OSRS Leagues Hub


OSRS Leagues Hub


Guides & Strategies - News & Updates - November 28, 2024

Raging Echoes League: Rules

Area-locking is one of the most interesting things about Leagues, so much so that we’ve decided to make it a core part of Leagues going forward. If you’ve played Leagues before you’ll be very familiar with this ruleset, but just in case, let’s break it down.

Area Locks

  • Your character will begin their journey with only Misthalin and Karamja unlocked.
  • More areas can be unlocked by completing a fixed number of Tasks.
    • Note: the number of points provided by the Tasks do not matter, only the number of Tasks.
    • These unlockable areas are the Wilderness, the Fremennik Isles, Asgarnia, Morytania, the Kharidian Desert, Kandarin, Tirannwn, Kourend and Kebos, and our newest area: Varlamore.
  • You will only be able to respawn in areas you’ve already unlocked.
  • Death’s Office, the Player Owned House, Random Events and the Essence Mines will be accessible from all areas.
  • Slayer Tasks will be limited to creatures found in the areas you have unlocked.
  • Treasure Trail steps will be limited to the areas you have unlocked.

Iron Mode with Accelerated XP Rates

Everyone will play as an Iron character, meaning:

  • There will be no trading between players.
  • To accommodate the increased number of Iron players, shops will fully restock whenever they are opened.
  • Everybody will start with a 5x accelerated XP rate.
    • This multiplier increases further at specific Relic tiers.

Starting Stats

Your fresh Iron character will have the basic stats from Tutorial Island, as well as:

  • Level 3 Herblore
  • Level 5 Runecraft

These starting stats will let you access low-level Herblore and Runecraft training methods.

Run Energy

Leagues is all about high energy, exponential progression, which means we don’t want your character getting stuck having to walk while on the grind. Once again, your Run Energy will never deplete!

Quest and Diary Unlocks

Some quests or diary tasks that require access to inaccessible areas will be automatically unlocked. Most notably:

  • Druidic Ritual, to unlock Herblore.
  • Lost City, to unlock access to Zanaris.

You’ll also get a free Dramen Staff, to be claimed from the League Tutor, which will allow you to access Zanaris.


Tasks are a collection of goals and achievements for you to complete during the League. Anything from skilling, killing creatures and getting drops to completing quests, playing mini games and ticking off diary entries can be found on the Task List.

Completing Tasks nets you those all-important League Points, which you can use to unlock Relics and other rewards. The more difficult the Task, the more points you’ll get.

It’s super easy to pick out your next goal and get going. The Task interface handily sorts all tasks into tiers ranging from Easy to Master.

Once again, regions will be unlocked based on how many Tasks you’ve completed, not the number of points you earn.

Some tasks will be area specific, but each area has its fair share of challenges – and don’t forget those new bosses!

Examples of area-specific tasks include:

  • Enter Draynor Manor.
  • Complete the Easy Varrock Diary.
  • Defeat Scurrius.
  • Mine 25 Pure Essence.

Examples of general tasks, which can be completed in any region, include:

  • Bury some bones.
  • Complete a rooftop Agility Course.
  • Equip a Maple Shortbow.
  • Defeat a Guard.

We try and have every area within 10-20% of each others points so that any combination of area picks won’t stop you from getting your mitts on the Trophies.


Leagues is your opportunity to gain power at exponential levels, which means you could end up facing ferocious foes in a fraction of the time it took you in the main game, and some of you may take on quests that you haven’t even reached on your main. This is all thanks to Relics!

Relics give you buffs to customise your gameplay, meaning you can really lean into your strategy. Unlocked with League Points, they offer XP boosts, combat buffs, improved luck and more!

As you start your journey, you’ll be given your first choice between three Tier 1 Relics. Then, it’s up to you to complete Tasks, gain more points and build your Leagues experience for yourself.

We know you like to map out your route ahead of time, so we’ll be sharing plenty more information on Relics as we approach the start of Leagues V: Raging Echoes. Keep an eye out for sneak peeks along the way!

We shared plenty of Relic information in our Teasers and FAQ blog, so check that out for a head start!

League-to-League Rewards

When you earn certain rewards during your Leagues journey, you’ll have them in future Leagues, too.

Pets are one such reward. As long as you found your new follower during the League and insured them, your pets will be waiting for you next time a League comes a-knockin’. If you lose them in any other circumstance, you can reclaim them from the League Tutor. Plus, if you’ve netted yourself a transmog for your buddy, that’ll carry over from League to League, too! Carrying over a pet from a previous League will not complete any pet-specific tasks. Your main game pets will remain where they are, and your Leagues pets will not follow you back to the main game.

Right-click icons are automatically obtained and will show everyone who right-clicks you how well you performed in the previous League, with a unique symbol appropriate to your tier. Nice!