Leagues V: Raging Echoes – OUT NOW!
Join us in the newest chapter of Old School RuneScape Leagues – Leagues V: Raging Echoes is officially live!

Players reported unusual behaviour with loading Karambwanji into a Karambwan vessel if an Echo Harpoon was present in their inventory. | HOTFIXED (sort of). You’ll need a Karambwan vessel with you to fish Karambwan for the time being, until we’re able to work on a more long-lasting fix for the Echo Harpoon’s ‘Vessel’ functionality. |
Players reported receiving Dark Kebbit Hunter Rumours despite not being able to access any area where they’re found. | HOTFIXED. Players who currently have a Dark Kebbit rumour will need to reset it at the Hunter Guild, then should only be able to receive rumours that they’re able to complete. |
Players reported no longer being able to left-click teleport to some Treasure Trail locations using the Clue Compass. | HOTFIXED. |
Some players are finding themselves stuck on the Region menu and unable to select an area for their first unlock. | Your first unlock will always be Karamja, so if this is your first unlock, please try selecting Karamja! |
We’ve seen reports of some player character models missing their jaws. | HOTFIXED |
When you switch to a Leagues V: Raging Echoes world, the text mentions Leagues IV: Trailblazer Reloaded instead. | HOTFIXED |
Some items had been incorrectly appearing on the ground in League Worlds. Unfortunately, the fix to wipe those has affected some other ground items. | We’re currently looking into it. We’re sorry for the inconvenience, and will reach out to those impacted to resolve the issue. |
Corner Cutter’s Relic description incorrectly lists 100% Success Rate on Thieving checks | HOTFIXED |
We’re aware that some players in main game worlds have lost dropped items. | We’re investigating the fix and will work to return lost items to players affected. You won’t need to reach out to us, our systems are able to identify those impacted. |
Players in main game worlds reported bank interfaces closing automatically every 15 seconds or so. | HOTFIXED |
Alchemy spells were completing too quickly in main game Worlds. | HOTFIXED |
Players reported the Rune Thrownaxe Special Attack wasn’t functioning as intended within the Waterbirth Island Dungeon. | HOTFIXED |
Players reported a bug with the Rock Cake stall that was preventing progress on the Watchtower Quest in main game worlds. | HOTFIXED |
Players reported that Power Miner + Echo Axe was not providing Crafting XP when cutting gems obtained while mining regular rocks. | HOTFIXED |
Players report issues getting stuck in certain locations (e.g. Upstairs at Varrock East) when using Clue Compass teleports | HOTFIXED |
Lumberjack Relic users can’t chop trees without a free Inventory slot, even if not required. | ACKNOWLEDGED |
A DMM rug tile has mysteriously appeared in Lumbridge Castle. | HOTFIXING |
Players with the Corner Cutter Relic reported that lap-based tasks weren’t completing correctly. | HOTFIXED |