m like pretty strong now it’s not the worst but yeah I think if you are uh if you’ve got the Wilderness Ora it’s still probably worth taking the Slayer Relic if not it’s going to depend a little bit lot of shields of Arab stuff happening huh everybody’s going crazy

04:53:07 over that got to get those XP layups I thought for the keys you’d still need to get a task or corresponding Slayer Mas master um I mean people people have been saying no it seems like once you get the Slayer Relic as long as you just kill something that get Slayer XP you’ll get keys I guess for the Wilderness you have to be out in the wilderness but like for Z seems like everywhere you should be good go fight some tormented demons um I could I mean actually no I could never mind that’d be rough dude that’d be

04:53:40 pretty rough going desert fnck as garni don’t think Slayer worth it is Slayer Relic is worth it for me um you do have a pretty high level Slayer boss that you got to fight though in asgarnia I guess it depends if you’re fine doing normal Slayer then sure yeah I would agree but if you’re going to struggle to like make sh go and do tasks and kind of like go through that grind then it might still be worth it just because I mean cus is like 91 Slayer something like that so it’s still going to take a

04:54:25 while uh let’s see greater demons are probably going to need a lot of food hopefully I don’t have to kill that many of them though greater demons I think they’re in brim Haven guess we’ll find out ruin limbs so badly you want ruin limbs uh I mean hey there’s a task for like killing a steel dragon I think in brim Haven if you haven’t done that yet anybody who took range I’ve been hearing a lot of people say that they’re using knives of like different TI you just Smith them you don’t even need the

04:55:06 desert yeah yeah I mean if if there’s people doing the shield of a rra I’d say get it out of the way cuz it’s it’s good a early XP I mean you’re going to get like I don’t know what what is uh I don’t know what the multipliers are it’s probably like 60 70,000 XP and you can use that like on any skill above level 20 so it’ll really help you like speed things up hey C an hour more all right all right Miss Timmy it’ll be an hour more then we can have some cake F jewelry as garia for range gear doing

04:55:45 the same um yeah I mean well F F Nick jewelry it’s I’ll say it’s hard to pass up I think it’s easier to pass up for melee but like for for ranged and Mage it’s pretty important um greater demons up here that is greater up here lovey jump over got locked out of your account trying to switch from the laggy steam launcher to the jagas one rip hopefully it won’t be too long though like within a minute you’ll probably be able to get back in as Guardia for the dog sword I’m I don’t know dude I I don’t I wouldn’t

04:56:28 hate having it I just don’t want to go farm God Wars oh man look at that guy golden god ranged build he’s living the dream right now is there a way to get the Rune crossbow yes I mean you can Smith it you can get a ruined limbs drop to be able to like flch it and then you can also uh on fossil Island it’s I’m trying to remember it’s not deranged archeologist right it’s like but it’s something else archaeologist it’s got a similar drop table I I think it has the ruin crossbow on there if I remember

04:57:07 right do Barrow’s items have reduced drop rates I would yeah it should be affected by the the drop rate multiplier I’m actually tearing through these way better than I was expecting 63 defense how we looking 84 combat oh it’s going to it’s still going to take a while I might I might have to go scarious to like train up over 100 combat I think I said that earlier but yeah I think like the prayer levels would help getting like a bunch of spines pretty close to the Slayer level though [Music] oh crazy archaeologist is the wildness

04:57:45 okay yeah yeah so then the rang is the fossil Island one oh but it’s Ru limbs so I I guess you still need to Fed it then pref for the BofA I mean the BofA still be good even though like other stuff will technically outclass it but I mean it doesn’t really matter right cuz at a certain point you have so much damage that like you’ll you’ll still like melt everything double triple chest fairly often at barrows if you kill all the brothers if you’re like Target farming one specific brother I don’t remember the exact drop

04:58:23 rates for it but like it’s it’s way worse so just keep that in mind I mean it but it’ll still be faster just because you’re able to like teleport back and forth that’s kind of what makes it work is there any issue with ranging scous no I no you you can you can R curious I know a lot of people talk about that um you might see people I don’t know I wonder if people melee it just to train up their melees I know double shine and I were talking about it like it’s easier to get 100 combat if your melee It Seems like by just like a a

04:58:58 little bit just because like I don’t know you know like range purs they can uh they keep their combat really low I third Relic what is best pick I’ll I’m biased I think the clue teleport is the way to go for your third one um Fair flight’s okay I don’t think the bankers one’s that good you what’s your name man new viewer call me you call me Jack call me you jack up to you I ranged it then put spines into melee for 100 combat yeah I the spines well the spines on like non prayer should be a lot right I mean it’s like

04:59:46 80k XP or if you get up to the 12 times multiplier it’d be a little bit more than that blue is the only way to go I mean that’s how I feel but I try to give people a little bit of options you know I’m like I’m like 90% of the way there for clue and I’m like okay but there’s like that 10% of people who they don’t want to get the other like farming related relics and like fairy flight can kind of help with that oh that was 57 Slayer as well um let’s see I guess I should I I don’t really care about finishing this

05:00:21 task off so I’ll just finish this guy and then and go get myself some Slayer equipment with my ply little amount of GP that I managed to scrape together what do you think is better for ranged Ken tanwin CR or Ken Baria from um I like both of them I think that as Garnia I’m a little biased cuz I don’t love to farm God Wars as garia will actually it doesn’t even technically give you better gear right I mean outside of maybe like armadil for some tankiness but because of the benefits for Crystal armor to melee

05:01:09 Heron might actually should just be better you’re already going to get a good Mage setup in Ken while assuming you go through and farm all the stuff secondarily you get one and fnck for the desert two bosses it’s fine tradein for 120k lamp 87K use prayer that must be with the 12 times but that’s a lot yeah and the one and six drop rate so you’re able to like take him down pretty quick right with it you’ll be 100% of the way there for the clue when you try it oh yeah I know 100% like okay I you know that this is

05:01:49 like I try not to let my biases like come in too much but I know at some point I’m just like dude the clue Relic though the coverage on the clue Relic is still decent and it solves Clues so it’s it’s going to really like end up helping you in multiple ways and the other relics just don’t hold up in that same way no golden god you can’t get me all right I got my Power Miner look at I would not have 40 smithing without Power Miner all right that’s super important so good yeah I’ll have to get it up though I I

05:02:21 think uh zombie ax at like tier five would be really good then I’ll have to get 70 smithing that’s that’s pretty much how I’m going to do it uh xanis there was a Teleport next to the shack Echo dks look hard I haven’t seen any of it I I haven’t seen a single Echo boss yet personally going desert because tanin content is trash as garia is good for Zero’s crossbow or yeah is that right crossbow that’s true yeah you do get the crossbow but I think the problem I have is like farming the armadil crossbow and then going to NEX and

05:03:04 farming the like Nile horns or whatever if you don’t get lucky god dude it takes a long time friend Mage Armor setup called it’s um ancestral robes is that right is the community have much knowledge on the echo bosses yet do I need to be scared go range get away with it I mean I know a couple of people in the chat have mentioned a few and it seems like it so it was what kbd said it was pretty easy um hisor I think was the other one I saw people mention they also said that pretty easy blue Relic good got in half an hour

05:03:48 I’m yeah clue Relic it’s it’s so hard to beat it cuz like Clues are so many points and it just solves that for you but that is a Mastery Point hey get some life steal going for the melee one more to go get that half attack speed 50% so I guess to take on Jad or to go get a hunter combat Hunter combat’s probably going to be pretty fast you know actually I should probably take that Mor my fungus might be a task Associated to that how would I ever reach 40 smithing without it dude it’s you make fun but

05:04:31 dude smithing sucks man someone already killed Soul yeah that’s pretty good I mean I guess it was bound to happen right there’s some people that are pretty good at pvm feel like two TI ACP and rud bolts and never miss you’re already procing stuff a lot yeah I think so too you got video details some of the tick changes for range weapons um when I did the combat Mastery like Reveal video that one I put a little chart together that had not like every weapon in the game but it had a lot of the like big weapons um you know a lot

05:05:04 of the big like range weapons and stuff the only thing I didn’t put on there were knives but I think knives go down to one tick when you get to tier three so they they also fall into that same like category as something like the blowpipe but yeah I mean you can you can check that one out that one I I just put a bunch of the weapons heck yeah 99 thieving congrats friend has 12 or so casc of the echo CG doesn’t look too bad really I wonder for the echo corrupted Gauntlet how fast are the kills because I’m I’m wondering if

05:05:36 like do you go through and do the prep phase anyway because like the echo boss takes while to kill or is the echo boss like super super fast hey L your league bids helped a ton Choosing My relics I’ve got a question so what’s the deal with darts I want a Zora I want the zorao blowpipe but I don’t want desert and my toast um I’ll say thanks for watching the videos glad they helped you you aren’t fully toast no you’ll you’ll save a lot of your ammunition so you don’t need like tons and tons of s you’ll have to go through

05:06:11 and you’ll get like you’ll have to get them as drops somewhere the worst way to get him as drops is going to be like trying to hunt implings I think that would be trash but you can technically get them through there uh so like a lot of bosses a lot of the raids they drop like Dragon Dart tips but it’ll just take you a little while to find them um I know vorath is a pretty good dropper of like ruined Dart tips and dragon Dart tips there’s probably some other stuff too you can look on the wiki to see what

05:06:38 all can drop them Jackman help me solve herblore good luck I’m working on herblore myself hey you know what I said I said screw herblore let me just get combat Mastery so I don’t have to worry about prayer anymore I’m just going to go to scarus I I actually I genuinely don’t think I’ll need prayer for it I’ll proba I should probably get my prayer back though oh and I should use a rat bone base what am I doing 100 combat scarus isn’t too bad yeah I’m thinking it’ll be pretty quick Brimstone Keys oh that’s true yeah

05:07:20 Brimstone Keys uh Wilderness Keys also probably give a lot of dark tips B was doing it in 3 minutes-ish per CG kill so it’s probably I guess that’s good then because the prep step can uh take quite a while dude the bank already getting disorganized oh going have to fix it tonight walk in with all three weapons made and init a food pots yeah amethyst darts for as Garnia that’s true as well you’ll be able to do those yeah that’s true you can just straight up use the darts you don’t even need the blowpipe but at least you know

05:08:03 the blowpipe does give a little bit of range strength so it would give you like slightly more max hits especially if you don’t have a shield yeah yeah yeah it does give a lot of range too how do you get the clue Compass to only show available teleports that is the better teleport menu that plug in for run light don’t want to give up the Grimm war and I don’t want to grab forager instead of the the thieving and Miner I mean okay so I went to H members to get lowl herbs so you can do that that kind

05:08:38 of solves your herb problem it’s it’s not going to like it’s not going to get you like late game herblore but you can you can sort that one out later you know what I mean all right let’s let’s see how AFK this is going to be I’m not going to dodge anything makes me a little nervous oh God maybe it’s not going to be that AFK come on where’s the healing please at least I’m going to get some levels before I die dude all right R range has it set I know okay that the like consistent healing ah I’m going to have to get a

05:09:11 blood furry if I want to like actually AFK this all right all right got to remember shark burst BR one second couldn’t be that easy gosh D it fan you can tank scous I don’t know dude I mean that the melee percentage healing was not that much was it it’s like 1% oh there’s a little bit like 5% chance or something like that it’s not it’s not that bad though I don’t have to like super pay attention to but I guess I I can’t like I can’t just like straight tank it well maybe I guess it depends on the

05:10:07 RNG now I get all these heals CU I just unlucky before I’ll I’ll Dodge the falling stuff how about that flesh crawlers and the security stronghold for herbs you can also do that I think if you’re doing dodgy deals though you just go for hand members think is a disaster I understand man it it takes actual time to like go through and organize the bank can anyone confirm this you don’t get Brimstone keys off task with Slayer master and Za my superiors aren’t dropping any um I don’t know I know some people have mentioned

05:10:51 like it’s a hit and miss are superiors supposed to guarantee the brimstone Keys black ma black mask drop gz sir just buy bronze bars from Shiloh what you’re going to bronze bars the 99 smithing I think not sir went back to armored zombies and got my axe Dro finally within five kills going down there well I guess congrats on that now you got to work up that smithing requirement had no idea that all three Gres are going to drop Mega rares yeah yeah they that was something new that they did for this league any tips on

05:11:35 making GP early how early we talking cuz if you’re just like at the start of the game go to the stronghold and get 10K hopefully that’s enough for you and then once you get to tier two dodgy deals can solve that for you uh once you get to tier four Golden God could solve that for you if you don’t have those it’s a little rough um smithing like the mining power power mining can do pretty good if you want to like get up into the higher ores you’ll be able to make some armor and stuff the wood cutting one you can

05:12:03 technically get like the unstrung bows I guess you save up the logs and then you you turn them into that it’s not great but it’s okay what’s the plugin for the drop timer um I I think it’s just in the ground items thing I think it’s just one of the settings don’t want to get hit by that do I even need Miner with fnck and desert as my zones probably not I I think fnck with Blast Furnace solves stuff for you you also get an or shop so like I I think well oh yeah and desert I mean desert desert smithing is like

05:12:49 free Scurry Slayers that’s oh yeah that would be azy congrats perfect perfect serious I’m doing terrible cuz I’m not praying hit a player didn’t skull haven’t been the Wy for hours I mean even if you didn’t get a school on the The Players you can go to like the the edville NPC and you can request the school you can also do that in the Rev cave itself that guy he like the emblem Trader he wanders around he can also give you a Skool so you don’t have to hit people for it yeah the brimstone the brimstone Keys

05:13:30 thing I feel like it’s more of just like a a percent chance but I don’t I don’t remember if uh Superior is guarantee him or not what do I do to get my combat level up I guess I can really do anything at this point maybe I’ll train strength up a little bit more just hit 61 fishing zero combat stuff very very very early on yeah um I mean you can always sell your fish too uh like it’s not going to be great GP but you can I’d probably still wait to like dodgy deals though I feel like you don’t need a lot

05:14:12 of GP like super super early once you get to dodgy deals you start to get a little more GP you can start to like play around with some stuff you want to buy a bone crossbow um bone crossbow is only 2K and you don’t you’re not going to need a lot of bone bolts cuz if you pick up the first tier of the combat masteries it’ll save 95% of your ammo so if you haven’t done the stronghold I mean you just go do the stronghold du 10K use a little bit on that probably don’t even need to worry about those for the wiki Brimstone key is

05:14:51 always dropped by a superior Slayer monster assigned by Kar I don’t know then maybe it’s just bugged for those have you heard anything about the Wilderness situation I mean not not a ton a couple of people have come in and talked about the W is being like pretty empty so maybe it’s chill it was chill when I got it last year but then again that was like three or four weeks into the league try not to get hit by the falling Rebel while taking a drink can I please get a heal am I going to have to eat food still

05:15:43 haven’t gotten any Len keys yet I mean I know for the Wilderness ones like okay I don’t know for superiors either the the normal mobs it’s all based off of the HP and like some of the rates for those Ln keys are quite low if you have fnck suos are free for the level 100 combat masteries yeah I mean tazar tars were like pretty empty last couple times I’ve been in there you just uh you just sa spot him a m and then if you get lucky you get like an Obby item or something that’d be Tas don’t wake me eat give me a heal

05:16:32 give me a heal I’ll heal any any idea for a place to use chins I got konwin and baramore I think you actually just go to the zombie like the armored zombie tunnels in the starting area cuz you’ve got that available to you you can stack those up um and those will be pretty good only a couple of people in the world just day one I’m surprised I I really thought there’d be like a flood of people this year I guess okay I still got the stats pulled up basically 8% of people took the Wilderness so I mean there are still

05:17:13 like a decent number but maybe because there’s just so many worlds it’s like it’s just not that many you see a lot of people in the Discord complain that the keys are buged well maybe that is a problem then sell the fish to the Bone crossbow it feels bad but like I mean you do what you have to right it you’ll still you’ll still get some money out of that get your fishing up sell like swordfish it’s not going to be a ton but you know it’s something at least blue dragons water spells um yeah actually it it is probably like far

05:17:58 enough since the start of the game there there’s only like four in the aisle of souls dungeon but yeah there’s probably not a lot of people there now you also got your Tas from the Wilderness master that sucks sucks that you like keys are just like fully bugged then that’d be unfortunate how many took candin 3.2% good way to get the diamond early on I mean if your Power Miner you get up to gemrock I think it’s like 40 mining for gemrock and then it’s fre um gem stalls if you have access to them have

05:18:41 dodgy deals pretty pretty easy there I know a couple people have recommended like the ham store rooms as well since you’ve got those quests Auto completed 1.2 levels till sharks you know when I tried sharks I don’t know they were fine I they didn’t feel that different from like swordfish to me anglerfish yeah anglerfish will be good never going back to the Isle of Soul dungeon after that 889 attempts for the dark key that’s rough dude you know what’s nuts I have not seen a single person on any runite mine

05:19:26 that’s true well actually okay so Power Miner I mean there’s only 19% of people took it I don’t know if that counts like the reloaded percentage it may or may not but I I feel like yeah there there’s way less people than I expected I was kind of thinking that the Power Miners would be at like 40% or something it’s not a bad Relic but it was just the my only concern was like in the initial couple hours of the game I didn’t know if we were going to be able to like find rocks comb just cuz there’ be like a flood of

05:20:00 people oh yeah yeah yeah dodgy deals the AIS of Soul chest also gives Diamonds though they’re uncut I want to say so you still need the crafting level yeah loads of lren keys was the reason you took r i mean they are pretty good about fixing stuff so like give it a day or two and it’ll probably be worked out I know it’s not like the most fun cuz it’s like you’re just in the start of leagues but they they do a pretty good job in like the first week of fixing all the major bugs I know dude SC is doing a

05:20:41 lot I’m just I’m praying for the RNG hits I don’t want to use I don’t want to use prayer picked Za and there’s a task to kill a dude but the dude is dead when the game Auto completes a queen of Thieves Quest if that’s true then yeah I mean maybe it’s bug I don’t I don’t know what the task is though so I couldn’t tell you 50K per red tone from Temple trekking op for new players is that 50k XP and well it’s random skills though isn’t it I don’t think you get a pick show stats hear stats enjoy stats thing is Skilling to 99 without

05:21:35 tier 7 feels like a waste of time even in the high 80s I know I agree I mean I only got 97 I feel bad actually about getting 97 I’m like I’m not even at the 12 times multiplier yet and it’s just because I needed something AFK and like that was the best option I’ll probably switch to fishing though I just I needed a little bit of cash too so I was like eh mine as well Power Miner is so good for cash you don’t do golden god that’s true too there’s so many things to do man so many things to do what am I doing for

05:22:07 agility uh um well right now I’m avoiding agility Infinite Run allows me to like not have to worry about it so much but eventually I’m going to have to go to brim Haven I’ll probably do that for like the ticket task actually I still I still have like the verac rooftop course I’ve got some tasks for that so I probably do that that’ll probably get to like 40 and then I’ll do brim Haven I’m pretty sure the timer on the floor is just the uh like ground loot plug in I’m I’m pretty sure uh there’s a lot of settings in

05:22:53 [Music] here try not to die to scarious while I’m like reading through these maybe no okay yeah yeah despawn timer is right there take 70 points till 12 times enjoy I think I’ve been creeping up there actually I’ve gotten 500 points just from like doing random stuff 25 scous I know it’s a task so I should get that as well just got a GU a giant Club congrats I mean it’s actually not like it’s it’s not a great weapon but you know it’s something 5,000 Subs did I pass it let me see I’ve been looking at the stats while

05:23:40 I’ve been here that make me big time YouTuber take a look what am I at ooh 518 I passed it a while ago look at that big time YouTuber let’s go 5K more I get to 10K that’s milestone spoon a ham joint from Clues yesterday I’m I was wondering I mean the the ham joint and the Goblin paint Cannon those are like the fastest melee weapons so they’d go down to two ticks right I’m assuming it’s not worth it to use those just because like you come to scarious and like you’ll get a lot of XP anyway I don’t know is is it worth is it worth

05:24:32 going in uh getting those am I going to be streaming again tomorrow I am planning to stream again um I’m going to be dying to scous in a second it’ll probably be a 9:00 a.m. stream I’ll have to goodness hold on it’ll probably be 9:00 a.m. stream I’ll I’ll dou check with my wife to see what our plans are like for tomorrow but I’ll I’m planning on streaming for basically the whole day so that’ll be that and then also Saturday um may or may not do on Sunday we’ll have to see cuz I I might need to like do some catching up on stuff to get

05:25:13 right for oh yeah yeah time time zones I know dude time zones are terrible um 900 a.m. is Central is what I’m thinking Central is like GMT minus 6 or- 7 not 100% sure on probably better to Google it people don’t do much on Thanksgiving huh no I mean not really well I I did um I I pushed off Thanksgiving with the family cuz I knew all of this stuff was going to be going on so appreciative that they were uh supportive of that I am still going to do like dinner with my wife here in a little bit so we’re going

05:26:02 to do like a little thing but yeah I mean for the most part I was playing on like streaming the league so told everybody to get lost I’m like leave me alone during Thanksgiving I’m like I’m sorry I didn’t schedule this but it’s going to be a big deal all right how can you burn food with the animal Wrangler uh you should be able to use food on a range it’s only certain food I think someone said like raw rat meat for example since it’s just right here but I think you can also go and like just get uh meat from the cows and

05:26:32 then you can do the same thing just picked up your first Slayer task and you have to go for bearss there are bears that are like near the mine um what is that the southeast mine for rock try not to die to curious 3 p.m. UK sorted there you go we’ll see I I’ll I’ll schedule it out on the stream tonight after I uh after I talk with my wife a little bit later today so you’ll you’ll be able to look at the channel if you look at the channel I think it also Auto your time zone is this theater of blood I

05:27:17 mean there’s a fair amount of blood Splats maybe ignore the scarious name right there for combat masteries I am not splitting them I’m 100% Going Up melee I wasn’t sure early on if I would want to split them but like Melee I like I desperately needed him dude I I had to go all the way down that tree it feels so bad like otherwise cuz I got the first combat Master yesterday I mean that felt like nothing the second one was like okay but the echo hits aren’t like that crazy it’s only 10% so you kind of need to get up to at least

05:27:51 tier five but I I feel like at that point you just go tier six anyway I’m out of food so if I don’t heal this might be it guess I should use my prayer give me a chance Focus up slightly try not to die of scarious get a little bit of Health I think we’re good all right medium clue scroll why did it drop over there that’s weird tuna one more kill on tuna no I shouldn’t do that that sounds like a mistake um what are my stats they’re looking like here doing all right trying to work my way up to 100 combat

05:28:46 hopefully do you lose stuff when you die in leagues no um even if it’s PVP you don’t lose your stuff it’ll stay with you you may have to go and like reclaim it um I think PVP the like gravestone appears with you in lumbridge what people were saying otherwise you’ll your gravestone will just like Drop wherever you’re at and then I you just go claim it from Death I think that’s probably the easiest way 260k XP of my 273 Slayer XP is equilibrium I don’t believe it dude I feel like the math is wrong on

05:29:22 that like maybe it’s bug the way that it displays it cuz I feel like that can’t be right I know some people were in here earlier talking about it too is there a requirement to be able to hit the small rats in the fight so quickly doesn’t work with my crossbow yeah you have to do uh any of the Rat Bane weapons you’re able to one tick the little rats when they spawn but you have to get that first so it’s it’s a little bit slow until you get that bles always drop offset from the rat really I guess I don’t I haven’t done

05:29:59 enough scaras to really like pay attention to [Music] that do the combat relics work with the hisor weapon uh um yeah they do but it’s with whatever the respective style is so it’ll only be good for like one style essentially I guess two once you get up to more Mastery points but yeah I mean it’s it’s a little bit wonky cuz you’d switch like if you don’t have a mage build and you switch to Mage it’s going to feel really really slow you do knives as well if you’re a range Mastery I don’t know I know you guys are

05:30:35 saying that I’m like but you’re not guaranteed to hit the 15 on knives right I feel like that’s not a thing you’ll still be really fast though so like it’ll still be down to one tick if you’re like past tier three uh and this is this is going to take a while to get to 100 combat isn’t it I was kind of wanting to fight Jad today feel like I’m going to run out of time soon though maybe okay I’m going to do I’m going to finish the 25 pills here and I think maybe what I’ll do is push towards the next

05:31:20 Relic cuz I I want to get to the Slayer Relic that may also get me my next area 37 Tas that’s not a lot what tier range Mastery do you need to use those knives um well I mean I guess you can use them anytime but you’ll get stronger at tier three it’ll probably be like a little rough for you before then but at tier three they’re going to go down to one tick knives one hit the rats I’m okay I you know what I will have to go and find some knives and try it out at some point is that true for the main

05:31:57 game too or is that just like special to leave do the scous combat achievements if you haven’t [Music] um he’s going to spawn let me let me see where’s that which ones do I have left I this bugs me about this like why can I not go into a boss and see the task I do it every time I swear scous perfect scous so not taking damage efficient kill the six rats within 3 seconds I mean I should be able to I should be able to do those all right I’ll Focus up slightly let me like not take some damage on one of

05:33:03 these use the F keys one tick if you put him on rapid oh for the knives yeah wait wait hold on hold on let me let me like try to do a perfect serious okay got to like actually Focus make sure I don’t miss a prayer swap or something good come on give me give me some damage make it easy for me oh tail spip all right we’re good for a little bit full full Focus grats can I kill them quickly actually make sure I don’t miss that oh no that wasn’t even that wasn’t even fast enough dang it trying to Doo that’s all right I I’ll

05:34:23 get the other one on another kill maybe I’ll get him here is that it come on that wasn’t fast enough dude ah pain in the butt oh well iron rank made it oh I’ll have to kill the rat some other time I guess I feel like that one’s not that difficult to get to anything one hits the rats is that true if you don’t have fry or baramore what’s the most expensive thing to Al it’s probably Dragon long swords in xenus um if you have the hero Guild or the Miss Guild well my gold would require FX never mind

05:35:33 but if you have the hero skild which is kandarin plus as scardia then you can also get some Dragon equipment there I think it’s a little bit more um like Dragon battle ax or something but who who Who’s going to have candin and asaria I feel like nobody’s taking that as a combo anyone have a weapon recommendation for range Scurry first time clear about to send it with a bone crossbow um don’t do it with a bone crossbow man pick up some knives dude pick up some knives oh the bar at the top of the info

05:36:14 page I’ll I’ll try it here in a second just to see the yeah the the heroes Guild isn’t asgarnia but like to complete the quest I think you need candin as well or at least getting candin would auto complete the quest um I don’t know if you can fully complete it with just asgarnia you might be able to ruin full Helm that’ll help oh H the auto retaliate on a rat that’s so unfortunate turn that one off scur a spine that’ll be useful literally taking it as a combo [Music] tier I’m sorry all right all right I

05:36:54 know there’s always people who take like the random combos I list off it’s great okay it’s great candan is amazing you’re doing good all right everything’s fine do it with Mage is easier yeah I yeah I guess so for the range I can make another rap Bane weapon so like that’s something did all your scarious kills with the crossbow all right hold on let’s see come over here I don’t have Auto retaliate on I’m good there see if I can get the rats to like kind of line up I I know I can do this with melee all right now he’s on that let’s

05:37:38 let’s pull these over here all right let’s do a I was I missed the tick ah I missed the tick dude dang it I guess I should right get the extra armor not a bad call put it on made strong early yeah I agree yeah Mr zance I I don’t know the last time that you’ve been on but scous big old rat boss actually really good for training your stats up too just upgrade to the tazar discs I like those I I wish that I could use them in the main game and not like feel bad about it I think it’s such a cool weapon Canard was like default in

05:38:32 leagues so far I mean it it has been in previous leagues just cuz Mage has been so strong but it seems like Mage just Mage isn’t like quite as big this year I mean definitely this one I I think last leagues range was quite strong too but like this one I think range is the strongest I’m pretty sure I haven’t done any of the DPS CS I don’t know that 100% but yeah I’m I’m pretty sure range is like the way to go this leagues if you want an easy time 300 people watching get more people oh now I’m going to be nervous

05:39:09 300 people help people all right let me try again free prayer potion all right I can’t miss any ticks can I get it surely all right yeah there you go okay never seen this guy yeah he got added this year I think uh maybe I I think it was his past year scus was added maybe like a little bit into the previous year that I don’t remember 100% when he got added but he he’s been around the game for a little bit it’s just to kind of like help people learn pvm mechanics because he does a lot of like prayer switches and stuff and then

05:40:01 also give you like another way to kind of train up your um your different like combat stats cuz training your combat stats kind of kind of sucked before you basically had to go to like nightmare Zone in like afkm for long periods of time we’re watching you okay man I know but I guess I asked for it thanks for watching hi guys hello people hate how Bears our Slayer task with only two available in starting zones I mean yeah is what it is hopefully it’s not too many of them [Music] early 2024 he was ated okay so

05:40:44 yeah I thought he was like barely new new enough uh let me see how at 23 I’m probably going to have oh wait do I have to bank am I going to have to bank maybe I can heal with the with the cheese after this kill I do have two prayer potions I guess I probably stick it out don’t know how you’re farming herb lore or farming solving farming and Herb lore with your choices the only thing that sols farming is essentially overgrown you’re not going to take overgrown I don’t know man you can still do tree runs there are

05:41:24 a lot of trees hardwood trees on fossil Island that can help you there’s a couple of tree patches like even in the starting area you get two normal trees the whatever like brim Haven the fruit tree the cpot tree or something plus all the the three Hardwoods I may actually want to pray for this kill Goldy gang right rise up you got the uh the bear task yeah it is a good task you can go and kill some Wilderness bosses have you guys who are in the wilderness been killing the bosses yet out there farming Kalisto and

05:42:05 stuff 58 bears 8 RAR on two spawns oh boy isn’t that fun no I I have not seen any of the echo bosses myself um I haven’t been able to like watch any least content cuz I’ve just been well I made like the videos and then it’s like immediately into the streaming it so um I I haven’t really gotten to see it I know like I subscribed to solo Mission um I saw he posted the video I just haven’t been able to watch it haven’t had the time how many kills am I going for uh I’m just going for 25 so just one more

05:42:36 after this got the crosbow from a from implings dude that is like so lucky even with leagues even on Slayer task and even with the skull that’s still like it’s probably that’s got to be at least like one in a thousand or something know and himit a lot like 50 plus hey man I’ll come back for the 50 plus I got to I got to get some tasks done so I can like get my next Relic can’t be dying on my last kill scous though that’d be embarrassing I’ve already died too many times this league and it for the medium clue scroll

05:43:29 25 that’s another 30 points all right now I need to go and find myself like 800 points 200 dry on the rev’s task with the skull yeah I mean like genuinely it’s it’s a rare drop do I want to turn this in for XP I I I probably keep I I’ll keep it cuz I should probably make the rat bone weapons it’s all gome kill Echo soul and decided I didn’t want to do bmore anymore wasn’t that bad maybe I should no I don’t know I I’m not going to go look I’m going to let myself be surprised I think what stats do you need for scous

05:44:16 um if you have a prayer potion you can probably do it at like base 40s I I think you’ll be fine you just need to make sure they have a prayer potion cuz it’s going to be kind of a long kill um well melee melee you probably want to be like 50s just so you can like out DPS the uh the heal phases but I think Mage and range like Mage you get up to wind blast is probably enough is that 41 yeah so 41 for there range just get like 40 you’ll probably be all right just make sure you have a prayer potion or two it’ll be a

05:44:47 long fight at that Stat or at that level okay so I think I got a ruin full Helm so there’s a task for equipping full ruin if only I had money yeah the the healing sucks when you’re like lower stats it is tough I I think you can do it though like you do have to get a little bit lucky on the hits let me see well actually I’m high enough level I can just out stuff I think that’s a task anyway as high level Alchemy 30 points look at this who needs golden god I can do it all myself [Music] all right I know that the room plate

05:45:43 body is actually kind of expensive I I hope it’s not more than 78k that’s going to be embarrassing uh let’s see I think there’s a Teleport to Edgeville yes sharks made it easy without prayer yeah I just think when you’re at lower levels it’s it’s pretty difficult to do without prayer it better not be 83k oh my God it’s 84 4K 84 and A2 no Golden God people are going to laugh at me all right let’s see I’m just going to I’m going to go pick pocket for like 5 seconds it’s doomed it’s scuffed Let The Roasting begin

05:46:29 dude did you not take Golden God get out of here get out of here this guy I should get my mining up and then I’ll just be able to like mine Rite that’ probably be faster just ALK the chain I could ALK the chain H I’m already here though it’s fine I got to use my dodgy deals you know feel like I’m I’m good at the game for my choices how do you get Rune plate legs um Rune plate legs are in the Champions Guild you can do that then you get run plate body from Oak and then it’s just trying to get your run full Helm in the

05:47:08 starting area it’s a little bit like RNG I think greater demons drop it as a source um and then I think scous might be about it there’s not a lot of stuff it’s it’s just kind of a pain in the butt to get imagine being broke while having DD hey man I I keep shift click buying things I really shouldn’t I can’t keep up too much cash cuz I you know i’ end up like shift click buying room Ru plate bodies terrible does mine runite miles away from it um you know actually though I don’t think it’ take that long I might

05:47:47 do a little bit of mining tonight I it’s pretty chill like you can find some um find like iron rocks it’s pretty chill to go through and do it that should be enough though uh Edge bill yeah 2200 FES of water I needed that for my heror experience okay you know what’s funny though if I hadn’t bought that I would have had enough GP here swap left click no no I I feel like later on it’s going to be fine okay I’m just I’m going to leave it it’s going to be okay hopefully probably I’ll still make this mistake like three more

05:48:23 times um let’s see okay that’s 80 points I think there’s a couple of tasks for equipping the lower level sets as well so animate plate body I can do I don’t the dragon long I can out that one let’s see how much this gives me my full adamant shouldn’t be that expensive I think I can buy the Helms in Barbarian Village I’m pretty sure there’s a task for mithil and adamant to really do paress moons just got 480k Slayer XP drop I know like I’ll I’ll do it I I will do it I will do it eventually I just I don’t want to go

05:49:14 Quest dude I’ve got I’ve got good melee stats now though so like I’m not that worried about it we do these two can I buy a mythal plate body somewhere that might be a little [Music] challenging trying to remember horic does horic sell up to mythal he might I the champion skill has a couple of pieces [Music] too how’s the alterant chest um is that you mean like the thieving the like house thieving stuff cuz I I feel like that’s not worth [Music] it iron rocks faster XP um well I just I would do rocks because

05:50:08 like I could do coal right now actually yeah I’m one level off of mythal I’ll do mythal once I get that but iron rocks to kind of like so I still get smithing XP I think coal doesn’t turn into anything I’m pretty sure you just get coal actually that’s probably a good shout I could go mining that that’d be some points I haven’t really done anything there side to a black bear while not paying attention oh well lost a spot oh that’s dude that’s embarrassing what bears the the Bears are like super low

05:50:41 level aren’t I’m sorry I shouldn’t roast you uh okay adding plate legs they did they not sell them here thought they did that’s that’s a pain in the butt um am I going to have to make those how do you hide teleports on the compass it is is a famous question I mean I didn’t know I thought I was going to have to like scroll through that list until you guys told me otherwise better teleport menu is the plugin so you’re good to go on that oh you got the spot back well there you go um okay I’m going to have to look

05:51:24 I’m I swear maybe you can’t though you buy him in the desert [Music] but an plate legs where can I get these drops I don’t care about that vmore okay Vore sell some good place to level melee um when you’re super super early I’d probably just go and like just do cows or something but then once you start to get up there I did Slayer to get some levels and then I went to scuras the earlier you can do scur is probably the better if you can get prayer potions you can probably do it with like 40 stats if you’re lucky otherwise

05:52:15 you probably want to get like 50 or maybe 60 so you can wield like a dragon weapon at least like 60 uh like 60 attack 40 strength something like that uh let’s see oh don’t is that in foris blacksmith Fortis blacksmith oh it’s just this isn’t it please is is it all right we’re good we’re fine everything’s fine got our full sets oh my God why does this why does that have that I don’t know I must have switched that at some point 30 points there God I did it on the myth play body too 30 points there

05:53:09 okay making progress cows are broken actually you know what there’s some tasks for cows aren’t there cently forger Relic maybe a bit Overkill have over 600 prayer pots before I start bossing yeah there you go if you go into scarious with a full inventory of prayer pots I bet you can do it that’s one way to do it does Jimmy play leagues I have no idea man I know he did the uh like the promo video was it last leagues or leagues before if you’re Mory you can do experiments that’s true too yeah not planning on maxing how much

05:53:50 herblore farming do you think I realistically need um I mean you’re still probably going to want to get pretty high up there uh what like the super set you probably get away with that you don’t necessarily need to worry about like super combats uh super strength 55 that’s I mean that’s not too far I know Super Attack is before that right 45 so I mean I guess you you probably don’t need that much it’s a little worse for like range range pod’s pretty high up here 72 for that if you really really don’t care

05:54:25 about herblore you can probably survive without any of the herblore related relics and just get your herbs through like killing monsters and stuff you’ll eventually get some it’s just it’ll take you a lot longer you have a Goro’s chain Ma I think that’s probably fine then I I think it’s still like Dragon equivalent even outside of the Wilderness one shot of cow’s a task Slayer master or treasure Arbiter I mean depends on your regions if you have morania I think Slayer Master is basically locked in for you because

05:55:02 you’re going to get so much bonus damage out of like the black mask and stuff um besides that Len’s keys in the wilderness Brimstone keys for Za are pretty good then it’s just going to come down to like how much you like Slayer really if you’re okay doing normal tasks I I think it’s fine to like take another Relic Clues are going to be pretty fun uh what was I doing I should go tasks do some tasks wait why am I looking for the bank hold on I’ll get my weapon out and then I’ll go kill some stuff in lumbridge cuz

05:55:34 I know there’s some tasks related to that all someone said one shotting a cow was one of them I think there’s another one that’s like kill three chickens in 3 seconds or something like that let’s see windmill actually hold on I didn’t complete Cook’s assistant I can I can do that while up there which one was the cooking tab there you go oh and there’s the potato tree but there’s not people out there now all right all right there’s there’s a bunch of tasks over there I think Slayer gang I I like Slayer I even

05:56:24 so before when I wasn’t going to take Moria like I was still planning on taking Slayer and I said that in the video too like for me Slayer I I just I have a lot of fun with Slayer and I I like like to be able to just like click stuff and not worry about it as I’m sure you could tell earlier like I did Slayer for you know fire giant tastic like 3 [Music] hours all right that one um I won’t worry about the agility stuff while I’m here I was thinking it might be good to get 30 agility so I can do the barck rooftop course but I come

05:56:56 [Music] back heq with Slayer mask yeah I well I mean like really everything with the slay mask is going to be op got so lucky when I recorded the first hour video I like got the needle immediately okay there we go 30 points for that I can’t believe they gave that so many points kill a duck with Fire magic input Earth um yeah I’ll have to grab some runes for that but that’ll work Treasures a sleeper treasure andc Compass Synergy I yeah yeah I mean there’s a goose oh actually am I going to be able to kill

05:57:45 these chickens fast enough oh I guess oh 6 seconds okay that’s not too bad then um did I kill one with my fist at the start I don’t remember if I did [Music] this I must have done it [Music] already just hit tier two torn between the herblore and dodgy I can see dodgy being helpful with GP I think it depends if you want to go golden god later then you can probably skip out on dodgy deals I I don’t know though I still like dodgy deals just for like the AFK thieving stuff I think that’s fun but solving iror now would give you a

05:58:27 little bit of an easier Choice when you get up to tier seven like if you want to take the grimore kicking is not fist does it matter okay I’ll try again I don’t think it mattered on the spider task I’m pretty sure I punched the spider and it worked let’s [Music] see all right you win with your fist all right my bad my bad J’s good for Clues it is good for easy Clues if you’re going to go candin it’s good for other Clues as well one hit a cow we got that one was there a task for killing like multiple cows in

05:59:15 quick suc session hello no I guess not feel like wasn’t there wasn’t there one last last year maybe they uh maybe they changed it all right maybe not picking a cow is that one best way for medium Clues probably eclectic implings that’d be my guess thought you could imbue with coins um you can IMB with coins if you have the nightmare Zone you use coins to buy nightmare Zone points but I I don’t believe you can do the same with soul Wars I think you have to play Soul Wars uh okay what do I want to

06:00:20 do books assistant Cooks assistant that’s what I was working on and maybe uh pick up some ruins kill an with Earth Magic I saw you guys said that fire magic for a duck that’ll be one oh my god dude look at all the people that’s so funny this year there isn’t did they disable that for nightmares though I don’t know I feel like um I think previously in leagues they wanted you to like they wanted to oh I tried to say they disabled nightmare Zone cuz I thought it was like too op for training I guess I don’t know I I guess I don’t

06:01:18 know I I feel like that’s what they had said before maybe it was the like Bor or something like the herb packs I don’t think you can get those anyway since everybody’s an Iron Man uh I probably have some raw food in the bank I think there was one to use that on the oh burn something on there too did I keep meat I did keep some meat wait what am I I need I should get ruins couple of couple of spells uh let’s see got that for Earth already got a fire staff I need my stack of air ruins my massive stack of air

06:02:01 ruins what’s the best way to train Fletching without the axe Relic uh you you’re just going to have to chop logs and until you can make unstrung bows basically it’s not going to be quick well it’ll it’ll still be quick cuz it’s leagues but like it won’t be as fast as the uh like a relic burn some food okay we got that one um should be an imp somewhere around here Arrow shafts are faster uh maybe on the base logs I think once you get above like once you get to the oak long bows or something I’m pretty sure they’re

06:02:41 better shouldn’t there be an imp around here I remember seeing them wandering around well I can I can go for the duck though while I’m here get that one um let me think actually while I’m here I probably ought to get a chef’s hat cuz I know going into the cook’s SK is another one Power Miner production Master 99 clutching with arrows Oh yay okay yeah I see what you mean well if you’re going production Master though but I guess you still have arrows too so like it doesn’t really matter all right how lucky am I going to

06:03:27 get chef’s hat please don’t make it too rare I don’t want to be killing Goins all day dude God I get like I get I get flashbacks killing these things man I killed so many goblins on my snowflake account just trying to go for Clues yeah look and they’re still highlighted too grats on the 5K subs thank you sir appreciate it you go Slayer Relic bro would be sick yeah that’s true well actually I mean basically everybody gets broad bolts anyway right like once you get to the level they’re not that expensive are they maybe be easier for

06:04:20 the golden god folks I suppose best method for dodgy deals in Za and misin for money it is probably going to be guards still I don’t think there’s a higher level NPC in za oh that feeling when you’re finally free to focus on leagues welcome Mr soundscape enjoy the league sir you happen to be here RCS library for run crafting thoughts um I think it’s good I mean normal run crafting is going to suck unless you get like the banker note man the Slayer Relic is something else I got to get to it man I still have 470

06:05:09 points to go I I knew I knew that this was like a rare drop I just every time I have to do this it’s such a pain in the butt dude why can’t they just make it easy to get a chef’s hat how many goblins am I even on 32 all right I’m not that deep ah did someone say expensive golden god picker H I swear okay I am it’s only day two of the leagues I am going to AFK so much thieving that I’m going to have just as much money well that’s not true I’m going to have like way less money but it’s going to be plenty

06:06:02 okay the level 84 guards in za do those give more money than normal guards though Su enjoyed pre leagues vids and on my way to a fury now hey appreciate it yeah thanks for uh thank thanks for enjoying thanks for watching appreciate it on the way to the fury that’s pretty good yeah actually I do have the mining Relic I I could go get my crafting up Fury is what like 200 points I don’t know how long that would take though doing like gemrock and Shiloh the fancy store a fancy clothes store sells a chest hat does it am I wasting

06:06:41 my time here I I only trained a little bit of crafting and I I only did it because I had Power Miner I just I got 40 mining then I went to the gem rocks for like 2 minutes or something that was basically free 40 crafting stock zero okay well I’m not I’m not missing it am I goly dude I I’m going to look what’s the drop rate on this Goblin one out of 42 oh it’s right there oh look at that all right complain enough and it shows up close some of these tabs man too many tabs open all right let’s see I need an imp I

06:07:45 need to kill an imp with an earth spell a I just missed that didn’t I rip that could have been free points oh well I feel like it’s not that hard to normally find imps am I crazy sucessfully connected oh no did the internet bump better to go Mage melee or range this leagues I’ve read other ones but this is my first League I think range is probably generally the best probably the easiest to to work through I think melee is still fun it’s going to take a while to come Online mage Mage will be fun but like Mage

06:08:58 isn’t as powerful as the other two walking around the GE promp of volano yeah okay trying to think is there anything I can do while I’m still on LD I think there was there’s like killer Ram was one of them still got some coins on me I guess I could Shear some sheep as [Music] well we’ll do that um I guess I probably don’t care to use magic let’s see [Music] oh there’s the ram all right 10 points there I think it’s four balls of wool for rope maybe I can do that one too head over to drainer for a brief

06:09:54 moment yeah I I didn’t I skipped that entirely on the first day cuz I figured there’d be too many people trying to shear sheep you get online pretty well with the barrel chest anchor I feel like I’m doing good now I I just I think it like range you can come online day one Mele I mean I’m like sitting here day two I probably could have done it day one if I like really focused on training my combats but it I don’t know I think range is just a little bit easier to get into do the Sheep sheer Quest you’re

06:10:27 going to make me Quest no way man I’d have to bank everything in my inventory and then I would have to go and like get more wool that sounds like a lot of work where going I get all of my points um I mean I AFK a lot of Skilling stuff I mean I’ve got 97 thieving right now I did a lot of fishing tasks as well like the higher level ones cuz I’m I’ve got Wrangler dagger better than the D long um I I don’t know I mean I guess it it probably depends on your combat masteries by the time you get get to

06:11:07 tier three maybe that’s that’s tough to say I don’t know I mean I guess the dagger has a special attack though sorry C locks imps on the kja volcano yeah yeah I’ll I’ll I’ll go out there I just figure while I’m around the area since I have the balls of wool I might as well like some rope please golly dude make me some rope I don’t need the I don’t need the life story just make me some rope thank you uh let’s see 23 I’m going to do I’m going to do a lap I’m going to see how much xp that is I feel like I can get to 30 pretty quick

06:11:52 and then next time in in Barack that’s that’ll be a task as well 440 points [Music] what are my finalized regions um I think my internet might be hiccuping a little bit my finalized regions are baremore already got open uh Moria Z expire death I did get that one already I I was able to do that yesterday just pick candin and buy wool uh yeah okay I I think I I could do like six laps of this that’s not too bad is it worth getting a kitten early well it’s probably not going to matter that much for you except for the fact

06:12:45 that there’s a task to stroke your kitten so like you probably want to do it anyway just for the task what’s vmore come on you know vmore it’s the new area man you do save a lot of time if you quest I know questing is efficient but I I don’t know I I I struggle I struggle on it man Vampire Slayer Quest a mark of Grace that’s going to be a task finally I was so disappointed that one didn’t spawn on the first day it’s like a 30-point task eight of them too oh I guess it’s not really going to matter for me but it’s nice to see him

06:13:40 remember M the shooting star for 80 points I mean I guess if there is one somewhere that I could mine maybe I figured I’ll eventually get around to that there’s the uh the shooting star like the the star miners chat or whatever they track them so I’m not really in that much of a rush for it there we go get myself 30 agility I think we’ll be good head over to the kuram volcano killing him maybe head off to verac and do some do some laps there or something best way to AFK with seya unlock Dody deals Power Miner and

06:14:20 Wrangler looking for something to do while at work I [Music] think what is this day one plan yeah kind of it’s like half of it I mean I died in the stronghold so like I it threw me off so bad I ended up doing like so few of the tasks you know I think I ended up doing like only 60% or something of my first day plan cuz I ended up dying in the stronghold um the best way to AFK so dodgy deals is okay but you do have to clear out the the coin pouches so I guess it depends how AFK you need to be otherwise Wrangler is going to be better

06:15:02 for fishing cuz you can basically like if you especially if you unlock cor blinds the spot doesn’t move you basically just you click it you’re good for 20 minutes finally got the liar drop I’m I mean I guess it’s probably not boosted so maybe that’s not that surprising actually boost Point lobsters until 76 and then AIS souls for sharks yeah that’s true too you can do that sharks are decent the only problem is the spots will move around so it just depends how like AFK you want to get I’m told it’s not hard to finish the

06:15:44 part of the quest to get access to kwans but it does involve questing and that’s that’s like a hard no you know see there’s also going to be a lot of mining tasks too 410 left to [Music] go there’s probably a lot of mining tasks maybe you’ll swing by lumbridge like the the Lum swamp oh you had the quest thing I know right dude I I swear like ampire Slayer is just like the easiest quest and I still didn’t do it I I like manually trained all of my attack up to this point tier 3 world 452 drainer Bank

06:16:47 shooting star okay well that’ll be easy enough I can join the clan the Clan’s just you jack um if you if you jump in the CC it’s open for guests so I’m sure there’s someone that can add you we might still have open recruiting on World War 46 I’m not sure if that’s turned on all right World 452 I don’t remember 452 uh this going to give me Jil level maybe I didn’t actually look wasn’t paying attention ah so close well I I’ll mind the star that’s going to be good points anyway since right here you don’t have to complete the

06:17:27 quest you only have to do the part that like gets you the fishing spot um pickaxe probably need to organize this a little more for 52 oh IR at potion to Dr Jackal or yeah IR it um IR at weed right I guess it doesn’t matter well you have to clean it don’t you have a clean IR on you god dude the mining sounds No thank you uh actually is there a task for getting the Stardust all right hold on I’m going back in I’ll get a stardust just to make sure should finish to buy K buan though for bait I mean if you already have

06:18:29 Wrangler then it’s going to be like really fast anyway oh you know what I bet that does this Bank the dust does Bank the dust well I guess there must not be a task for having that then not going to matter for me cuz I’m not going to have asgarnia so I’m not going to be able to spend it do one more lap and get this level oh I just thanked the Earth staff gosh dang it that imp the imps running around the volcano they’re waiting for me yeah I need to spend the Stardust yeah I mean they’ve already given the

06:19:14 starting area like they’ve given all this stuff to the sage maybe you just give the uh the star shop to the sage too kind of takes away from his Garnia but you know 380 points for sure yeah 330 to go which world is the store that was 452 Diner Bank still get AFK XP at stars yeah I I actually I don’t know if I’ll end up doing a lot of stars though just because I already have the uh the mining Relic I may just end up like I guess if I really really need the AFK maybe but I kind of Imagine like Mining Ores is going to be

06:19:54 super quick 10 points till tier five well I’m almost there myself too I hear killing an imp at the CR volcanoes worth about 10 points with an earth spell don’t want to spill that all right let’s see how many imps have we got all scorpions there’s an imp don’t you teleport away Mister oh wow one shot him all right there’s 10 points um okay I think probably some mining tasks are going to be worth a decent amount go to lumbridge swamp there’s some stuff there 15 coal I think I’m about to do the same 15 coal I think there was a

06:21:00 task for mining mithil as well there’s also quite a lot of Smith task if I remember right like making a bunch of different stuff like steel plate bodies unfinished bolts things like that sitting at 72 tasks away from Region 2 1,820 points from Relic five take a slow you know it’s uh I don’t think it’ll actually end up taking that long though I mean today I was what 2,000 away from The Relic or something like that and it’s like I haven’t even really focused on tasks outside of what I’m doing right

06:21:39 now 50 myth we we’ll see how fast it ends up being but I I’m imagining it’s not going to take too long I mean the coal is already like crazy quick 15 coal 30 points I looks AFK don’t mind if I sneak in here oh 55 mining how close am I okay coal mining it is I yearn for the mines come on come on while he’s still AFK let me yoink some mythal make it easy then I’ll have some mythal bars in the bank that can help the smithing going be good smithing XP too oh no Challenger appears I guess it probably doesn’t matter everybody here

06:22:39 is definitely going to have the mining pickaxe anyway Slayer master has been unlocked congratulations sir I’ll be joining you shortly well hopefully I don’t end up having to compete with this guy oh my god dude it is mattering uh let’s see well we could try let’s see how much am I going to get I’m assuming that this is supposed to tell you in the same way like fishing is supposed to tell you you Bank him my bar giving you a total 15 oh okay where did I train thieving um thieving early on I just got pickpocketing up to 15 at

06:23:38 just like the citizens in lumbridge and then from there it was hand members up until like basically 40 there’s a couple other tasks so like pickpocketing the master farmer was one that I did and then pickpocketing the Goblins for a a bulls side Lantern was another one and then after that it was guards for a little while unlocked baramore and then it was like citizens in baremore for most of this I did a little bit of stalls after I got dodgy deals but like yeah I mean well dodgy deals for like all of it

06:24:11 anyway doing scous right now with over 2 mil melee XP an hour six Slayer XP as well yeah I’m I’m looking forward to doing some scous I might I haven’t quite decided what I’m going to like AFK tonight I guess I could go to scous though get my combat stats up a little bit maybe get the 100 combat getting close 39 40 10 more to go is the stream still doing right I keep seeing that the chat like is disconnecting so I wonder I’ve seen it a couple of times now I can live with a flicker but if it if it’s uh if it’s bad I I can

06:25:07 work on like wiring up my house a little bit been spamming easy Clues from Ham members clue Compass is so fast yeah I I need to go do more clues because there’s a lot of points behind them seems fine YouTube might be breaking I I mean yeah I guess that could be true uh let’s see that was the 50s that was three points I I’m pretty sure there’s a bunch of smithing tasks so I think I can just go and do those would kand vmore and tanwin be valid regions they are all valid Regions they’re all real regions baremore will

06:25:44 give you plenty of stuff um you’ll you’ll get all of your well if you can do the moon’s Quest you’ll be able to get stuff from Vore that’ll handle you for like early mid game and then Ken for like late game Mage will be good tanwin for your range and your melee setup so yeah I I think you’ll be fine with that um actually there was a task for doing laps in Brock maybe I think probably completing the course in like 10 laps or something suppose I might as well do that while I’m here I just drop easy clues that have

06:26:24 requirements on them yeah I I think so I think easy Clues are like they’re so easy to stack with ay deals you might as well just not waste your time on ones that you like that are more than uh two seconds or something all right corner Cutters living the good life right now maybe not I’m going to go do my smithing task then need to farm easys and prayer and pray for the skull cap oh yeah that does make it easier but you can get you can get a skull from the emblem Trader um he hangs out here in Edgeville so you

06:26:57 can do that but in the Rev caves as well he should be wandering around it’s just hard to find him sometimes cuz he wanders basically the entire cave but you can find him I think he gives you a skull for like 30 minutes uh let me see okay BK all my junk get myself some inventory space and then did I make the bronze plate skirt before I don’t know if I did probably a bunch of random like steel tasks as [Music] well 10 laps yeah 10 laps um I remember seeing unfinished steel bolts that was one and I think there was maybe a

06:27:42 Fletching Tas for it too although probably not probably not going to do that uh let’s see oh he bronze bars on here I don’t know if I did this one yet nope all right that’s some points let let me just I guess let me look 220 points smelt an iron bar iron arrow tips steel plate myth roll I’m not going to be able to do yet iron oh you know what I can I should have some iron ore yeah I got a bunch from thieving ham members before still have some nature Rin so that’ll be enough I can I think I can just smelt it with super

06:28:38 heat let’s see if that counts oh man that doesn’t count I’m going have to go to a furnace oh well but I can I can do uh 10 of these and then I can get the arot tips at least no looting bag outside of the Wilderness yeah yeah yeah yeah that’s uh it’s only you can get it through the Slayer Relic thing but like it’s not going to be helpful for you unless you have the Wilderness 20 minutes and oh 20 minutes for the skull and he normally wanders near the dark Beast I’m trying to yeah I guess it’s yeah kind of on like the

06:29:23 uh like the west side of the cave this is the dark Beast room here so like some somewhere on the side that was tips what unlock is not using ruins 95% of the time it’s just your your tier one combat there a few cut burn logs few types um yes but but I will say uh I mean I guess I’m 20 but I’m pretty sure I did some of those earlier ones I can double check though I don’t want to spend a lot of time wood cutting I don’t have the wood cutting relics so there’s that one for 150 uh do I I don’t think I have access

06:30:10 to a furnace any oh no Edgeville has one I guess I can run up there wait I don’t need to run up there I just teleport up there what am I doing you can buy everything from the Slayer shop for free with the Slayer Relic is that true actually like um I know like Golden God people can does it also work for like the GP shop or is it only the Slayer Point shop unfinished beehive I think that’s the thing that needs there smelt iron bar cool think I need an axe to like I I need logs to do that one but maybe I can

06:30:48 finish it can I use a mythro one I don’t think I’m high enough level am I let’s see the Slayer Point shop okay let’s see if I can actually complete this if it’ll even count the last one I tried to do it like it disappeared on me so I wasn’t even able to to finish it like I I don’t even know if this will work how do you show only the available teleports on the clue Compass it is the better teleport menu yeah everything except like bolts okay yeah better teleport menu plugin I know people love that man I don’t even

06:31:45 remember who originally told me to do that but that has been like that has been super helpful for me and I mean I’m sure it’s been really helpful for a lot of folks as [Music] well oh I I hope we can even finish this Oh that’s oh man well at least I’ll be able to chop Willows probably by the time I’m done whether or not I get points for this I bet chopping Willows is probably a task only need 180 points though okay no I I thought it just ended I was like oh my god dude still got time I don’t know how

06:32:44 long these last though you can also cancel and block tasks for free oh gosh dang it man a second time h i don’t even know if it would count maybe if I was like there when it started I don’t know well I’m already here chopping I guess I’ll get 30 but maybe I’ll do Willow logs actually I probably should check cuz if it’s like chop like 50 Willow logs it’s going to take a while 100 all right I’m not going to do that back to barck let’s see if I can’t find a couple more Tas line around here [Music]

06:33:35 10 laps 10 agil laps surely I can do that I can’t I can’t fail that much right have a chair follow you that is what I still need um actually there’s a Teleport over to dra or isn’t [Music] there how can we restore our stats there are not a lot of ways um if you have phox you can go and you can use the portal you can go in and out of well never mind the PVP portals probably aren’t enabled so you just use the the farx pool if you have the desert you get the statue of aladinus oh that was easy um if you have farore or fnck and tanwin

06:34:31 you can eventually build a pool in your house and then other than that you just find something to die to I guess I think that’s about it for stats uh let me stand up man I’ve been sitting all day I probably should be better about standing while I’m doing this cuz sitting for 7 and 1 half hours is probably terrible oh man dude just got the crossbow congrats dude [Music] oh my God my back is stiff holy cow getting old all right task wise what else can I do so had the chair follow me that was 10 points I’ll I’ll try to run some laps

06:35:28 and let’s see if I can find a few more [Music] open up the wiki and [Music] see oh you know what I probably have to log out for it to like actually sync [Music] up compost Potion No anti- poison would be one that’s actually probably pretty quick which world for the clan chat um just I I’d say just join as a as a guest if you join the U Jack Clan chat you can ask some of the folks that are in there to like supple thigh is on azy cry hopefully I’m saying that right azy he’s on as well one of them

06:36:20 should be able to help coordinate I think there’s a couple of people that can help add you in Gaga I don’t think Gaga can help you but he he can connect you to anyone you can use the wiki sync auto update we’ll see let me see if I can find some tasks in here I see creating an anti-poison potion that’s probably pretty quick maybe I’ll go do that one rock agility course one lap I might come back and do 10 I think that’s a 30 point task um let’s see martil that that one I’m going to need pestl and mortar but that’s okay

06:37:12 can deal with that in a minute World 362 for apps there you go try to kill scuras with 60 range and a maple short bow have prayers but got stomped am I being unrealistic uh you you probably want to try with the bow and crossbow instead I feel like Maple shortbow is not that good bow and crossbow probably get you there um if you have prayer pots you should be able to I think you’d be all right enter Soul Wars or press control game for stat restore and then just leave I guess that’s true too though

06:37:53 it’s a maybe a little bit more tedious to do that because you’re you’re dependent on like other people being around for it Bridge Bob’s axes that’s pretty close let’s see Fletch and Oak short bow 20 Fletching don’t got anywhere close to that make an attack Potion No I don’t want a quest I guess I can get an ion from somewhere but that nah I feel like there’s probably faster stuff I can do that that’s the antipoison for 10 um mine an ore with a steel pickaxe I have some of those in the bank mine some Essence as well that’s

06:38:47 one I can go do that I wonder kind of odd actually that it doesn’t count I guess this isn’t technically a steel pickaxe but I wonder I wonder if I have to like not have this on me to get the steel pickaxe thing all right we’ll we’ll put that in the bank um closest thing probably lumbridge swamp I guess it doesn’t matter what or I go to I have n from vmore you can but it’s apparently in cam doal which means starting the quest and that’s uh starting the quest not happening yet mythal kniv versus bone crossbow I mean

06:39:39 mythal kniv if you have him I feel like that’s going to be pretty good did it with 95 Mage yeah I bet of course you’re not going to struggle with that man that’s that’s like way Overkill hey Brian how you doing welcome to the stream um yeah the a the I NES in the starting area I mean monsters drop them it’s just kind of a pain in the butt uh let’s see go and mine some pure Essence I think that should be pretty quick need a run pick at some point too yes um yeah Vore sells one so I’ll be fine I just have to I just have to

06:40:26 Quest I just have to Quest actually is there two shops there I have to I have don’t check there might be two if there are then maybe I don’t have to Quest s is packed on a bunch of Worlds that surprises me how do you have the clue Compass not show unavailable locations you get the better teleport menu your points are getting up there I know well now I’m like actually focused on them I only need 130 more I should be getting I think 30 points maybe it might be 10 I’m not I don’t remember 100% 25 PR your Ence there you go yeah 30 so I

06:41:03 getting 100 points still armored zombies drop them yeah I guess that’s that’s true a lot of people want to go there anyway all right let’s see what else hey a farmer catch a bird with a bird snare uh you know what I guess I can probably do both those let me think Birds on the aisle of souls are near I a fairy ring that’s up there is Souls is Souls is in a weird spot isn’t it copper longtails Crimson Swifts I guess yeah maybe take the fair ring up there um bird snare bird snare there’s a bird snare spawn on the aisle of souls isn’t

06:42:03 there can you get it or do you have to Telly grab it cuz I I feel like you there there’s one there’s like something there I remember you have to Telegram and the other one’s like available Ed to get is HS yeah but I’m going to need a a bird snare I think which zones have I unlocked right now I have only unlocked farore though I should be getting pretty close oh yeah one more task my next area you pick it up okay let’s see then we’re going to do this Enchanted Valley going to have to come back here

06:42:51 eventually for a run Axe and then aisle of souls I think I think I already did it before is it here AIS of souls it is here all right cool hopefully the burn snar is close to the fairy ring oh the the Box needs to I grab okay finding it difficult getting range gear bore unlocked 66 range um I mean until you get the moon stuff it’s probably going to be a little bit challenging you can do Hunter and if you do that then you’ll get access to the uh the mixed hides I don’t remember exactly the level that you need but it is

06:43:35 probably going to take you a little bit of time ooh flax is that a task ah darn where can you chin in the starter areas and Mory uh starter areas you get the armored zombies I think that’s probably your best bet um oh you know what I think there was a task to kill five bunnies kind of brutal but you know what they are up here maybe well I’m assuming that these count keep one flax you need a string an oak short bow yeah yeah I I figured I’d just hang on to these just because I’m yeah I assume that there’s other tasks

06:44:20 around there is it just the oak are there other ones it’ be just there all right there’s another one that’s 30 points uh the bird should be close right oh they’re back the other way if you get a mill GP 200 points for a brim Haven dungeon I know I’m this is my cash tack right now all right I’m a a tad bit broke let’s say don’t tell the people who went golden god they’ll make fun of me there’s a willo task as well oh but you don’t need to shring it actually you know what my this trap Can’t Fail right so this should be fine

06:45:02 unless I need to have the Wrangler thing on me but I’m I’m hoping I don’t Maple needs to equip um yeah but I I already bought a maple short bow and barck so I got that task earlier wait actually did I now I think about it I think I dropped it I don’t even think I equipped it all right 10 points there let me go check I remember buying one I I just think I think I skipped over it and I ended up just like not worrying about it cuz I the bone crossbow bigger cash stack than me well hey I mean you got the Slayer Relic now

06:45:45 go and kill some like profitable stuff all right we’ll just see I don’t think they’re super expensive so I shouldn’t be too bad Maple short bow did I equip one I did not equip it look at that all right that’s 30 points what else we got 30 more points to go um do I have anything super easy check a grown fruit tree no thank you clean some herbs actually I did level up I wonder if I can clean any of those level one magic can’t High Al o dude come on Magic’s like the early game Power uh let’s see okay couple of these

06:46:40 I don’t remember what level all these are well ranar weeds was not a task or at least not cleaning one of them let’s see what else is in the list with the Dody Relic okay you you want to know well you can see the air ruins dude this is the reason I got broke early game this wasn’t a lot of money but I mean this is part of the problem too and then I I spent all the rest of it on Taco so I could like upgrade my weapon to this thing and I I just like I just need to go and theve I don’t think it’ll take me

06:47:21 long to build up cashian but H just problems man 50 ranar for the task full green dehd set I think I can do that I think I got enough money for it um Champions Guild Champions Guild was that not in here I I didn’t buy a Chronicle yesterday oh my God am I blind I’m feel like I just get faster it it’ just be faster to run there at this point oh my god dude I swear there’s there’s like there’s a Teleport to the champion skild that isn’t the chronicle uh well you can’t buy the herbs I got most of mine from Ham

06:48:29 members that that is true easy tell you to well hold on if I go and I buy a Chronicle I I like okay I probably got enough money it’s probably not that big of a deal but like little strap for cash all right I got to I got to do some like AFK stuff tonight get myself some more GP there’s two that’s not too bad then Edgeville I should be able to buy one fire Cape congrats sir all right this should be enough and then I’ll have the new area I’ll have a New Relic perfect timing as well because I think I am oh wait a

06:49:28 minute emergency emergency use of the scarious spine to get for ranged is that bad is that bad to do I feel like I’m just going to go for it I I’ll probably AFK some scarious so I feel like it’s it’s fine probably maybe I was so confident too I I was I was so confident I could put it on full Addie um I no I didn’t full Addie earlier so I did full Addie and full myth already just got your fire cave congratulations I was hoping I was going to have enough time for Chad but I I think after I get these unlocks that’ll

06:50:17 probably be it because I do need to like go downstairs and have dinner with my wife it’s getting a little late six o’clock so I’ll probably have to save Jad for tomorrow uh let’s see I just use it on him trade it for combat lamp yes sir hopefully this is enough I’m going to I’m going be so sad if this isn’t surely it’s enough 80k all right yeah look at that look at that 49 range we’re good all planned completely all planned 5,000 League points even all right so now we’ve got new area unlock which I like totally missed and a New

06:51:01 Relic as well so start with the Relic I already know what I want I’ll be real treasure arbit is cool that would probably be my second choice uh production master I don’t think so I think I can I can survive not having like super fast production stuff so it’s going to be Slayer master I like Slayer I like free Slayer points I’m going to be grinding scarious that’s going to give me Slayer XP as well I think light’s going to be pretty good with this so I’m going to take this one and then now that we’re on to tier five

06:51:38 I got the Slayer Relic I think I think I’ll go morania first over kand ah I I think morania is a good Slayer region and while I’d love to go and do Echo hpor for like the the range melee thing it’s going to be a lot of tasks isn’t it h it’s going to take so long to get to c ah I don’t know I I feel like it’s got to be moreia though well I had to use the spine to get the level to wear the green dehd so I would have had to find another task couldn’t be bothered CR has the ion shop that is true I don’t know though for Moria like

06:52:29 morania I can just yeah I can get the black mask I can go and do a lot of like Slayer stuff there I’ll be able to fight the echo gargoyles which I mean even if I don’t do barrows those gloves will be good join me in morania Mory Mory as of Slayer XB Mory kandarin we’re going candin boys we’re not going candin we’re definitely not going candin all right I I’ll do morania plus barrows yeah now I have a good excuse to not do the moon’s Quest all right I’m I took Vore I’m never going to do moons cuz I just won’t do

06:53:00 the quest take morania off to the the land of the swamp dude Sayo to settled let’s go take a look at it oh welcome to morania and there’s still a guy with golden god forever aling can’t escape it all right so I can pick up you guys said I can pick up the anchor for 290k don’t have enough cash but I’ll definitely have enough tonight so I’ll look forward to that and then probably I’m going to just AFK scarus get my stats up a little bit uh I’ll see how much Slayer XP he’s giving I might find another thing to like go in

06:53:46 AFK since I’ll just get a lot of Slayer XP anyway um get some more GP get some more Slayer XP probably pick up an anchor I’ll try not to do too much though um I’ll I may passively get over 100 combat tonight so don’t be surprised if you see me at like tier five of the melee but for now I think I’m going to call it there GNA go ahead and have myself a little bit of Thanksgiving dinner but I appreciate everybody tuning in really appreciate youall hanging out with me so it’s been fun appreciate it

06:54:18 I’ll be on tomorrow I’ll make sure to schedule that stream so like you’ll know the time um a little bit later tonight and some sometime tomorrow for sure I’m thinking like 9:00 a.m. Central but we’ll see maybe a little bit later anyway thanks everybody take it easy have a good night